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  • Geochemistry, diagenesis and quality assessment of porous rocks reservoirs;

  • Hydrochemical fingerprint of geodynamic activities;

  • Seismic activity in the context of complex internal dynamics of fluid flow;

  • Geoelectrical investigation for environmental problems.



– Sedimentary basin evolution;
– Reservoir quality prediction, geochemistry and diagenesis in sandstones petroleum reservoirs;
– Fluids-rock interactions as the expression of fluid fracturing, veins and crustal modeling and related metallogeny as well as all connected geodynamic processes;
– Geochemical monitoring of mineral water springs in the proximity of Vrancea seismic area: (I) interpretation of the geochemical parameters in relationship with Vrancea seismic activity; (II) interpretation of the groundwater chemical composition in order to assess the deep origin fluids contributions;
– Study of some aspects of seismic activity to understand the contribution of internal fluid flow in geodynamic processes;
– Evaluation of mineral groundwater resources using electrical tomography method.



Under construction !

Dr. Maria-Lidia Nutu-Dragomir



 Dr. Maria-Lidia Nutu-Dragomir


Affiliation: Institute of Geodynamics of Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

Position: Scientific Researcher, Head of “Role of fluids in the dynamics of lithosphere” Department



University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics

  • 1998-2002, Bachelor’s degree, Section Geology;
  • 2002-2003, Master’s degree, Section Evaluation of Sedimentary Basins;
  • 2008-2012, Doctor in Geology;
    •               PhD Thesis: Diagenetic evolution of Lower and Middle Miocene siliciclastic sequences from Subcarpathian nappe in Vrancea area (Eastern Carpathians, Romania).


  • March-June 2003, ERASMUS scholarship at the University of Torino (Italy), Earth Science Department;
  • March 2004, Fluid Inclusions Short Course, University of Bucharest;
  • March 2004, Paleomagnetism Short Course, University of Bucharest;
  • September 2012, Short course of Fluid Inclusions in Diagenetic Environments, 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Schladming (Austria);
  • June 2015, Workshop – Groundwater and soil pollution investigations, Geophysical approach. SGEM 2015, Albena (Bulgaria);
  • September 2015, Field Camp in Electrical Signatures of Groundwater, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Balvanyos (Romania);
  • November 2015, Manager project Course, POSDRU/1244/6.3/S/127928, Bucharest;
  • May 2017, Workshop – Geoelectrical methods. Romanian Society of Applied Geophysics, Buzau County (Romania).


  • Diagenesis of siliciclastic rocks;
  • Diagenesis associated with fault systems;
  • Fluid inclusions in diagenetic environments;
  • Sedimentology of marine and fluvial siliciclastic deposits;


Institute of Geodynamics of Romanian Academy

  • 2003-2007, Research Assistant;
  • 2007-present, Scientific Researcher.


  • 2001, Facies models for sedimentary sequences from foreland and Carpathian orogen (CNCSIS, nr. 35252) (co-worker);
  • 2001, Study of diagenetic processes in Oligocene siliciclastic reservoirs from Eastern Carpathians and carbonatic reservois from Moesian Platform (SNP PETROM SA, nr. 5) (co-worker);
  • 2002-2003, Mineral resources associated with sedimentary deposits from Romania; sedimentological and petrographical considerations, and evaluation of their economical potential (CNCSIS, nr. 303618 and 33549) (co-worker);
  • 2003, Petrographical and diagenetical of Paleogene sedimentary deposits from Getic Depression (SNP PETROM SA, nr. 14) (co-worker);
  • 2004-2006, Structural localization of hydrothermal mineralizations associated with volcanic structures from Metaliferi Mountains; economical implications (MENER, 478/2004) (co-worker);
  • 2007-2010, PALEOCLIM – Geological diversity of Paleozoic from Romania and the relation with global climatic changes (PNII – CNMP 31-063/2007) (co-worker);
  • 2009-2017, Main features of endogene fluids circulation in Vrancea area and Apuseni Mountains: geodynamic conditions, fluidization processes and geochemical evolution of fluids (Romanian Academy priority program, theme 7.6) (co-ordinator).


  • 2001, First Prize at 2nd National Symposium of Geologist Students, Cluj-Napoca, Sedimentology section;
  • 2017, Best presentation award at 17-th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, Albena (Bulgaria), Geology section.


  • IAS – International Association of Sedimentologists;
  • AAPG – American Association of Petroleum Geologists;
  • SEG – Applied Geophysics Society from Romania;


  • SGEM 2016 (Albena, Bulgaria; 30 June – 6 July 2016):
    • Chairmen at Geology oral session;
  • SGEM 2017 (Albena, Bulgaria; 27 June – 6 July 2017)
    • Short address at the Opening Ceremony;
    • Chairmen at Applied and Environmental Geophysics oral session.


Dr. Horia Mitrofan




Dr. Horia Mitrofan


Affiliation: Institute of Geodynamics of Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

Position: Senior Researcher



University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics

  • 1972-1977, Bachelor’s degree, Section Geophysics;
  • 1998-2005, Doctor in Geology/Hydrology.
    •                 PhD Thesis:


  • 1990, Course of informatics, Informatics Center, Bucharest.
  • 1991, Short Course in Geothermal Reservoir Enineering, University of Aukland, New Zealand.


  • Geoelectrical surveys for groundwater;
  • Assessment of hydrogeothermal resources.


  • 1977-1985, Field Geophysicist at the Prospection Enterprise Bucharest;
  • 1985-1991, Hydrogeologist at the Geological Institute of Romania;
  • 1991-1996, Hydrogeologist at FORADEX S.A. Company;
  • 1997-2002, Hydrogeologist at The National Society of Mineral Waters;
  • 2002-2007, Sistem engineer at the Institute of Geodynamics of Romanian Academy;
  • 2007-present, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Geodynamics of Romanian Academy.


  • 1994-1996, Strategy for renewable energy resources in Romania (PHARE Programme) (co-worker);
  • 1993-1995, European atlass for Geothermal Recources (U.E. Programme) (project leader for Romania);
  • 2006-2008, INDEGEN – Integrated research on the intermediate depth earthquakes genesis within Vrancea zone (CEEX-MENER 732/24.07.2006) (co-worker);
  • 2008-2011, MIGRELEMENT – Study of some elements migration within aquiferous structures from the future final site of waste repository of low and intermediate active Saligny (PN II-PC, 32-112/01.10.2008) (project leader for IGAR);
  •  2012-present, RESILTHERM – Hydrothermal systems resilience against natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Case study: thermo-sulfur mineeral deposits from Baile Herculane (PN II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-1619) (co-worker);
  • 2014-present, Applied research for sustainable development and economic growth following the principles of geoconservation: Supporting the Buzău Land UNESCO Geopark initiative (GeoSust) (EEA-JRP-RO-NO-2013-1-0135) (co-worker);

Dr. Florina Tuluca (Chitea)



Dr. ing. Florina Tuluca (Chitea)


Affiliation: Institute of Geodynamics of Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

Position: Research Assistant



University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics

  • 1999-2004, Bachelor’s degree, Section Geophysics;
  • 2004-2005, Master’s degree, Section Environmental Engineering in Geology;
  • 2006-2009, Doctor in Geology;
    •                PhD Thesis: The use of geophysical methods in the protection measures strategy of soil and subsoil. Case study: hydrocarbon contamination of land and groundwater.


  • 2004, ERASMUS scholarship at the Polytechnics of Torino (Italy), Engineering for the environment and territory Department;
  • 2007, College on Soil Physics, Italy;
  • 2008, Advanced resistivity imagining seminar, Spain;
  • 2014, Georadar – First International EuroGPR School, Greece;
  • 2014, Manager project Course, COR 242101, Bucharest;
  • 2015, Formator Course, COR 242401, Bucharest;


  • Geoelectrical investigation of buried structures;
  • Studies of the influences induced by liquid pollutants on the geophysical data;
  • Mud volcanoes investigation.


  • 2004-present, Researcher at the Institute of Geodynamics of Romanian Academy.


  • 2006-2008, EduNatHer –  Educational strategies for the promotion of natural (European Programme Leonardo da Vinci) (co-worker);
  • 2008-2011, Study of the migration of some elements in the aquifer structures in the area of the  future final landfill waste site of weak and medium active Saligny (co-worker);
  • 2011, Geophysical study of Toplita area in order to determine the optimal location of a thermal water drill (project director);
  • 2013, Shallow depth geophysical study on the well location (project director);
  • 2015, Electrical signatures of groundwater – Student Geophysical Quest (project director).


  • 2014, Best presentation award at 14-th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, Albena (Bulgaria), Applied and Environmental Geophysics.


Dr. Nicoleta Cadicheanu



Dr. Nicoleta Cadicheanu


Affiliation: Institute of Geodynamics of Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

Position: Senior Researcher



University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics

  • 1977-1981, Bachelor’s degree, Section Theoretical Physics;
  • 1981-1982, Master’s degree, Section Atmosphere and Earth Science;

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics and, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium

  • 2005-2009, Doctor in Geology and Doctor in Science;
    •               PhD Thesis: Etude des influences gravitationnelle induites par les marees terrestres sur l’activite seismique intermediaire dans la zone de Vrancea.


  • 1980-1981, Course of General Astronomy and Astronomical Ephemeredes, Scientific and Cultural University, Bucharest, Romania;
  • 2002, 1st International BGI/ICET School (Belgium, 2002), International Summer School Jointly organized by BGI (Bureau Gravimétrique International) and International Center for Earth Tides (ICET), “Terrestrial Gravity Data Acquisition Techniques”, Catholic University of Louvain – Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Sept. 4-11;
  • 2003, International Summer School of Astronomy, Toulouse, France, July 250- Aug. 8;
  • 2013, NEMO Workshop – Numerical modelling using high performance computing infrastructures, Bucharest, Romania, June 10-11.


  • Studies of the gravimetric and tiltmetric sensors response at the crust deformation;
  • Modelling of the interaction between earth tides and seismic activity;
  • Studies of the influences induced by earth tides on the geophysical data;
  • Data acquisition and processing.


  • 2001-2003, Remote-sensing studies on the gravity, geomagnetic and geothermal anomalies for a better understanding of deep lithosphere processes within the Vrancea seismic zone, (AEROSPATIAL Programme, grant 11024/2001-2003) (co-worker);
  • 2001-2004, EMCGA-Mobile geophysical laboratory for complex studies in geodynamic active zones (MENER Programme, grant 093/15.10.2001) (co-worker);
  • 2002-2004, Theoretical and experimental study of the deforming phenomena induced by geomagnetic jerks of great intensity within the electro0energetic net. Monitoring, prediction and protection techniques (MENER Programme, grant 093/15.10.2001) (co-worker);
  • 2003, Inverse problems of the Maxwell equations with application in the geophysical information area (Romanian Academy grant GAR 95/2003) (co-worker);
  • 2003-2005, MODEST – Space-time modelling of the crust deformations within active geodynamic zones through the integration of terrestrial and space data (CERES Programme, grant 3-39/2003-2005) (co-worker);
  • 2004-2006, Research for evaluation and monitoring of the assurance in the exploitation of the great dams in Romania in point of seismic activity (MENER Programme, grant 438/20.09.2004) (co-worker);
  • 2005-2008, CIPACT – Studies of the influences induced by earth tides on the geophysical data (930173-ERB-351 PL 926540 Contract, Co-operation Programme between the Royal Observatory of Belgium and the Institute of Geodynamics) (co-worker);
  • 2005-2008, E2C2 – Extreme events: causes and Consequences (6-th Framework Programme, Contract no. 012975-E2C2, Specific Targeted Research Project) (co-worker);
  • 2006-2008, ATSEIS – Study of the attenuation proprieties of the seismic waves in lithosphere for the seismic hazards estimation on the Romanian territory (CEEX-MENER Programme, contract no. 726/24.07/2006) (co-worker);
  • 2010-2011, MIGRELEMENT – Study of certain elements migration within the aquifer structures from the area of the Saligny future final repository of low and medium active waste (PNCDI Programme, Contract no. 32112/01.08.2008) (co-worker);
  • 2011-2017, Crustal deformation monitoring at the level of the geodynamic observatories in Romania in parallel with the regional and global seismic activity (Romanian Academy priority programme, theme 7.7) (co-ordinator).




DRĂGUŞIN V., TÎRLĂ L., CADICHEANU N., ERSEK V. AND MIREA I.-C., 2018. Caves as observatories for atmospheric thermal tides: an example from Ascunsă Cave, Romania. International Journal of Speleology, 47 (1), xx-xx. Tampa, FL (USA) ISSN 0392-6672 Publiched: January 2018.

MIRELA-ADRIANA ANGHELACHE, HORIA MITROFAN, FLORINA CHITEA, ALEXANDRU DAMIAN, MĂDĂLINA VIŞAN, NICOLETA CADICHEANU, 2018. The Space-Time Distribution of Moderate- and Large-Magnitude Vrancea Earthquakes Fits Numerically-Predicted Stress Patterns. Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment, pp 39-51, Conference paper, First Online: 22 March 2018, Part of the Springer Natural Hazards book series (SPRINGERNAT), Editors: Radu Vacareanu and Constantin Ionescu


Nuţu-Dragomir M-L., (2017) Sedimentary characteristics of a Permian continental succession in Sirinia Basin (South Carpathians, Romania), Conference Proceedings, 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, ISBN 978-619-7105-98-8/ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2017/11/S01.064, vol. 17, issue 11, pp 503-514. (pdf)


MIRELA ADRIANA ANGHELACHE, H MITROFAN, F CHITEA and N CADICHEANU, 2016, Water as Hazard – A Case Scenario of Groundwater Radionuclide Pollution in Cernavodă Area, Due to the Effects of Earthquakes, Water as hazard and water as heritage, Report of the European Geosciences Union Topical Event, in Rome, 13.-14. June 2016, Edited by Maria Boştenaru Dan and Alex Dill, KIT Scientific Publishing,  trademark of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Print on Demand, 2018 – Gedruckt auf FSC-zertifiziertem Papier, ISBN 978-3-7315-0736-9, DOI 10.5445/KSP/1000076621

Nuţu-Dragomir M-L., (2016) Diagenetic history of Lower Miocene sandstones within the Subcarpathian nappe, East Carpathians (Romania). Conference Proceedings, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, ISBN 978-619-7105-55-1/ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2016, Book 1, vol. 1, pp 141-152. (pdf)

Nuţu-Dragomir M-L., Marin C., Mitrofan H., (2016) Trace elements geochemistry investigation concerning a CO2-rich groundwater discharge on the eastern flank of Ciomadul volcano (East Carpathians, Romania). Conference Proceedings, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, ISBN 978-619-7105-55-1/ISSN 1314-2704/, DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2016, Book 1, vol. 1, pp 665-671. (pdf)

Berbeleac I., Nuţu-Dragomir M-L., Udubasa S., (2016) Miocene maar and flow dome complex structures from Bucium Rodu and Frasin, Metaliferi Mountains, Romania. Rom. J. Mineral Deposits, vol. 89, nr. 1-2, pp 59-64. (pdf)

Mitrofan H., Anghelache M.-A., Chitea F., Damian A., Cadicheanu N., Vişan M., (2016) Lateral detachment in progress within the Vrancea slab (Romania): inferences from intermediate-depth seismicity patterns. Geophysical Journal International, vol. 205, issue 2, pp 864-875.  (pdf)

Chitea F., (2016) Electrical signatures of mud volcanoes – case studies from Romania. Conference Proceedings, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, ISBN 978-619-7105-55-5, Book 1, vol. III, pp 467-474. (pdf)

Chitea F., Ioane D., (2016) Evaluation of mineral groundwater resources in Harghita Mts. (Romania) using resistivity tomography and spatial data fusion. Conference Proceedings, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, ISBN 978-619-7105-55-5, Book 1, vol. I, pp 777-784. (pdf)

Marin C., Olariu A., Mitrofan H., Tudorache A., Chitea F., (2016) Magma-related acid groundwater scavenge base-metals from the sedimentary basement of the recently extinct Ciomadul Volcano. Conference Proceedings, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, ISBN 978-619-7105-55-5, Book 1, vol. III, pp 179-186. (pdf)

Olariu A., Chitea F., Ioane D., (2016) Time-space variability of physical parameters of water sources in a post-volcanic environment. Conference Proceedings, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, ISBN 978-619-7105-55-5, Book 1, vol. III, pp 347-354. (pdf)

Chitea F., (2016) Soil chemical pollution reflected in groundwater electrical properties. Romanian Reports in Physics, vol. 68, issue 2, pp 760-773. (pdf)

Georgescu P., Chitea F., (2016) Prospectiuni electrice I – Metode de prospectoine in curent continuu. Ed. Universitatii Bucuresti. (book)


Nuțu M-L., Vaselli O., (2015) Fault-related fluid flow within Subcarpathian nappe domain (East Carpathians) during post-collision stage. Conference Proceedings, 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, ISBN 978-619-7105-31-5/ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2015/B11/S1.019, Book 1, vol. 1, pp 141-150. (pdf)

Berbeleac I., Nuțu M-L., Chitea F., (2015) Relationships between crustal faults, shallow magmatic chamber and Neogene porphyry Cu-Au systems. Conference Proceedings, 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, ISBN 978-619-7105-31-5/ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2015/B11/S1.055, Book 1, vol. 1, pp 435-442. (pdf)

Mitrofan H., Marin C., Povară I., (2015) Possible conduit-matrix water exchange signatures outlined at a karst spring. Groundwater, vol. 53, Supplement 1, pp 113-122.  (abstract)

Roba C., Roşu C., Burghele B-D., Moldovan M., Mitrofan H., (2015) The quality of natural mineral waters from Buzău County. Aerul şi Apa: Componente ale Mediului, pp 102-108. (pdf)

Roba C., Roşu C., Piştea I., Ozunu A., Mitrofan H., (2015) Groundwater quality in a rural area from Buzău County, Romania. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, vol. 15 (2), pp 305-310. (pdf)


Mitrofan H., Chitea F., Anghelache M.A., Visan M., (2014) Possible triggered seismicity signatures associated with the Vrancea intermediate-depth strong earthquakes (Southeast Carpathians, Romania). Seismological Research Letters, vol. 85, pp 314-323. (pdf)

Mitrofan H., Marin C., Tudorache A., Visan M., (2014) Diagnosing non-meteorically induced variations in the chemistry of saline springs of the Vrancea seismic area (Romania). Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol. 171, pp 2315–2338. (pdf)

Balan S.F., Ioane D., Cioflan C., Panea I., Apostol B., Malita Z., Chitea F., Anghelache M.A., (2014) Scenarios for local seismic effects of Tulcea (Romania) crustal earthquakes – preliminary approach of the seismic risk characterization for Tulcea city. Earthquakes Hazard Impact and Urban  Planning, Environmental Hazards Series, Springer, pp 85-103. (abstract)

Ioane D., Diaconescu M., Chitea F., Garbacea G., (2014) Active fault systems and their significance for urban planning in Bucharest, Romania. Earthquakes Hazard Impact and Urban  Planning, Environmental Hazards Series, Springer, pp 85-103. (pdf)


Ioane D., Chitea F., (2012) ERT and VES studies for thermo-mineral water in Toplita area, Romania. Geo-Eco-Marina, no. 18, pp 179-185. (pdf)


Chitea F., Georgescu P., Ioane D., (2011) Geophysical detection of marine intrusions in Black Sea coastal areas (Romania) using VES and ERT data. Geo-Eco-Marina, no. 17, pp 177-184. (pdf)


Cadicheanu, N., (2010) The statistical tidal tomography – a new investigation method for the intermediate-depth seismic activity. Romanian Reports in Physics, vol. 62, issue 4, pp 865-877. (pdf)

Mitrofan H., Chitea F., Anghelache M.A., Marin C., Tudorache A. (2010) Subsurface temperature signatures related to particular focal mechanisms, in Romania (Vrancea) and Northern Italy seismic regions , Romanian Reports in Physics , vol. 62 , pp 854-864. (pdf)

Mitrofan H., Anghelache M.A., Chitea F., (2010) Shallow seismic activity (<55km) triggerd along the Marasesti-Galati-Braila lineament in response to the major sub-crustal earthquakes of Vrancea area. Rev. Roum. Geophysique, tome 54, pp 39-54. (pdf)

Marin C., Mitrofan H., Dinu I., Tudorache A., (2010) Deciphering hydrochemical information provided by saline springs in the Carpathians bend area: no strong Vrancea earthquake expected to occur earlier than 2012. Geo-Eco-Marina , vol. 16 , pp 129-138. (pdf)

Mitrofan H., Marin C., Zugravescu D., Chitea F., Anghelache M.A., Besutiu L., Tudorache A., (2010) Persistent pre-seismic signature detected by means of Na-K-Mg geothermometry records in a saline spring of Vrancea area (Romania). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences , vol. 10 , pp 217-225. (pdf)

Georgescu P., Ioane D., Ciculescu B.M., Chitea F., (2010) Geoelectrical investigations of marine intrusions on the Romanian Black Sea shore. Geo-Eco-Marina, no. 16, pp 85-92. (pdf)


Nuțu M-L., (2009) Brief overview on the tectonic-structural evolution of East Carpathians, focused on the bending area. In Besutiu L. (editor): Integrated research on the intermediate-depth earthquake genesis within Vrancea zone, Vergiliu Publishing House, Bucharest, ISBN 978-973-7600-59-2, pp 29-35. (pdf)

Mitrofan H., Marin C., Zugravescu D., Tudorache A., Besutiu L., Anghelache M., Radu M., (2009) Na-K-Mg geothermometer signatures of some Vrancea significant earthquakes, in Besutiu L. (editor): Integrated research on the intermediate-depth earthquake genesys within Vrancea zone , Vergiliu publishing house, Bucharest, ISBN 978-973-7600-59-2, pp 219-232. (pdf)

Zhu, P, van Ruymbeke, M., Cadicheanu N., (2009) A stacking method and its applications to Lanzarote tide gauge records. Journal of Geodynamics, vol. 48, pp 138–143, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2009.09.038. (pdf)


Mitrofan H., Marin C., Zugravescu D., Tudorache A., Besutiu L., Radu M., (2008) Transients of Giggenbach’s Na-K-Mg-Ca geoindicators preceding the 27 October 2004, Mw = 6.0 earthquake in Vrancea area (Romania). Terra Nova, vol. 20, pp 87-94. (abstract)

Mitrofan H., Povara I., Mafteiu M., (2008) Geoelectrical investigations by means of resistivity methods in karst areas in Romania. Environmental Geology, vol. 55, pp 405-413. (abstract)


van Ruymbeke, M., Zhu, P., Cadicheanu, N., Naslin, S., (2007) Very Weak Signals (VWS) detected by stacking method according to different astronomical periodicities (HiCum). Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., vol. 7, pp 651–656. (pdf)

Cadicheanu, N., van Ruymbeke, M., Zhu, P., (2007) Tidal triggering evidence of intermediate depth earthquakes in the Vrancea zone (Romania), Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., vol. 7, pp 733-740. (pdf)

Cadicheanu, N., Zhu, P., van Ruymbeke,M., (2007) Spatial and temporal variations of the correlation coefficient between M2 and S2 earth tides components and earthquake occurrence for the intermediate-depth seismic activity zones. Acta Geodaetica Et Geophysica Hungarica,  vol. 43, issue 2-3, pp 131-144. (pdf)


Berbeleac I., Jude R., Udubasa S.S, Nuțu M-L., (2006) Gold in Pre-Alpine mineralizations from Romania.  Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Szeged, Abstract Series 5, pp 14-17. (abstract)

Beşuţiu L., Cadicheanu N., (2006) Geodynamic considerations on the space-time migration of the Vrancea intermediate-depth seismicity: in Rus, T. (Ed.) Geodynamic Studies in Romania- Vrancea Zone. A Monograph, Reports on Geodesy, no.6 (81), pp 43-57, ISSN 0867-3179, Warszawa. (pdf)

Cadicheanu, N., van Ruymbeke, M., Zugravescu, D., Everaerts, M., Howard, R., (2006) Periodical tendencies in Vrancea seismic activity detected by the Hi-Cum stacking method. Rev. Roum. Geophysique, vol. 50, pp 31-57. (pdf)

Zugravescu D., Marin C., Mitrofan H., Tudorache A., Radu M., (2006) Specific behavior of the ”Na-K-Mg maturity index” (Giggenbach) in saline springs at Slanic Moldova before and after the major Vrancea earthquake (Mw=6.0) of 27.10.2004. Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, vol. 50, pp. 69-78. (pdf)

Zugravescu D., Mitrofan H., Ene M., (2006) Nota preliminara asupra unor variatii anomale ale temperaturii apei freatice, detectate în apropierea observatorului geodinamic Caldarusani. Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, vol. 44, pp 51-62. (pdf )


Berbeleac I., Zugravescu D., Nuțu M-L., (2004) Some aspect of planar flow bending and flow foliation in Neogene andesite from Voia Area, Muntii Metaliferi. Romanian J. Mineral Deposits, vol. 81, pp 73-75. (pdf)

Berbeleac I., Zugravescu D., Radulescu V., Stanica D., Nuțu M-L., (2004) The structure of Voia Neogene subvolcanic body and related alteration mineralization in the light of drilling exploration and MTS data, Romania. Romanian J. Mineral Deposits, vol. 81, pp 76-79. (pdf)


Lőrinczi J., Cadicheanu N., (2001) Numerical evaluation of the earth crust vertical movements on the basis of high accuracy geometrical levelling measurements repeated in the area of the geodynamic micro-polygon Valea Sării – Bârseşti – Tulnici – Vrâncioaia – Valea Sării. Académie Roumaine – Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, vol. 45.

Mitrofan H., (2001) – The Na-K-Mg geothermometer response to earthquake-related deformation of a deep fracture aquifer. Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, Bucharest, vol. 45, pp 73-87. (abstract)



Cadicheanu Nicoleta, Could earthtide recordings help to remove the ambiguity of the fault plan solution? Annual Scientific Session of the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Mars 27-28, 2018


  • November 21-22, 2017 – “G.I.S. in Geology and Geophysics” at Institute of Geodynamics of Romanian Academy.


Cadicheanu Nicoleta, Monitoring of the Earth Deformations at Geodynamic Observatories in Romania and of the Regional and Global Seismic Activity / Monitorizarea deformărilor globului terestru la nivelul observatoarelor de geodinamică din România în paralel cu activitatea seismică regională şi globală. Annual Scientific Session of the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, April 5 , 2016


Cadicheanu Nicoleta: Phase variations of the amplitude for the M2 Earth tide component at the level of the geodynamic observatories from Romania. Annual Scientific Session of the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, January 9-10, 20

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