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Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Munteanu, F., The seismic activity in the Vrancea region in the light of the events thread analysis, în The Active Geodynamic Zone of Vrancea, Romania, Ed. Acad. Române, Eds.: Zugravescu D., Suteanu C., 103-110, Bucuresti, 2005.
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Zugravescu, D., Polonic, G., Negoita, V., Stress field orientation in the Transylvanian Basin, inferred from borehole measurements, Suppl. Journ. Balkan Geophysical Society, 8, 731-735, ISSN 1302 – 1672, 2005.
Zugravescu, D., Polonic, G., Negoita, V., Present state of stress determination in the Transylvanian Basin using boreholes measurements, St. cerc. Geofizica, 43, 2005.
Zugravescu, D., Damian A., Space-time evolution of some Vrancea orogene and foreland tectonic units, în The Active Geodynamic Zone of Vrancea, Romania, Ed. Acad. Române, Eds.: Zugravescu D., Suteanu C., 51-72, Bucuresti, 2005.
Zugravescu, D., Mândrescu N., Suteanu C., Munteanu F., Some peculiarities of the Vrancea (Romania) intermediate-depth earthquakes, în The Active Geodynamic Zone of Vrancea, Romania, Ed. Acad. Române, Eds.: Zugravescu D., Suteanu C., 95-102, Bucuresti, 2005.
Zugravescu, D., Polonic G., Damian A., Mission Éuropéenne de Géodynamique 2000, în The Active Geodynamic Zone of Vrancea, Romania, Ed. Acad. Române, Eds.: Zugravescu D., Suteanu C., 165-172, Bucuresti, 2005.
Zugravescu, D., Polonic G., Horomnea M., Dragomir V., Recent vertical crustal movements on the Romanian territory, image of the geodynamic active zones, în The Active Geodynamic Zone of Vrancea, Romania, Ed. Acad. Române, Eds.: Zugravescu D., Suteanu C., 17-24, Bucuresti, 2005.
Zugravescu, D., Radulian M., The Vrancea seismogenic zone a natural geodynamic laboratory, în The Active Geodynamic Zone of Vrancea, Romania, Ed. Acad. Române, Eds.: Zugravescu D., Suteanu C., 13-16, Bucuresti, 2005.
Zugravescu, D., Stanica D., Stanica M., Enescu D., Soare A., Electromagnetic field recording in the geodynamic active Vrancea zone; precursory phenomena of the earthquakes, în The Active Geodynamic Zone of Vrancea, Romania, Ed. Acad. Române, Eds.: Zugravescu D., Suteanu C., 73-94, Bucuresti, 2005.
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Berbeleac, I., Zugravescu, D., Radulescu, V., Stanica, D., Nutu, M.L., The structure of Voia Neogene subvolcanic body and related alteration mineralization in the light of drilling exploration and MTS data, Romania. Rom. J. of Mineral Deposits, 81, 76-79, 2004.
Besutiu L., Ghioca G., Zlagnean L., Zugravescu, D., Considerations on the lithosphere compartments on the Romanian territory. Dynamics and some seismotectonic consequences, Ber. Inst. Erdwiss. K.-F.-Univ. Graz, p. 79-81, Graz, 2004.
Besutiu, L., Zugravescu, D., Considerations on the Black Sea opening and related geodynamic echoes in its NW inland as inferred from geophysical data interpretation. Ukrainian Geologist, no.3, p. 51-60, Kiev, 2004.
Besutiu, L., Zugravescu, D., Geophysical considerations on the Black Sea opening and its seismo-tectonic consequences, Rev. roum. Géophysique, 48, 3-14, 2004.
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Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Ciurdea, D., Andreescu,M., Ciocoiu, N., Dobrica, V., Soare, A, Cucu, G., 2004, Regional peculiarities of the evolution of the main geomagnetic field and of the reference field in Romania, 2, Volumul Sesiunii MENER-2004, E31-E35 (in Romanian), ISBN 973-648-363-0.
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Seghedi I., Geological evolution of the Apuseni Mountains with emphasis on the Neogene magmatism. In Guidebook of the international field workshop of IGCP project 486, Alba Iulia, Romania, IAGOD Guidebook series 12, Nigel J. Cook and Cristina L. Ciobanu (editors), 5-22, 2004.
Seghedi I., Downes H., Szakács A., Mason P. R. D., Thirlwall M. F., Rosu E., Pécskay Z., Márton E., Panaiotu C., Neogene – Quaternary magmatism and geodynamics in the Carpathian-Pannonian region: a synthesis. Lithos 72, 117-146. (2004)
Seghedi I., Szakács A., Snelling N. J., Pécskay Z., Evolution of the Gurghiu Mountains Neogene Volcanic Range (East Carpathians, Romania), based on K-Ar geochronology. Geologica Carpathica 55, 4, 325-332, 2004.
Soare, A., Manea, G., Mateescu, G., Cucu, G., Long-term stability of the magnetic field in the Surlari National Geomagnetic Observatory area, St. cerc. Geofizica, 42, 59-72, 2004.
D. Stanica, M. Stanica and Dorel Zugravescu: The electromagnetic precursory phenomena associated with the earthquakes occurred in the Vrancea seismogenic zone. Proceedings of the International workshop COST ACTION 625, ”Active Faults: Analysis, processes and monitoring”, Studi Geologici Camerti. Special Issue, Volume 2004, p.135-138.
Stanica, D., Stanica, M., Zugravescu, D., The electromagnetic precursory phenomena associated with the eartquakes occured in the Vrancea seismogenic zone, Studi Geologici Camerti, Special Issue, Active Faults: Analysis processes and monitoring, EDIMOND, Italy, 135-139, 2004.
Stanica, D., Zugravescu, D., Mobile geophysical laboratory: electromagnetic, electric and seismo-acustic analysis, Studi Geologici Camerti, Special Issue, Active Faults: Analysis processes and monitoring, EDIMOND, Italy, 131-134, 2004.
Stanica, D., Stanica, M., Piccardi, L., Tondi, E., Cello, G., Evidence of geodynamic torsion in the Vrancea zone (Eastern Carpathians), Rev. roum. Géophysique, 48, 15-20, 2004.
Zugravescu, D., Stanica, D., Asimopolos, L., Popescu, M., Studii experimentale comparative asupra senzorilor electrici realizati în cadrul Institutului de Geodinamica, St. cerc. Geofizica, 42, 73-88, 2004.
Berbeleac I., Time-Space geodynamic evolution of Tertiary magmatic and metallogenetic activity in South Apuseni Mountains, Romania. St. cerc. Geofizica, 41, 19-56, 2003.
Besutiu, L., Plate tectonics on the Romanian territory. Dynamics and some seismotectonic consequences, in Hain, V.E., Gherasimov, M.E. (Eds), Problemî geodinamiki i neftegazonosti Tchernomorskovo-Kaspiiskovo regiona, p.19-23, Simferopol, 2003.
Besutiu, L., Zugravescu, D., Geophysical evidence on the Black Sea opening and geodynamic echoes within the NW inland, in Hain, V.E, Gherasimov, M.E. (Eds.) Geodinamika i neftegazonosnîe strukturî Tchernomorskovo-Kaspiiskovo regiona, p.168-178, Simferopol, 2003.
Bucurescu, D., Gâdea, A., Cata-Danil, Gh., Cata-Danil, I., Ivascu, M., Margineanu, N., Rusu, C., Stroe, I., Ur, C.A., High-spin states in the 97Tc nucleus, European Physics Journal, A 16, pg. 469-461, 2003.
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Ivascu, M., Bucurescu, D., Cata-Danil, G., Cata-Danil, I., Margineanu, N., Ur, C.A., Sobech, Yu. N., Lifetime measurements in 113In, Journal of Physics, 48, Supplement I, pp. 339-351, 2003.
Ivascu, M., Investigation of geophysical, geological and astrophysical problems by accelerator mass spectrometry, St. cerc. de geofizica, 41, 127-144, 2003.
Munteanu, M., Tatu, M., The East – Carpathian Crystalline – Mesozoic Zone (Romania): Paleozoic amalgamation of Gondwana – and East European Craton derived terranes. Gondwana Reasearch, 6, 2: 185-196, 2003.
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Sandi, H., Borcia, I.S., Vlad, N., Stancu, M., Stancu, O., Toma, I., On the predictability of spectral contents of the ground motion in case of Vrancea earthquakes, în Rev. roum, Géoph., 47, 31-48, 2003.
D. Stanica, M. Ivascu, D. Zugravescu : Geophysical equipment meant for complex studies in geodynamic active zones. R.J.of Physics, Vol. 55, No.4, 619-625, 2003.
D. Stanica, M Stanica: Methodology and equipment used for emphasizing the short-term electromagnetic (EM) precursory parameters of the Vrancea’s earthquakes. The XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, June 30-July 11, 2003, Sapporo, Japan. Abstract Volume, A.186.
Soramel, F., Guglielmenti, A., Bonetti, R., Gemetti, M., Stroe, L., Mazzocio, M., Signorini, G., Ivascu, M., Petrache, C.M., Studies of proton Emiting Nuclei at Legnaro Natural Laboratories, PROCON, 2003, in: Editors Enrico Moglione, Francesco Soramel; AIP Conference Proceedings Second International Symposium, pp. 18-25, 2003.
Zugravescu, D., Polonic, G., Active tectonic processes, cause of the crustal seismicity in the Vrancea region, Rev. roum. de Geophysique, 47, 3-30, 2003.
BESUTIU, L., ZUGRAVESCU, D. Considerations on the Black Sea opening and its seismotectonic consequences: Rev. roum. Géophys., 48, (2003)
BESUTIU, L., NEAGA, V., NICOLESCU, A., LÕRINCZI, J., BESUTIU, G., ILIES, I. Preliminary results on the achievement of the new gravity reference network of Republic of Moldova: Bur. Grav. Int., Bull. Inf. No. 94, 29-41, Toulouse, (2003)
BESUTIU, L. Tektonika plit na Rumînskoi teritorii. Dinamika i nekotorîe seismotektoniceskie posledstviia: Problemî geodinamiki i neftegazonosti Tchernomorskovo-Kaspiiskovo regiona (Hain, V.E., Gherasimov, M.E. Eds), Tezisî dokladov na V Mejdunarodnoi Konferentii “Krîm-2003, 19-23, Ageo, Simferopol, (2003)
NEUNER, J., SAVULESCU, C., CSAKI, M., BESUTIU, L., MOLDOVEANU, C. – IAG activities in Romania 1999-2003: IUGG 2003, Book of Abstracts, Sapporro, (2003).
Sandi, H., Borcia, I.S., Vlad, N., Stancu, M., Stancu, O., Toma, I., On the predictability of spectral contents of the ground motion in case of Vrancea earthquakes, în Rev. roum, Géoph., 47, 31-48, 2003.
Berbeleac I., Time-Space geodynamic evolution of Tertiary magmatic and metallogenetic activity in South Apuseni Mountains, Romania. St. cerc. Geofizicã, 41, 19-56, Bucuresti, 2003.
Ivascu, M., Investigation of geophysical, geological and astrophysical problems by accelerator mass spectrometry, St. cerc. de geofizicã, 41, 127-144, 2003.
Andreescu, M., Nielsen, S. B., Polonic, G., Demetrescu, C., 2002, Thermal budget of the Transylvanian lithosphere. Reasons for a low surface heat-flux anomaly in a Neogene intra-Carpathian basin. Geophys. J. Int., 150, 494-505, ISSN 0956-540X.
Andreescu M., Demetrescu C., Serban D.Z., Negut A., Niculescu B., 2002, Process of hydrocarbon maturation in the Transylvanian Depression from the perspective of a complex thermal model for the basin evolution. Volumul Sesiunii CERES-2002, 251, ISBN 973-8488-09-5.
BESUTIU, L., CADICHEANU, N. (2002) Migratia seismicitatii subcrustale din zona Vrancea: realitate sau fictiune matematica St. cerc. geofizica, 40, 45-56, Bucuresti
Dumitru Stanica and Maria stanica: Geodynamic twist process of the seismogenic slab-a new attempt to explain the earthquakes’ mechanism of the Vrancea zone. 16-th Workshop on EMI in the Earth, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 16-22, 2002.
Dumitru Stanica, Maria stanica and Dorel Zugravescu: ULF electromagnetic phenomena connected with Vrancea (Romania) seismic events. 16-th Workshop on EM Induction in the Earth, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 16-22, 2002
Demetrescu, C., Mogi, T., Ciocoiu, N., Takada, M., Dobrica, V., Magnetic and electromagnetic effects in long-term recordings from tectonomagnetic arrays. Case study – Hokkaido array, Japan. Bul. Inst. Geodinamica, 13, 2.
Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Ciurdea, D., Andreescu,M., Ciocoiu, N., Dobrica, V., Soare, A, Cucu, G., 2002, Regional peculiarities of the evolution of the main geomagnetic field and of the reference field in Romania, 1, Volumul Sesiunii MENER-2002, 563-569 (in Romanian), ISBN 973-648-079-8.
Suteanu, C., Kruhl, J.H., Investigation of heterogeneous scaling intervals exemplified by sutured quartz grain boundaries (accepted for publication in Fractals) (to appear in 2002).
Andreescu, M., Demetrescu, C., Rheological implications of the thermal structure of the lithosphere in the convergence zone of the eastern Carpathians, J. Geodynamics, 31, 373-391, 2001.
Demetrescu, C., Nielsen, S. B., Ene, M., Serban, D. Z., Polonic, G., Andreescu, M., Pop, A., Balling, N., 2001, Lithosphere thermal structure and evolution of the Transylvanian Depression – insights from new geothermal measurements and modelling results, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 126, 249-267, ISSN 0031-9201.
Demetrescu, C, Nielsen, S.B., Ene, M., Serban, D.Z., Polonic, G., Andreescu, M., Pop, A., Balling, N., Lithosphere thermal structure and evolution of the Transylvanian Depression – Insights from new geothermal measurements and modelling results, Physics of the earth and planetary Interiors, 126, 249-267, 2001.
Polonic, G., Hauser, F., Raileanu, V., Fielitz, W., Bala, A., Prodehl, C., Schulze, A., Vrancea 99 – the crustal structure beneath the southeastern Carpathians and the Moesian Platform from a seismic refraction profile in Romania, Tectonophysics, 340, 233-256, 2001.
Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Ioana, C., Dynamic fingerprints of dissipative systems with discrete appearance: Applications in the study of seismicity, in J.H.Kruhl and H.-J.Krug (eds.), Non-Equilibrium Processes and Dissipative Structures in Geoscience, volume XI of “Yearbook for Complexity in Natural, Social and Human Sciences”, Berlin, Duncker and Humblot, 209-228, 2001.
Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Munteanu, F., Fractured rock structures – evaluation of orientation dependent scaling properties, in D.Zugravescu, C.Suteanu (eds.), Geodynamics – Outline of a Domain, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (in press), 2001.
Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Munteanu, F., The seismic activity in the Vrancea region in the light of the Events Thread analysis, The Active Geodynamic Zone of Vrancea, Romania, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (in press), 2001.
Suteanu, C., Contrasting views of natural hazards: Geodynamics and the public perception of extreme environmental variability, in D.Zugravescu, C.Suteanu (eds.), The Active Geodynamic Zone of Vrancea, Romania, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (in press), 2001.
Serban, D.Z., Jacobsen, B.H., The use of broadband prior covariance for inverse paleoclimate estimation. Geophys. J. Int., 147, 29-40, 2001.
Serban, D.Z., Nielsen, S.B., Demetrescu, C., Transylvanian heat flow in the presence of topography, paleoclimate and groundwater flow, Tectonophysics, 335, 331-344, 2001.
Serban, D.Z., Nielsen, S.B., Demetrescu, C., Long wavelength ground surface temperature history from continuous temperature logs in the Transylvanian Basin, Global Planetary Change, 29, 201-217, 2001.
Zugravescu, D., Suteanu, C., Geodynamique a l’echelle planetaire (Geodynamics at global scale) (in French); in D.Zugravescu, C.Suteanu (eds.), Geodynamics – Outline of a Domain, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (in press), 2001.
Zugravescu, D., Radulian, M., The Vrancea seismogenic zone – a natural geodynamics laboratory, in D.Zugravescu, C.Suteanu (eds.), The active geodynamic zone of Vrancea, Romania, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (in press), 2001.
Besutiu L., Neaga V., Nicolescu A., Besutiu G., Ilies I. Preliminary considerations on the merging of the national gravity reference networks of Romania and Republic of Moldova, St. cerc. geofizica, 39, 51-65 (in Romanian), (2001)
BESUTIU, L., NICOLESCU, A., ZORILESCU, VL. Considerations on the gravity system of Romania: Bur. Grav. Int., Bull. Inf. No. 89, 35-47, Toulouse (2001)
LÕRINCZI I., CADICHEANU N., ZLAGNEAN L. Determination of probable altitudes H(t) for benchmarks located in the Vrancea geodynamically active area, Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica 39, 3-15, (2001)
ZLAGNEAN L., HOROMNEA M., ANDRIES F. Time – space evolution of some parameters within Tulnici geodynamics polygon, Studii si cercetari de Geofizica, 39, 35-51 (in Romanian), (2001)
Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., 2000, Thermal and rheological constraints on tectonic models of convergence in the Eastern Carpathians, St. cerc. Geofizica, 38, 63-84, ISSN 1220-5265.
Dumitru Stanica, Maria Stanica, Laurentiu Asimopolos: The main Tethyan suture zone revealed by magnetotelluric tomography. Geophysique, 44, p.123-130, 2000,Bucarest, ISSN 1220-5303.
Suteanu, C., Contrasting views of natural hazards: geodynamics and the public perception of extreme environmental variability, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 44, 2000.
Suteanu, C., On the processes of meaning in geodynamics. Implications of a nonlinear approach, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 44, 2000.
Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Munteanu, F., Fractal approach of structuring by fragmentation, in T.Blenkinsop, J.H.Kruhl and M.Kupkova (eds.), Fractal and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience, Basel, Birkhaeuser, 539-557, 2000.
Andreescu, M., Demetrescu, C., A thermal and rheological model for the lithosphere in the convergence zone of the Eastern Carpathians, Rev. Roum. Geophysique, 43, 45-57, 1999.
Demetrescu, C, Shimamura, H., Groundwater microtemperature measurements in Romania, In : G.Buntebarth (Ed.), Microtemperature Signals of the Earth’s Crust, Clausthal-Zellerfeld Papierflieger, 142-147, 1999.
Demetrescu, C, Andreescu, M., Thermal and rheological constants on tectonic models of convergence in the Eastern Carpathians, St. cerc. Geofizica 37, 1999.
D.Stanica, M.Stanica, D.Zugravescu: Geodynamic evolution of the Vrancea seismogenic area revealed by magnetotelluric tomography. St.cerc. Geofizica, tomul 37,. 61-69, 1999, Bucuresti.ISSN: 1220-5265.
Stanica M., Stanica D., Marin-Furnica C.: The Placement of the Trans-European Suture Zone by Electromagnetic Arguments on the Romanian Territory. In Monography of the Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth (papers presented at the 14th workshop in Sinaia, august, 1998), D. Stanica and J. Weaver (Guest Editors). Earth, Planets and Space, 51, 1073-1078, Japan, 1999, ISSN: 1343-8832.
Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Munteanu, F., Critical slip displacement along an active geodynamic fault: dynamics on the interface (in Romanian, with an English abstract), Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 35, 1-12, 1999.
Demetrescu, C, Polonic, G., Andreescu, M., Ene, M., Thermal aspects of the geodynamic evolution of the Carpatho-Pannonian area, in: J.Sledzinski (Editor), Monograph of Soutern Carpathians, CERGOP Study Group 8 “Geotectonic Analysis of the Region of Central Europe”, Reports on Geodesy, 7, 217-230, 1998.
Suteanu, C., Ioana, C., Munteanu, F., Zugravescu, D., Fragmentation laws and the collisional breakup of planetary bodies, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 42, 15-26, 1998.
Suteanu, C., Events Thread analysis – a new approach to the investigation of seismogenic systems, Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 35, 21-33, 1998.
Serban, D.Z., Steady state and transient processes affecting the heat flow determinations with application to the Transylvanian Depression, Rev. Roum. Geophys., 42, 75-91, 1998.
Dumitru Stanica and Maria Stanica : 2 D modelling of the geoelectrical structure in the area of the deep-focus Vrancea Earthquakes. In Monography of Southern Carpathians, Reports on Geodesy, no.7(37), Inst. of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy, pp.193-203, Warsaw, 1998.
Chiscan, V., Damian, A., Aspecte ale evolutiei geologice a sectorului moesic central Dobrogean acuatorial si consecinte, St. cerc. Geofiz. 35, 81-99, 1997.
Cretu, E., Ioana, C., Suteanu, C., Munteanu, F., Rusu, M., Time series generator based on cellular automata, Journal of Technical Physics, 38, 2, 271-276, 1997.
Polonic, G., Malita, Z., Geodynamic processes and seismicity in Banat (Romania). Rev de Geophysique, Rev Roum. de Geophys., Acad. Roum. 41 (in press), 1997
Suteanu, C., Ioana, C., Cretu, E., Munteanu, F., Complex dynamics and self-organized criticality, Journal of Technical Physics, 38, 2, 345-348, 1997.
Suteanu, C., Munteanu, F., Zugravescu, D., Scaling regimes and anisotropy: towards an effective approach to complex geologic structures, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 41, 25-43, 1997.
Zugravescu, D., Polonic, G., Geodynamic compartments and present-day stress on the Romanian territory, Rev Roum. de Geophys., Acad. Roum., 41, 1997.
Zugravescu, D., Munteanu, F., Suteanu, C., Geodynamics – an evolving concept (in Romanian, with an English abstract), Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 37, 1-12, 1997.
Polonic, G., Structure of the crystalline basement in Romania, Rev. Roum. Geophys. 40, 57-71, 1996.
Polonic, G., Extensia un proces geodinamic important in formarea Depresiunii Transilvaniei, St. cerc. Geofiz. 34, 47-61, 1996.
Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Munteanu, F., Ioana, C., Self-organization in geodynamic phenomena, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 40, 3-9, 1996.
Suteanu, C., Structuring by fragmentation revealed by 3-dimensional evaluation, Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 34, 3-19, 1996.
Demetrescu, C, Soare, A., Enescu, D.,Contributii ale geofizicii generale la activitatea de prospectiune din tara noastra, St.cerc. Geofizica, 33, 81-87, 1995.
Ioana, C., Munteanu, F., Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Local and global anisotropy in two-dimensional structures: a new estimation method, Romanian Geophysics, 2, P20, 1995.
Munteanu, F., Ioana, C., Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Discriminating transient dynamics and critical states in active geodynamic areas, Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 33, 3-14, 1995.
Munteanu F., Ioana C., Suteanu C., Cretu, E., Smoothing dimensions for time series characterization, Fractals, 3, 2, 315-328, 1995.
Munteanu, F., Suteanu, C., Ioana, C., Zugravescu, D., Fractal domains and dominant sizes in crack patterns, Romanian Geophysics, 2, C23, 1995.
Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Ioana, C., Munteanu, F., Correlation in size and space distributions pertaining to fragmented structures, Romanian Geophysics, 2, C22, 1995.
Suteanu, C., Data clustering detection for the evaluation of fragmentation phenomena, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 39, 13-24, 1995.
Suteanu, C., Munteanu, F., Zugravescu, D., Hierarchies, scaling and anisotropy in dehydration cracking, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 39, 3-11, 1995.
Suteanu, C., Inhomogeneous resolution analysis method for outcomes of fragmentation processes, Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 33, 15-29, 1995.
Demetrescu, C, Atanasiu, G., Results of research on the secular variation of the geomagnetic field, Rev. Roum. de Geophysique, 38, 118-120, 1994.
Andreescu, M., Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Diaconescu, M., Raileanu, V., Radulescu, F., Pompilian, A., Enescu, D.,Complex geophysical study in the western part of the Moesian Platform and Carpathian Foredeep, Rev. Roum Geophysique, 38, 57-72, 1994.
Demetrescu, C, Andreescu, M., Magnetic and electromagnetic induction effects in the annual means of the vertical component of the geomagnetic field at European Observatories, Rev. Roum Geophysique, 38, 73-84, 1994.
Demetrescu, C, Andreescu, M., On the thermal regime of some tectonic units in a continental collision environment in Romania, Tectonophysics, 230, 265-276, 1994.
Munteanu, F., Ioana, C., Cretu, E., Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Algorithme pour la discrimination/classification des series temporelles. Implications dans la geodynamique (in French, with an English abstract), Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 38, 21-35, 1994.
Munteanu, F., Zugravescu, D., Ioana, C., Suteanu, C., Sur la possibilite d’utiliser le scenario de Feigenbaum pour modeliser certains phenomenes geodynamiques (in French, with an English abstract), Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 38, 3-9, 1994.
Munteanu, F., Zugravescu, D., Rusu, M., Suteanu, C., On the synergy of ruptures, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 38, 11-20, 1994.
Suteanu, C., La fragmentation – phenomene, instruments, sens (in French, with an English abstract), Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 32, 25-43, 1994.
Demetrescu, C., Variatii regionale ale reologiei litosferei pe teritoriul Romaniei, St. Cerc. Geofizica, 31, 29-33, 1993.
Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., Polonic, G., Ene, M., Campul crustal de temperaturi pe teritoriul Romaniei. Model de conductie stationara. St. Cerc. Geofizica, 31, 19-28, 1993.
Andreescu, M., The inverse approach to a geothermal profile of the Central Moesian Platform, Romania, Tectonophysics, 224, 435-442, 1993.
Suteanu, C., Zugravescu, D., Munteanu, F., Data evaluation by means of histogram flows (in Romanian, with an English abstract), Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 31, 51-62, 1993.
Suteanu, C., Ioana, C., Munteanu, F., Zugravescu, D., Fractal aspects in solids fragmentation. Experiments and model with implications for geodynamics, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 37, 61-79, 1993.
Suteanu, C., Munteanu, F., Zugravescu, D., Modeling of rock fragmentation emphasizing clustering on dominant size intervals (in Romanian, with an English abstract), Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 31, 63-79, 1993.
Stanica D., Stanica Maria: An electrical resistivity lithospheric model in the Carpathian Orogen from Romania. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 81(1993),.99-105. Crustal – Scale Studies, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam, 1993. ISSN: 0031-9201
Demetrescu, C., Dimitriu, R.G., Sava, C.S., Andreescu, M., Un camp geomagnetic normal pentru sectorul romanesc al platoului continental al Marii Negre, St. cerc. Geofizica, 30, 61-69, 1992.
Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., Magnetic and electromagnetic induction effects in the annual means of geomagnetic elements, NASA Technical Memorandum on “Types and Characteristics of Data for Geomagnetic Field Modelling”, NASA Conference Publication 3153, 333-340, 1992.
Demetrescu, C., Veliciu, S., Burst, D., Explanatory text-Romania, In: E. Hurtig, V. Cermak, R. Haennel, V. Zui (editors) Geothermal Atlas of Europe, VEB Hermann Haak, Gotha, 72-74, 1991.
Demetrescu, C., Veliciu, S., Heat flow and lithosphere structure in Romania, In: V. Cermak, L. Rybach (editors), Terrestrial Heat Flow and the Lithospere Structure, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, heidelberg, New York, 187-205, 1991.
Stanica D., Stanica Maria in Chekunov A.V., et al.: The geotransect from the Dnepr-Donets paleorift via the Ukrainian Shield tothe South Carpathians. Geophysical Journal, Volume 10, No.6, 723-763, Gordon and Breach Science Publisher,1991, ISSN: 0275-9128.
Romanian preprints list – Lista preprinturilor aparute în tara
-în anul 2004
– Damian, A. (2004), Punct de vedere privind situatia geologica din zona pesterii “Movile” – Sud Mangalia, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 1
– Dobrica, V. (2004), Activitatea solara. Efecte în câmpul magnetic terestru, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 2
Sandi, H. (2004), Reducerea vulnerabilitatii seismice pentru infrastructura si lucrarile critice / Earthquake vulnerability reduction for critical infrastructure and facilities, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 3
– Sandi, H., Borcia, I.S., Stancu, M. (2004), Analysis of attenuation for recent Vrancea intermediate depth earthquakes, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 3
– Sandi, H., Earthquake experience and policy in , Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 3
– Sandi, H., Stancu, O., Stancu, M. (2004), Modificari de rigiditate a unor constructii determinate de incidenta cutremurelor, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 3
– Zugravescu, D., Stanica, D., Ivascu, M., Cadicheanu, N., Ciuhu, L., Popescu, M. (2004), Echipament specializat mobil destinat studiilor complexe în zone geodinamic active, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 4
– Stanica, D., Stanica, M., Ciuhu, L., Vladimirescu, N. (2004), Tehnologie si echipament specializat destinate urmaririi câmpurilor magnetoteluric si de stress în scopul evidentierii unor parametri cu caracter precursor cutremurelor vrâncene, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 4
– Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Tumanian, M., Dobrica, V., Ciurdea, D., Ciocoiu, N., Soare, A., Cucu, G. (2004), Particularitati regionale ale evolutiei câmpului geomagnetic principal si a celui de referinta (normal) în România, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 4
– Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V. (2004), Noi elemente privind variatia seculara a câmpului geomagnetic, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 4
– Zugravescu, D. (2004), Centru de excelenta pentru studiul si monitorizarea fenomenelor geodinamice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 4
– Zugravescu, D., Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L., Ghitau, D. (2004), Model spatio-temporal asupra dinamicii litosferei din zona Vrancea dedus din datele gravimetrice si geodezice spatiale, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 4
– Demetrescu, C., Tumanian, M., Dobrica, V., Ene, M., Damian, A. (2004), Structura termica a litosferei în zona de curbura a Carpatilor si în ariile adiacente. Implicatii asupra proceselor tectonice si geochimice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 4
– Seghedi, I., Mason, P., Mirea, V. (2004), Magmatismul adakitic neogen de tip extensional din Muntii Apuseni, România. Consideratii petrogenetice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 4
– Zugravescu, D., Polonic, G., Toma, I., Horomnea, M. (2004), Implicatii ale zonelor geodinamic active în evaluarea constructiilor hidrotehnice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 4
– Tugulea, A. (2004), Studiul câmpului magnetic terestru tranzitoriu în ultimele sase cicluri solare informatiilor achizitionate cu prioritate pe teritoriul României si stocate pe suport numeric (implicatii în: fenomene geodinamice, procese seismogenetice, influente asupra mediului ambiental), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 5
– Tugulea, A. (2004), Cercetari teoretice si experimentale asupra bacteriilor magnetice cu aplicatii în realizarea unei clase de micromanipulatoare, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 5
– Demetrescu, C. (2004), Sistem de monitorizare a schimbarilor climatice bazat pe masuratori integrate ale temperaturii în foraje, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 5
– Besutiu, L. (2004), Cercetari asupra dinamicii spatio-temporale a câmpului geomagnetic în vederea construirii unor modele unitare pentru teritoriul României si crearea premiselor de integrare a lor în context european, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 5
– Stanica, D. (2004), Sistem complex de monitorizare a zonelor de risc natural ridicat datorat alunecarilor de teren – SMALT, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 5
– Stanica, D. (2004), Fundamentarea unei noi ipoteze privind relatia dintre procesul de torsiune al slab-ului vrâncean si evolutia segmentului sud-vestic al platformei est-europene, cu implicatii în producerea evenimentelor seismice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 5
– Berbeleac, I. (2004), Localizarea structurala a mineralizatiilor hidrotermale asociate structurilor vulcanice neogene din Muntii Metaliferi. Implicatii economice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 5
– Toma, I. (2004), Cercetari pentru evaluarea si monitorizarea sigurantei în exploatare a marilor baraje din România, din punctul de vedere al actiunii seismice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 5
– Nicolae, I. (2004), Magmatismul ofiolitic mezozoic din România; Semnificatii geodinamice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 5
– Asimopolos, L. (2004), Cercetari complexe privind studiul unor fenomene legate cauzal de activitatea geodinamica, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 5
– Berbeleac, I., Zugravescu, D., Nutu, L-M. (2004), Some aspect of planar flow bending and flow foliation in Neogene andesite from Voia Area, Muntii Metaliferi, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Berbeleac, I., Zugravescu, D., Radulescu, V., Stanica, D., Nutu, M-L. (2004), The structure of Voia Neogene subvolcanic body and related alteration – mineralization in the light of drilling exploration and MTS data, Romania, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Berbeleac, I., Zugravescu, D. (2004), Relationships between geodynamic conditions and gold metallogeny in Romania, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Besutiu, L. (2004), Some recent advances in geodynamic studies within Vrancea zone, CERGOP-2 Working Conference, Sofia, 30 September-1 October 2004
– Besutiu, L., Zugravescu, D. (2004), Lithosphere compartments and their dynamics on the Romanian territory. Seismotectonic consequences, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Bortoloti, V., Marroni, M., Nicolae, I., Pandolfi, L., Principi, G., Saccani, E. (2004), Tectonic Setting of the Jurassic Ophiolites in the Southern Apuseni Mts. (Western Romania), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Damian A., Zugravescu D. (2004), Geodynamic signification of the longitudinal seismic wave velocities in some units of the East Carphatians Orogene, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., Ene, M., Tumanian, M. (2004), On the electric properties of rocks under the network of European geomagnetic observatories as derived from series of annual means of geomagnetic elements, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V. (2004), Recent secular variation of the geomagnetic field. New insights from long series of observatory and repeat station data, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V. (2004), New insights on the recent secular variation of the geomagnetic field from long series of observatory data, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Demetrescu, C., Wilhelm, H., Ene, M., Tumanian, M., Baumann, C., Dobrica, V., Serban, D.Z. (2004), On the geothermal regime of the foreland of the Eastern Carpathian bend, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Dobrica, V., Demetrescu, C., Mogi, T. (2004), Magnetic and electric properties of rocks as derived from long-time recordings of the geomagnetic field. Case studies – the network of European observatories and the Hokkaido array, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Lexa J., Ebner F., Konecny V., Kovacs M., Mackiv B., Pecskay Z., Seghedi I., Szakacs A., Rosu E., Zelenka T. (2004), Map Of Neogene To Quaternary Volcanic Formations In The Carpathian-Pannonian Region, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Munteanu, M., Kräutner, H. G., Kasper H. U., Balogh K., Bindea G., Tatu M., Marincea S., Ionescu L. (2004), Mesozoic Mafic Dikes in the Eastern Carpathians: Petrology and Correlation with the
– Geodynamic Evolution of the Peri-Tethyan Domain, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Munteanu, M., Tatu, M., Maruntiu, M., Kasper, H. U., Voda, Al. (2004), Pietrosu Bistritei Porphyroids (Eastern Carpathians): Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Setting, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Munteanu, M., Tibuleac, P., Tatu, M., Kasper, H. U. (2004), Gondwana – Baltica Relations in Romania, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Papp, D. C., Nitoi, E., Ureche, I., Seghedi, I., Feurdean, V. (2004), Hydrogen Isotope Variation In the Neogene Subvolcanic Magmatites (East Carpathians): Petrogenetic Implications, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Zugravescu, D., Polonic, G., Negoita, V. (2004), Outcomes of borehole measurements to ascertain regional stress distribution within the terrestrial upper crust of the Transylvanian basin, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 6
– Pecskay Z., Lexa J., Szakacs A., Seghedi I., Balogh K., Konecny V., Zelenka T., Kovacs M., Poka T., Fülop A. (2004), Geochronology of Neogene-Quaternary Magmatism In The Carpathian-Pannonian Region: A Review, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Picacardi, L., Polonic, G., Moratti, G., Szakacs, A., Seghedi, I., Vasseli, O., Minissale, A., Tassi, F., Montegrossi, G., Mitrofan, H. (2004), Relationships bettween seismicity, active tectonics and fluid descharges in the Carpathian bend (Romania), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Sandi, H., Borcia, I.S., Stancu, M. (2004), Analysis of attenuation for recent Vrancea intermediate depth earthquakes, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Sandi, H., Borcia, I.S., Stancu, M., Stancu, O., Vlad, I., Vlad, N. (2004), Influence of source mechanism versus that of local conditions upon spectral content of ground motion, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Sandi, H., Borcia, I.S., Stancu, O., Stancu, M. (2004), Features of sequences of response spectra under successive intermediate depth Vrancea earthquakes, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Sandi, H. (2004), Earthquake experience and strategies in Romania, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Seghedi, I., Downes, H., Szakács, A., Pécskay, Z., Vaselli, O. (2004), Relationships between magmatism and geodynamics in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region during Neogene-Quaternary, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Seghedi, I., Mason, P., Mirea, V. (2004), Mineralogical aspects of extension- related adakite- like magmatism in Apuseni Mountains, Romania, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Seghedi, I., Pécskay, Z., Szakács, A. (2004), K-Ar dating of the Miocene calc-alkaline intrusion events in Rodna-Bârgau area (East Carpathians, Romania, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Seghedi, I., Szakács, A., Pacheco, A. H., Brändle, J.-L. (2004), Miocene Ultrapotassic Volcanoes In South-Eastern Spain – an association of phreatomagmatic and magmatic products, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Soós, I., Vinkler, A.P.., Szakács, A. (2004), Searching for Maar strucrures in the Petsani mts., East carpathiand, Romania, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Stanica, D., Stanica, M. (2004), 3-D magnetotelluric (MT) tomographic images explaining the earthquakes’ mechanism in the Vrancea zone, Romania, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Stanica, D., Stanica, M. (2004), 3D tomographic images in the seismic active Vrancea zone, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Stanica, D., Stanica, M. (2004), A specific approach of short term precursory phenomena associated to seismic events by using electromagnetic data, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Stanica, D., Stanica, M., Bala, A. (2004), Geophysical methodologies used for real-time monitoring of the active tectonic structures, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Stanica, D., Stanica, M. (2004), Deep active faults on the Romanian territory and their geodynamic implications, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Stanica, D., Stanica, M., Tatu, M. (2004), Assessment of geodynamic active zones (seimic-active, landslides, land collapse, etc.) by means of integrated geophysical studies, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Stanica, D., Stanica, M., Zugravescu, D., Piccardi, L. (2004), Possible interrelation between the seismogenic relic slab and the main lithospheric faults in the Vrancea seismic active zone, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Stanica, D., Tatu, M. (2004), Mobile geophysical laboratory used for real-time monitoring of landslides in active tectonic zones, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Stanica, D., Tatu, M., Zugravescu, D., Diacopolos, C., Popescu, M., Asimopolos, L. (2004), Real-time monitoring of some landslides in Provita and Doftana area, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Szakács A., Balogh K., Pécskay Z, Seghedi I. (2004), Neogene-Quaternary time-space distribution patterns of monogenetic mafic alkaline volcanism in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region. Implications for mantle processes, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Szakács, A. (2004), Relationships between volcanic facies distribution, basement topography and edifice stability at composite volcanoes, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Szakács, A., Seghedi, I, Pécskay, Z, Vinkler, A.P. (2004), Ciomadul: the most recent volcano in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Szakács, A., Seghedi, I., Pécskay, Z., Ioane, D. (2004), Magma eruption dynamics along the Southeastern segment of the Carpathian volcanic arc, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Szakács, A., Seghedi, I., Pecskay, Z., Ioane, D. (2004), Systematically Changing Eruption Rates Along A Carpathian Volcanic Arc Segment: The Neogene / Quaternary Calimani-Gurghiu-Harghita Volcanic Chain, Romania, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Tatu, M., Stanica, D. (2004), Physical processes in landslide area, EU PC5-OASYS project, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Tatu, M., Stanica, D. (2004), Real-time monitoring technologies for landslides, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Tatu, M., Stanica, D., Zugravescu, D., Diacopulos, C., Popescu, M. (2004), Real-time monitoring of some landslides in Provita and Doftana area (Romania), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Tatu, M., Stanica, D., Zugravescu, D., Radulescu, V., Vladimirescu, N. (2004), Monitoring of landslides related to active tectonic zones using mobile laboratory of geodynamics in correlation with geological and sar interferometry methods, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Tumanian, M., Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., Ene, M., Damian, A. (2004), The termal structure of the lithosphere in the bending zone of the Eastern Carpathians (Romania) and adjacent areas with implications on the tectonic and geochemical processes, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Vladimirescu, N., Stanica, D., Stanica, M. (2004), Geomagnetic precursory parameter associated with the earthquakes occurred in the seismic active Vrancea zone, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Zugravescu, D., Mandea, M., Atanasiu, L., Berbeleac, I. (2004), Images of the Romanian territory by a set of geotectonic maps and satellite data, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Zugravescu, D., Polonic, G., Negoita, V. (2004), Outcomes of borehole measurements to ascertain regional stress distribution within the terrestrial upper crust of the Transylvanian Basin, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Zugravescu, D., Polonic, G., Negoita, V. (2004), Temperature and pressure effects on smectite-illite diagenesis revealed by well log measurements, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 7
– Chitea, Fl.M. (2004), Tipuri de dispozitive utilizate în prospectiunea electrica, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Stanica, M. (2004), Monitorizarea continua a câmpului magnetoteluric la Observatorul Geofizic Surlari si determinarea paternului electromagnetic într-un punct situat în Dobrogea de Sud, în vederea determinarii parametrilor cu caracter precursor, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Gaspar, D. (2004), Unele aspecte privind zgomotul de scurgere în cazul fluidelor, componenta semnificativa a zgomotului hidrodinamic, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Negoita, V. (2004), Efectul aquatermal si implicatiile sale în determinarile stresului de matrice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Polonic, G. (2004), Implicatii ale zonelor geodinamic active în amplasarea constructiilor hidrotehnice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Horomnea, M. (2004), Implicatii geodezice în cercetarea fenomenelor geotectonice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Damian, A. (2004), Zona Sf. Gheorghe a Deltei Dunarii si zona costiera vecina, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Berbeleac, I. (2004), Cadrul structural al Muntilor Metaliferi, localizare structurala si originea compartimentari curgerii fluidelor, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Mares, C. (2004), Interactiunea ocean-atmosfera si influenta asupra anomaliilor climatici din România, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Mares, Il. (2004), Aplicatii ale teoriei Lantului Markov în studiul variabilitatii climatice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Plaviciosu, I. (2004), Managementul riscului. Sistem C3I destinat sustinerii activitatii de reducere a riscului, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Pauca, M. (2004), Proiectarea sistemului de monitorizare a variatiei temperaturii la mai multe nivele în foraje scurte, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Ivascu, M. (2004), Managementul depozitarii în siguranta a deseurilor radioactive, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Bogza, St. (2004), Delta Dunarii, privire speciala asupra zonei de varsare Sf. Gheorghe si a zonei maritime de contact, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
– Bardan, V. (2004), Metoda de cercetare a subsolului cu ajutorul microseismelor (MMS – Method of Microseismic Sounding). Aplicatii pentru descifrarea unor obiecte geologice, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 15, 8
-în anul 2003
– Andreescu, M., Demetrescu, C., Damian, A., Negut, A., Niculescu, B. (2003) Process of hydrocarbon maturation from the perspective of a complex thermal model for the basin evolution. Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 3
– Andreescu, M., Demetrescu, C., Damian, A., Negut, A., Niculescu, B. (2003) Procesul de maturare a hidrocarburilor din Bazinul Transilvaniei din perspectiva unui model termic complex de evolutie a bazinului. Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 5
– Andreescu, M., Demetrescu, C., Damian, A., Polonic, G., Serban, D.Z., Ciocoiu, N., Dobrica, V., Marin, A., Capra, C., Hotescu, E. (2003), Model termic si de maturare a hidrocarburilor în Bazinul Transilvaniei (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Atanasiu, L.N. (2003) Geodynamic analysis of the Romanian territory by a set of geotematic maps, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 3
– Atanasiu, L.N., Zugravescu, D., Mandea, M. (2003) Analysis of the geomagnetic field and its variations over the Romanian territory, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 3
– Berbeleac, I., Nicolae, I., Stanica, D., Andreescu, M., Visan, M., Mitrofan, H., Ianas, M. (2003), Studiul proceselor geodinamice asociate devolatilizarii litosferei si semnificatia acestora în producerea seismelor. Studiu de caz: Zona geodinamic activa Vrancea (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Besutiu, L., Demetrescu, C., Ivascu, M., Atanasiu, L., Lörinczi, I., Andreescu, M., Horomnea, M., Zlagnean, L., Cadicheanu, N., Mateescu, L., Dobrica, V., Paduroiu, F., Ciurdea, D., Diacopolos, C., Radulescu, V., Soare, A. (2003), Cercetari asupra dinamicii câmpului geomagnetic pe teritoriul României pentru construirea unui model ce poate fi integrat în context european (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Besutiu, L., Toma, I., Pauca, M., Sandi, H., Stanica, D., Munteanu, F., Mândrescu, N., Visan, G., Cataneanu, D. (2003), Cercetari asupra interdependentei dintre structura si dinamica crustei terestre si cutremurele de pamânt din zona marilor amenajari hidroenergetice (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., Serban, D.Z., Wilhelm, H. (2003) Paleoclimate and sedimentation – competing thermal signatures in young sedimentary basins. Case study – Transylvanian and Focsani Depressions, Romania, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 3
– Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., Wilhelm, H., Nielsen, S.B., Dobrica, V. (2003) Efectul sedimentarii asupra câmpului crustal de temperaturi. Studii de caz – Depresiunea Transilvaniei si Depresiunea Focsani. Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 5
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– Demetrescu, C., Mogi, T., Dobrica, V., Tanaka, M. (2003) Imaging magnetic and electric properties of the underground in volcanic and active faults areas by means of geomagnetic arrays, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 3
– Furnica, V. (2003), Studiul aplicabilitatii legii lui Kirchoff în ipoteza originii termale a semnalelor seismoelectrice si seismoelectro-magnetice cu caracter precursor (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
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– Horomnea, M. Zugravescu, D., Lörinczi, I., Polonic, G., Damian, A., Zlagnean, L., Cadicheanu, N., Niculae, L., Andries, F. (2003), Urmarirea deformarilor crustei legate cauzal de variatia tensiunilor în zone geodinamic active (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Horomnea, M., Zugravescu, D., Demetrescu, C., Ivascu, M., Bogza, St., Stanica, D., Zlagnean, L., Damian, A., Mihaila, A., Lörinczi, I. (2003), Cercetari si evaluari ale tehnicilor diferentiale de pozitionare globala în operatii geodinamice (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Horomnea, M., Zugravescu, D., Lörinczi, I., Polonic, G., Damian, A., Zlagnean, L., Cadicheanu, N., Niculae, L., Andries, F., Pestina, A. (2003), Studiul evolutiei spatio-temporale a unora dintre parametrii fizici ce caracterizeaza deformarile masurabile ale zonei geodinamic active Vrancea (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Ivascu, M., Zugravescu, D., Pauca, M., Stanica, D. (2003), Studiul simultan al precursorilor nucleari si electromagnetici pentru cutremurele de pamânt din România (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Nicolae, I., Tatu, M., Berbeleac, I., Seghedi, I., Szakacs, A., Mirea, V., Stanica, D., Besutiu, L., Atanasiu, L., Asimopolos, L., Popescu, M., Visan, M. (2003), Studiul proceselor geodinamice din Muntii Apuseni de sud pe baza corelarii datelor geologice si geofizice (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Pauca, M., Zugravescu, D., Gaspar, D., Pestina, A., Radu-Loghin, G., Radulescu, V., Dobre, A., Toca, L., Diacopolos, C. (2003), Metode si echipamente specializate de monitorizare a zonelor de risc datorate alunecarilor de teren (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Polonic, G., Zugravescu, D., Negoita, V., Chiscan, V., Niculae, L., Visan, M., Stanica, D., Horomnea, M., Capra, C., Marin, A., Diacopolos, C., Radulescu, V. (2003), Legatura cauzala dintre câmpul de stress actual si zonele geodinamic active, cu privire speciala asupra zonei Vrancea (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
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– Sandi, H., Mândrescu, N., Anghelache, M., Munteanu, F., Marin, A., Cârstea, M., Polonic, G., (2003), Studiul severitatii miscarii seismice pe baza datelor instrumentale (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Sandi, H., Pauca, M., Mândrescu, N., Anghelache, M., Munteanu, F., Marin, A., Cârstea, M., Polonic, G. (2003), Studiul contributiei mecanismului de sursa si a conditiilor locale la caracteristicile miscarii seismice a terenului, în cazul cutremurelor vrâncene (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Sandi, H., Pauca, M., Mândrescu, N., Anghelache, M., Munteanu, F., Marin, A., Cârstea, M., Polonic, G. (2003), Studiul conceptului de intensitate seismica în cazul miscarii seismice a terenului, determinata de cutremurele vrâncene (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Sandi, H., Pauca, M., Polonic, G., Mândrescu, N., Anghelache, M., Munteanu, F., Marin, A., Cârstea, M. (2003), Studiul modelelor, algoritmelor si programelor de simulare pentru analizele de hazard, vulnerabilitate si risc seismic; posibilitati de optimizare (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
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– Zugravescu, D., Demetrescu, C., Ivascu, M., Tugulea, A., Tatu, M., Stanica, D., Besutiu, L., Seghedi, I., Andreescu, M., Horomnea, M., Marin, A., Radu-Loghin, G., Pestina, A., Radulescu, V., Popescu, M., Vladimirescu, N., Berbeleac, I., Georgescu, P., Sandi, H., Bogza, St. (2003), Predictia cutremurelor de pamânt prin studierea factorilor precursori, în paralel cu activitatea seismica (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
– Zugravescu, D., Demetrescu, C., Pestina, A., Anghelache, M., Radu-Loghin, G., Stanica, D., Cadicheanu, N., Besutiu, L. (2003) , Studiul prin metode de teledetectie a anomaliilor regionale: termice, magnetice si gravifice în vederea unei mai bune întelegeri a proceselor ce au loc în zona seismica Vrancea (rezumat extins), Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 1
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– Zugravescu, D., Szakács A., Damian, A. (2003) Deep-rooted geologic structures and fluids as possible wave-guides for precursory signals of subcrustal megaseismic events: towards a new strategy of short-term seismic forecasting, Bul. Inst. Geodin., 14, 3