Geomagnetism – the distribution of the main geomagnetic field, reference fields, the secular variation of the main geomagnetic field, solar-cycle related variations, magnetic structure of the lithosphere, mantle conductivity, geomagnetic activity.

Heat flow – equipment and methodology of heat flow measurements, on land and sea, heat flow maps, deep geothermal regime, thermal and geological evolution of tectonic units in Romania (basins and Carpathian orogen), rheological behaviour of lithosphere, seismicity-temperature relationship.

Borehole climatology – past climate changes by inversion of temperature measurements in boreholes; energy transfer at the air-soil interface.

Solar-terrestrial interaction – space climate – long-term (at Hale and Gleissberg cycles timescales) variations in solar, heliospheric and magnetospheric parameters; space weather and associated hazard; solar activity effects on climate.


Thermal modeling of tectonic processes that are involved in the lithosphere dynamics beneath Romania;

Devising the heat flow map of Romania;

Investigating the lithosphere thermal budget along 2D transects across the Romanian territory;

Investigating the geomagnetic field characteristics on the territory of Romania;

Analyzing the distribution across Europe of the eleven-year period fluctuations of the magnetic field;

Analyzing the temporal variation of the magnetic field annual values and of its components;

Modeling how paleoclimatic changes influence the thermal field in the upper segment (0-2500 m) of the crustal sections.


Under construction !


The maturation process of hydrocarbons in Transylvanian basin from perspective of a complex thermal model of basin evolution

Project CERES 118/2001 (Leader Dr. M. Tumanian) – 2001-2003

Regional peculiarities of the main and reference (normal) geomagnetic field evolution in Romania Project MENER 033/2001 (Leader C. Demetrescu) – 2001 – 2004

Monitoring system of climatic changes based on temperature integrated measurements in boreholes – CLIMOSIS Project MENER 405/2004 (Leader C. Demetrescu) – 2004 – 2006

Space – time evolution of the main geomagnetic field on the Romanian territory in the context of evolution at the European continental scale Romanian Academy Grant 76/2005, 73/2006 (Leader C. Demetrescu) – 2005-2006

The study of attenuation properties of the seismic waves in lithosphere for estimating seismic hazard on the Romanian – ATSEIS Project MENER 726/2006 (Leader M. Tumanian) – 2006-2008

The monitoring of air and soil temperature variations in the geotermic observator OG1, in the time interval 2007-2009 Romanian Academy Grant 96/2007 (Leader C. Demetrescu) – 2007

Heliospheric variabilities and their impact on some components of the terrestrial system – HELIOTER Project PNII 81-021/2007 (Leader C. Demetrescu) – 2007-2010

Long-term variability of the geomagnetic field in relation with physical processes in the heliosphere Project PNII IDEI 151/2007 (Leader C. Demetrescu) – 2007-2010

Researches on the geoefectiveness of heliospheric perturbations (GEOHELP) Project PNII TE 73/2010 (Leader M. Mierla)

Crişan Demetrescu - e-mail:


Demetrescu C 08

Dr. Crisan Demetrescu,

Romanian Academy
Institute of Geodynamics

Born: March 23, 1940, Bucharest, Romania

Education, awards

    – 1956: Diploma of High School graduation, Liceul “Sf.Sava”, Bucharest
– 1961: Diploma in Physics, Physics Faculty, Bucharest University
– 1977: PhD in Physics (Geophysics), Bucharest University
– 1985: The “Gheorghe Murgoci“ Award of the Romanian Academy
– 2006: Elected Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy

Positions held in research

  1. Scientific researcher (1965), senior researcher (1978) in the institutes where the basic research in Geophysics has been carried out in successive reorganization of the scientific research activity in Romania (Center of Geophysical Research of the Romanian Academy, 1962-1970, Institute of Applied Geophysics, 1970-1974, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, 1974-1977, Center for Earth Physics, 1977-1990, Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, 1990 to present).
  2. Head of  “Natural Fields of the Earth” department, Center for Earth Physics, 1977-1988
  3. Director, Center for Earth Physics, 1988-1990
  4. Deputy Director, Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, 1991-2006, Director since July 2006.

Scientific activity

            Over 70 papers published in Romanian and international journals, in the fields:

            Geomagnetism: the distribution of the main geomagnetic field, reference fields, the secular variation of the main geomagnetic field, solar-cycle variations, magnetic structure of the lithosphere, mantle conductivity, geomagnetic activity. Visiting professor at Hokkaido University, Japan (April- August 2001).
Heat flow: equipment and methodology of heat flow measurements, on land and sea, heat flow maps, deep geothermal regime, thermal and geological evolution of tectonic units in Romania (basins and Carpathian orogen).
Earthquake prediction: precursory phenomena in the temporal variations of the natural fields (geomagnetic, geoelectric, thermal) and of the Radon emanation of the ground. UNESCO fellow (1980) at UCLA, Caltech and UC Berkeley, USA, and JSPS fellow (1988) at Nagoya and Hokkaido Universities, Japan, in earthquake prediction.
Geodynamic modelling: evolution of tectonic units in Romania, rheological behaviour of lithosphere, seismicity-temperature relationship.
Climate research: past climate changes by inversion of temperature measurements in boreholes. Energy transfer at the air-soil interface. Solar activity effects on climate.

International research projects

  1. Japan-Romania, Earthquake prediction, 1985-1988
  2. EUROPROBE (a lithosphere dynamics programme of the European Science Foundation). Leader of the PANCARDI (Pannonian, Carpathians, Dinarids) subproject no.12 “Geothermal field and fluid flow in the Pannonian and Transylvanian basins”, 1992-2001.
  3. Heat flow and geodynamic modelling of the Transylvanian Basin evolution, Cooperation with The University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1996-2000.
  4. Geothermal subproject of the Collaborative Research Center “Strong Earthquakes: A Challenge for Geosciences and Civil Engineering” of the Karlsruhe University, Germany, 1996-2001.
  5. International Geological Correlation (IGCP) 430 project “Mantle Dynamics Implications for Tethyan Natural Hazards”, 2000-2005.
  6. IGCP 428 project “Climate and boreholes”, 1998-2003.


  1. Physics Faculty of the Bucharest University, courses on “Heat flow and radioactivity of Earth” and “Structure and dynamics of the Earth”, to students in the 5th year and master, 1984-2000.
  2. PhD supervisor – Earth’s Physics, 1991-present.


  1. Member of the American Geophysical Union (life)
  2. Member of the European Physical Society
  3. Member of the Romanian Physical Society. Head of the Earth Physics department
  4. Member of the Romanian Society of Geophysics
  5. Member of the Editorial Board of the “Revue Roumaine de Geophysique” and “Studii si cercetari de geofizica” published by the Romanian Academy. Since 1994, Scientific Secretary.


1. Atanasiu, G., Bucur, I., Nestianu, T., Zugravescu, D., Demetrescu, C., 1965, Les valeurs des éléments géomagnetiques, H, I, Z et F en Transylvanie et au Banat, Rev. Roum. Géol., Géoph. Géogr., serie de Géophysique, 9, 65-83, ISSN 1220-5303.
2. Atanasiu G., Nestianu T., Zugravescu D.,. Demetrescu C, 1967, Les valeurs normales des éléments géomagnetiques en Transylvanie et au Banat, Rev. Roum. Géol., Géoph. Géogr., serie de Géophysique, 11, 95-103,ISSN 1220-5303.
3.  Atanasiu, G., Nestianu, T., Demetrescu, C.,. Anghel, M, 1970, Les valeurs normales des éléments géomagnetiques, H, I, Z et F en Roumanie, pour l’époque 1967, Rev. Roum. Géol., Géoph. Géogr., serie de Géophysique, 14, 73-79, ISSN 1220-5303.
4. Demetrescu, C., Anghel, M., 1970, Some aspects or the calculation of the normal field in limited areas, Rev. Roum. Géol., Géoph. Géogr., serie de Géophysique, 14, 81-93, ISSN 1220-5303.
5. Demetrescu, C., 1973, Preliminary heat flow value for Transylvania, St. cerc., geol, geofiz., geogr., seria Geofizicã, 11, 13-21 (in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
6. Demetrescu, C., 1973,Thermal conductivity of some rocks in Romania , St. cerc., geol, geofiz., geogr., seria Geofizicã, 11, 255-262 (in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
7. Atanasiu, G., Nestianu, T., Demetrescu, C., Anghel, M., 1974, The secular variation of the geomagnetic elements H, Z, and F between 1958-1972 in Romania, Rev. Roum. Géol., Géoph. Géogr., serie de Géophysique, 18, 59-65, ISSN 1220-5303.
8. Atanasiu, G., Nestianu, T., Demetrescu, C., Anghel, M., 1976, Some aspects of the secular variation of the geomagnetic elements H,Z, F, between 1958-1974 in Romania, Phys. Earth. Planet. Inter., 12, P11-P17, ISSN 0031-9201.
9. Demetrescu, C., 1976, On the depth distribution of temperature in some tectonic units in Romania , St. cerc., geol, geofiz., geogr., seria Geofizicã,, 14, 189-198 (in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
10. Demetrescu, C., 1977, Regarding the thermal effect of drilling, St. cerc., geol, geofiz., geogr., seria Geofizicã, 15, 47-56 (in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
11. Demetrescu, C., 1977, Determining the thermal conductivity of rocks by measurements on rock fragments, St. cerc., geol, geofiz., geogr., seria Geofizicã, 15, 85-92 (in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
12. Demetrescu, C., 1977, The thermal conductivity of some sedimentary rocks from the Transylvanian Depression – Romania, Rev. Roum. Géol., Géoph. Géogr., serie de Géophysique, 21, 301-307, ISSN 1220-5303.
13. Demetrescu, C., 1978, On the geothermal regime of some tectonic units in Romania, Pure Appl. Geophys., 117, 124-134, ISSN 0033-4553.
14. Demetrescu, C, 1979,  Heat flow values for some tectonic units in Romania , St. cerc., geol., geofiz., geogr., seria Geofizicã, 17, 34-46 (in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
15. Veliciu, S., Demetrescu, C., 1979, Heat flow in Romania and some relations to geological and geophysical features, in Terrestrial Heat Flow in Europe, Cermak, V. Rybach, L., (editors), Springer, 253-260,  .
16. Anghel, M., Demetrescu, C., 1980, The effect of solar activity on the secular variation of the geomagnetic field in Romania, Phys. Earth Planet Inter., 22, 53-59, ISSN 0031-9201.
17. Anghel, M., Demetrescu, C., Nestianu, T., 1980, Secular variation studies in Romania, Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik, 89, 499-510, ISSN 0016-8696.
18. Demetrescu, C., 1980, Contributions to the study of heat flow in Transylvania, St. Cerc. Fizicã, 32, 461-479 (in Romanian), ISSN 0039-3940.
19. Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Andreescu, M., 1981, Geothermal profile in the Central Moesian Platform., St. Cerc. Fizicã, 33, 1015-1021 (in Romanian), ISSN 0039-3940.
20. Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Andreescu, M., 1981, On the geothermal regime of the Transylvanian Depression , St. cerc., geol, geofiz., geogr., seria Geofizicã, 19, 61-71 ( in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
21. Demetrescu, C., 1982, Thermal structure of the crust and upper mantle of Romania, Tectonophysics, 90, 123-135,ISSN 0040-1951.
22. Paraschiv, D., Demetrescu, C., Soroiu, M., 1982, Geochronological data for the metamorphic basement and some magmatic bodies in the Moesian Platform, Mine, Petrol si Gaze, 33, 239-243 (in Romanian), ISSN 0250-3115.
23. Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Andreescu, M., 1983, New heat flow data for the Romanian territory, An. Inst. Geol., Geofiz., Buc., 63, 45-56.
24. Paraschiv, D., Demetrescu, C., Soroiu, M., 1983, New geochronological data regarding the Moesian Platform basement, Mine, Petrol si Gaze, 34, 94-96 (in Romanian) ISSN 0250-3115.
25. Demetrescu, C., Nestianu, T., 1984, Normal values of the geomagnetic elements H, Z, and F in Romania, for the epoch 1980.0, St. cerc., geol, geofiz., geogr., seria Geofizicã, 22, 35-41, (in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
26. Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Nestianu, T., 1984, The secular variation of the geomagnetic field in Romania, between 1974 and 1981, Rev. Roum. Géol., Géoph. Géogr., serie de Géophysique, 28, 39-45, ISSN1220-5303.
27. Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., Ene, M., 1984, On the thermal structure of the lithosphere in Romania, Rev. Roum. Géol., Géoph. Géogr., serie de Géophysique, 28, 33-39, 1220-5303, ISSN 1220-5303.
28. Dorobantu, R., Zugravescu, D., Demetrescu, C., Cârlogeanu, M., 1984, Digital thermograph for heat flow measurements on the Black Sea continental shelf, Rev. Roum. Géol., Géoph. Géogr., serie de Géophysique, 28, 73-79,ISSN 1220-5303.
29. Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., Ene, M., Nestianu, T., 1985, Characteristics of the secular variation of the geomagnetic field between 1964 and 1981 in Romania, Phys. Earth Planet Inter, 37, 46-51, ISSN 0031-9201.
30. Radulescu, F., Demetrescu, C., Biter, M., Andreescu, M., Raileanu, V., Ene, M., 1985, Lithosphere structure along the Galati-Chisinau Cris and Iasi-Turnu Magurele profiles, Rev. Roum. Phys., 30, 151-160, ISSN 0035-4090.
31. Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., Nestianu, T., 1988, Induction model for the secular variation of the geomagnetic field in Europe, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 50, 261-271, ISSN 0031-9201.
32. Demetrescu C., Polonic G., 1988, On the geological and thermal evolution of the Pannonian lithosphere in Romania, St. cerc., geol, geofiz., geogr., seria Geofizicã, 26, 25-41 (in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
33. Demetrescu, C., Polonic, G., Baltes, M., 1988, Hydrocarbon source rocks in the Pannonian Depression, Geothermal model,. Rev. Roum. Géol., Géoph. Géogr., serie de Géophysique, 32, 29-43, ISSN 1220-5303.
34. Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Andreescu, M., Burst, D., Haradja, O., 1988, Present state of earthquake prediction research in romania using natural fields, Proceedings of the 21st General Assembly, European Seismological Comission, Sofia, 433-439.
35. Andreescu M., Burst D., Demetrescu C., Ene M., Polonic G., 1989, On the geothermal regime of the Moesian Platform and Getic Depression, Tectonophysics, 164, 281-287, ISSN 0040-1951.
36. Demetrescu, C., Polonic, G., 1989, The evolution of the Pannonian Depression (Romanian sector) as derived from subsidence and heat flow data, Tectonophysics, 164, 287-301, ISSN 0040-1951.
37. Oancea, V., Demetrescu, C., 1990, The attenuation in the crust and upper mantle of Romania and its relation to other physical parameters. Proceedings of the 22nd General Asssembly, European Seismological Commission, Barcelona, 1990, v. I, 67-71.
38. Demetrescu, C., Veliciu, S., 1991, Heat flow and lithosphere structure in Romania, In: V. Cermak, L. Rybach (editors), Terrestrial Heat Flow and the Lithospere Structure, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, heidelberg, New York, 187-205,ISBN 3-540-52404-5.
39. Demetrescu, C., Veliciu, S., Burst, D., 1991, Explanatory text-Romania, In: E. Hurtig, V. Cermak, R. Haennel, V. Zui (editors) Geothermal Atlas of Europe, VEB Hermann Haak, Gotha, 72-74, .
40. Demetrescu, C., Dimitriu, R.G., Sava, C.S., Andreescu, M., 1992, A normal geomagnetic field for the Romanian Black Sea shelf, St. cerc. Geofizică, 30, 61-69 (in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
41. Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., 1992, Magnetic and electromagnetic induction effects in the annual means of geomagnetic elements, NASA Technical Memorandum on “Types and Characteristics of Data for Geomagnetic Field Modelling”, NASA Conference Publication 3153, 333-340, NSN 7540-01-280-5500.
42. Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., Polonic, G., Ene, M., 1993, The crustal temperature field in Romania. Steady-state conduction model. St. Cerc. Geofizică, 31, 19-28 (in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
43. Demetrescu, C., 1993, Regional variations of the lithosphere rheology in Romania, St. Cerc. Geofizică, 31, 29-33 (in Romanian), ISSN 1220-5265.
44. Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., 1994, On the thermal regime of some tectonic units in a continental collision environment in Romania, Tectonophysics, 230, 265-276, ISSN 0040-1951.
45. Diaconescu, C., Raileanu, V., Diaconescu, M., Andreescu, M., Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Radulescu, F., Pompilian, A., Enescu, D., 1994, Complex geophysical study in the western part of the Moesian Platform and Carpathian Foredeep, Rev. Roum Géophysique, 38, 57-72, ISSN 1220-5303.
46. Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., 1994, Magnetic and electromagnetic induction effects in the annual means of the vertical component of the geomagnetic field at European Observatories, Rev. Roum Géophysique, 38, 73-84, ISSN 1220-5303.
47.Demetrescu, C., Polonic, G., Andreescu, M., Ene, M., 1998, Thermal aspects of the geodynamic evolution of the Carpatho-Pannonian area, în: J.Sledzinski (Editor), Monograph of Southern Carpathians, CERGOP Study Group 8 “Geotectonic Analysis of the Region of Central Europe”, Reports on Geodesy, 7, 217-230, PL ISSN 0867-3179, ISBN 83-85287-36-1.
48. Demetrescu, C., Shimamura, H., 1999, Groundwater microtemperature measurements in Romania, In: G.Buntebarth (Ed.), Microtemperature Signals of the Earth’s Crust, Clausthal-Zellerfeld Papierflieger, 142-147, ISBN 3-89720-287-5.
49. Andreescu, M., Demetrescu, C., 1999, A thermal and rheological model for the lithosphere in the convergence zone of the Eastern Carpathians, Rev.Roum.Geophys., 43, 45-56, ISSN 1220-5303.
50. Demetrescu, C., Andreescu, M., 2000, Thermal and rheological constraints on tectonic models of convergence in the Eastern Carpathians, St. cerc. Geofizică, 38, 63-84, ISSN 1220-5265.
51. Serban, D.Z., Nielsen, S.B., Demetrescu, C., 2001, Transylvanian heat flow in the presence of topography, paleoclimate and groundwater flow, Tectonophysics ,335, 331-344, ISSN 0040-1951.
52. Demetrescu, C., Nielsen, S. B., Ene, M., Serban, D. Z.,  Polonic, G., Andreescu, M., Pop, A., Balling, N., 2001, Lithosphere thermal structure and evolution of the Transylvanian Depression — insights from new geothermal measurements and modelling results, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 126, 249-267, ISSN 0031-9201.
53. Serban, D. Z., Nielsen, S. B., Demetrescu, C., 2001, Long wavelength ground surface temperature history from continuous temperature logs in the Transylvanian Basin. Global and Planetary Change, 29, 201-217, ISSN 0921-8181.
54. Andreescu, M., Demetrescu, C., 2001, Rheological implications of the thermal structure of the lithosphere in the convergence zone of the Eastern Carpathians, Journal of Geodynamics,31, 373-391, ISSN 0264-3707.
55. Andreescu, M., Nielsen, S. B., Polonic, G., Demetrescu, C., 2002, Thermal budget of the Transylvanian lithosphere. Reasons for a low surface heat-flux anomaly in a Neogene intra-Carpathian basin. Geophys. J. Int., 150, 494-505, ISSN 0956-540X.
56. Demetrescu, C., Mogi, T., Ciocoiu, N., Takada, M., Dobrică, V., Magnetic and electromagnetic effects in long-term recordings from tectonomagnetic arrays. Case study – Hokkaido array, Japan. Bul. Inst. Geodinamică, 13, 2.   
57. Andreescu M., Demetrescu C., Şerban D.Z., Neguţ A., Niculescu B., 2002, Process of hydrocarbon maturation in the Transylvanian Depression from the perspective of a complex thermal model for the basin evolution. Volumul Sesiunii CERES-2002, 251, ISBN 973-8488-09-5.
58. Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Ciurdea, D., Andreescu,M., Ciocoiu, N., Dobrică, V., Soare, A, Cucu, G., 2002, Regional peculiarities of the evolution of the main geomagnetic field and of the reference field in Romania, 1, Volumul Sesiunii MENER-2002, 563-569 (in Romanian), ISBN 973-648-079-8.
59. Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., 2003, On the electric properties of rocks under the network of European geomagnetic observatories as derived from series of annual means of geomagnetic elements, Rom. Rep. Phys., 55, 4, 411-420,  ISSN 1221-1451.
60. Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Ciurdea, D., Andreescu,M., Ciocoiu, N., Dobrică, V., Soare, A, Cucu, G., 2004, Regional peculiarities of the evolution of the main geomagnetic field and of the reference field in Romania, 2, Volumul Sesiunii MENER-2004, E31-E35 (in Romanian), ISBN 973-648-363-0.
61. Demetrescu, C., Wilhelm, H., Ene, M., Andreescu, M., Polonic, G., Baumann, C., Dobrica,V., Serban, D. Z., 2005, On the geothermal regime of the foreland of the Eastern Carpathians bend, Journal of Geodynamics, 39, 29-59.
62. Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Dobrica, V., 2005, The secular variation of the geomagnetic field in Romania in the time interval 1980-2004. Suppl. Journ. Balkan Geophysical Society, 8, 241-244.
63. Demetrescu, C., Tumanian, M., Dobrica, V., Boroneant, C., 2005, Ground surface temperature variations in the last 200 years in Romania, from inversion of borehole temperature data. Suppl. Journ. Balkan Geophysical Society, 8, 249-253.
64. Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Soare, A., Dobrica, V., Cucu, G., Tumanian, M., 2005, The Romanian network of geomagnetic repeat stations. Results of the 2003-2004 survey. Suppl. Journ. Balkan Geophysical Society, 8, 549-553.
65. Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Soare, A., Dobrica, V., Cucu, G., Tumanian, M., 2005, Results of the 2003-2004 survey of the Romanian network of repeat stations. CD – 2nd Workshop on European Geomagnetic Repeat Station Survey, A. Sass-Uhrynowski (Ed).
66. Demetrescu, C., Ene, M., Dobrica, V., 2005. Data from Romanian repeat station network in the time interval 1980-2004. CD – 2nd Workshop on European Geomagnetic Repeat Station Survey, A. Sass-Uhrynowski (Ed).
67. Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., 2005, Recent secular variation of the geomagnetic field. New insights from long series of observatory data. Rev. Roum. Geophys., 49, 22-33.
68. Demetrescu, C., Wilhelm, H., Tumanian, M., Damian, A., Dobrica, V., Ene, M., 2005, Time dependent thermal state of the lithosphere in the foreland of the Eastern Carpathians bend. Insights from new geothermal measurements and modeling results, Geophys. J. International, submitted. Rezumat extins in Suppl. Journ. Balkan Geophysical Society, 8, 361-364.
69. Tumanian, M., C. Demetrescu, 2005, The thermal state of the lithosphere in the bending zone of the Eastern Carpathians and adjacent areas. Reports on Geodesy, submitted.
70. Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., 2006, Solar activity signature in the time evolution of the geomagnetic field, Proc. Reg. Meeting on Solar Physics, Bucharest, October 2006.
71. Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., 2006, Signature of Hale and Gleissberg solar cycles in the geomagnetic activity,Geophysical Research Letters, submitted.

Venera Dobrică - e-mail:




Name: Venera Dobrica
Date of birth: 14th of June 1973
Affiliation: Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, 19-21 Jean-Luis Calderon St., RO-020032, Bucharest-37, Romania
Position: Research Scientist, Natural Fields Department
Phone: +40-21-3172127, Fax: +40-21-3172120


1991 – Diploma of High School graduation
1996 – Diploma in Physics, Bucharest University, Faculty of Physics, branch Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere
2000 – PhD Candidate, Researches on the magnetic and electric properties of the underground from long period geomagnetic variations data, Institute of Geodynamics, Romanian Academy


May – July 2001, October – December 2001, February – April 2002, October – December 2002 and October – December 2003, research stages at Geophysical Institute of Karlsruhe University, Germany on the geothermal field in the foreland of the Eastern Carpathians Bend, Romania
May – October 2004, Japan Society for Promotion of Science fellowship at the Institute of Seismology and Volcanology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan on the geomagnetism


1996 – Research assistant, the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy
1998 – Scientific researcher, the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy



      1. secular variation of the main geomagnetic field (measurements in repeat stations, analysis of the solar cycle variation);
      2. mantle electrical conductivity from long-term geomagnetic variations.


Heat flow:

1. modelling fluid flow thermal effects in the foreland of the Eastern Carpathians bend.


English, French, poorly German


Project topic and funding



Tema 3 – Studiul evoluţiei termomecanice a litosferei sistemului carpato-panonic cu privire specială asupra zonei Vrancea


1999 – 2001

The study of the space and time evolution of the geomagnetic and geotermal field. Implications in geodynamics


2001 – 2004

Proiect DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), WI 687/15-1, Cercetări geotermice în zona de vorland a Carpaţilor de Curbură


2001 – 2005

Procesul de maturare a hidrocarburilor din Bazinul Transilvaniei din perspectiva unui model termic complex de evoluţie a bazinului

Project CERES 3-26/2003


2001 – 2003

Regional peculiarities of the evolution of the main geomagnetic field and the reference (normal) field in Romania

Project MENER 033/2001


2001 – 2004

The attenuation of the seismic waves in Vrancea and adjacent areas

Project CERES 3-26/2003


2003 – 2005

Monitoring system of the climatic changes based on integrated measurements of temperature in boreholes (CLIMOSIS)

Project MENER 405/2004


2004 – 2006

Space and time evolution of the main geomagnetic field on the Romanian territory in the evolution context at the European scale

Romanian Academy grant 76/2005




V. Dobrică, C. Demetrescu, T. Mogi, Magnetic and electric properties of rocks as derived from long-term recordings of the geomagnetic field. Case studies: the network of European observatories and the Hokkaido array, Japan, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, 9-13 May, Tokyo, Japan, 2004.
C. Demetrescu, M. Ene, V.Dobrică, Data from the Romanian repeat station network in the time interval 1980-2004, European Geophysical Union, 24-29 April, Vienna, Austria, 2005.
V. Dobrica, T. Mogi, C. Demetrescu, On the removing of external signals in data from the Hokkaido magnetometer array (Japan). Insights from the diurnal variation, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 17-30 July, Toulouse, France, 2005.
C. Demetrescu, V.Dobrică, New perspective on geomagnetic field sources and recent secular variation. Insights from long series of observatory data, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 17-30 July, Toulouse, France, 2005.
C. Demetrescu, V. Dobrica, M. Ene, Geomagnetic field evolution in Europe in the last 25 years based on observatory and repeat station data, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 17-30 July, Toulouse, France, 2005.

V. Dobrica, C. Demetrescu, C. Boroneant, On the relationship between geomagnetic activity and climatic parameters for Romania in the last 150 years, European Geophysical Union, 3-7 April, Vienna, Austria, 2006.PUBLISHED PAPERS

Cristiana Stefan – e-mail:


Personal Data:

Name: Cristiana Stefan

Date of birth: 29th September 1986

Affiliation: Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, 19-21 Jean-Luis Calderon

St., RO-020032, Bucharest-37, Romania

Position: Scientific researcher



2016 – PhD, Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy

2011 – M.Sc. Diploma in Geophysics, Bucharest University, Faculty of Geology and


2009 – Engineer Diploma, Bucharest University, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics

Work experience:       

Dec. 2013 – present: Researcher, Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy,

19-21 Jean-Luis Calderon St., RO-020032, Bucharest-37, Romania

Dec. 2009 – Dec. 2013: Research assistant, Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian

Academy, 19-21 Jean-Luis Calderon St., RO-020032, Bucharest-37,


Research interests:

Geomagnetism, Solar-terrestrial relations

Computer skills:

  • good command of Microsoft Office™ tools
  • good command of Golden Software Surfer
  • good command of Golden Software Grapher
  • basic knowledge of Matlab and GMT (Generic Mapping Tools)
  • notions of Fortran

Foreign languages:



2013 European Geosciences Union Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award for the poster „Long-term external effects in annual means from observatory and main field models”, authors Stefan C., Demetrescu C., Dobrica V, presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) conference in Vienna, Austria

Published ISI papers:

  1. Dobrica, V., Demetrescu, C., Stefan, C., 2013, Toward a better representation of the secular variation. Case study: the European network of geomagnetic observatories, Earth, Planets, Space, 65, 767–779. IF=3.056
  2. Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., Greculeasa, R., Stefan, C., 2017, The induced surface electric response in Europe to 2015 St. Patrick’s Day geomagnetic storm, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, IF=1.492
  3. Dobrica, V., Pirloaga, R., Stefan, C., Demetrescu, C., 2017, Inferring geoeffective solar variability signature in stratospheric and tropospheric Northern Hemisphere temperatures, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, IF=1.492
  4. Stefan, C., Dobrica, V., Demetrescu, C., 2017, Core surface sub-centennial magnetic flux patches: characteristics and evolution, Earth, Planets and Space, 69:146, DOI10.1186/s40623-017-0732-1. IF=2.773

 Published BDI or B+ papers:

  1. Stefan, C., Dobrica, V., Demetrescu, C., 2013, On the evolution of geomagnetic activity in the last 300 years. Implications regarding solar wind dynamic pressure and magnetopause standoff distance, Sun and Geosphere, 8(1), 7 -10.
  2. Dobrica, V., Demetrescu, C., Stefan, C., Pirloaga, R., 2012-2013. Effects of the solar variability on the North temperate climate, Romanian Geophysical Journal, 56-57, 17-24.
  3. Stefan, C., 2012-2013. Application of the Radon transform to the study of traveling speeds of core geomagnetic field features. Case study – The ~80-year variation, Romanian Geophysical Journal, 56-57, 11-15.
  4. Stefan, C., Dobrica, V., Demetrescu, C., 2014-2015, Residual 11-year signal in coefficients of main field models, Romanian Geophysical Journal, 58-59, 23-27.
  5. Dobrica, V., Demetrescu, C., Stefan, C., Greculeasa, R., Geomagnetically Induced Currents, a space weather hazard. Case study – Europe under intense geomagnetic storms of the solar cycle 23, Sun and Geosphere, 11, 2, 111-117, 2016.
  6. Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., Stefan, C., 2016, On the geoeffectivity of solar activity before the space era, Romanian Geophysical Journal, 60, 3-8.
  7. Dobrica, V., Demetrescu, C., Greculeasa, R., Stefan, C., 2016, On the geoelectric hazard over the Romanian territory, Romanian Geophysical Journal, 60, 21-26.

 International conference papers:

  1. Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Stefan C., On the evolution of high-frequency ingredients of the secular variation and of their expression at core surface, as inferred from observatory data and main field models, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 22-27 April 2012
  2. Stefan C., Dobrica V., Demetrescu C., On the ~80-year variation of the core surface geomagnetic field. Derivation and characteristics, European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 22-27 April 2012
  3. Dobrica V., Demetrescu C., Stefan C., Long-term variations of the 20th century European climate. Solar/geomagnetic signals. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Assembly, Singapore, 13-17 August 2012
  4. Stefan C., Dobrica V., Demetrescu C., The evolution of the Earth’s magnetic moment in the last 400 years. Consequences on the magnetopause standoff distance, International Conference on Solar and Heliospheric Influences on the Geospace, Bucharest, Romania, 1-5 October 2012
  5. Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Stefan C. , Long-term evolution of high-frequency ingredients of the core surface field, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, 3-7 December 2012
  6. Stefan C., Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Long-term external effects in annual means from observatory and main field models, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7 – 12 April 2013
  7. Demetrescu C., Stefan C., Dobrica V., Magnetosphere response to solar activity during the Maunder Minimum, The Fifth Workshop “Solar influences on the magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere”, Nessebar, Bulgaria, 3-7 June 2013
  8. Stefan C., Dobrica V., Demetrescu C., The magnetopause standoff distance: Short- and long-term variability, The Fifth Workshop “Solar influences on the magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere”, Nessebar, Bulgaria, 3-7 June 2013
  9. Demetrescu C., Stefan C., Dobrica V., Geoeffective solar activity before geomagnetic observatory era. Insights from global models of the geomagnetic field. The XIIth Scientific Assembly IAGA 2013, Merida, Mexico, 26-31 August 2013
  10. Dobrica C., Demetrescu C., Greculeasa R., Stefan C., The geomagnetic disturbance field as a means to infer information on underground electrical structure. Case study – Europe, The XIIth Scientific Assembly IAGA 2013, Merida, Mexico, 26-31 August 2013
  11. Demetrescu C., Stefan C., Dobrica V., External field noise in main field models at Earth’s surface and at core/mantle boundary, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 02May 2014
  12. Demetrescu C., Stefan C., Dobrica V., Space climate. On geoeffective solar activity during Maunder and Dalton grand minima. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 2 May 2014
  13. Dobrica V., Suțeanu C., Stefan C., Pirloaga R., Demetrescu C., Geoeffective solar variability influence on Northern Hemisphere surface temperature. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 2 May 2014
  14. Stefan C., Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., On the characteristics of a residual external signal seen in coefficients of main geomagnetic field models. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 2 May 2014
  15. Dobrica V., Demetrescu C., Stefan C., Pirloaga R., Effects of the solar variability on the North  temperate climate.  The Sixth Workshop “Solar influences on the magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere”, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 26-30 May 2014
  16. Stefan C., Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., A tentative reconstruction of the Dst index back to 1840, based on long time-span models of the core magnetic field. The Sixth Workshop “Solar influences on the magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere”, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 26-30 May 2014
  17. Demetrescu C., Stefan C., Dobrica V., 400 years of space climate information from long-term main geomagnetic field models, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 28 July – 01 August 2014
  18. Dobrica V., Pirloaga R., Stefan C., Demetrescu C., Inferring geoeffective solar variability signature in stratospheric and tropospheric NH temperatures, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 28 July – 01 August 2014
  1. Dobrica V., Demetrescu, C., Stefan, C., Pirloaga, R., Decadal variability of NH temperatures and its connection with solar variability, Sun-Climate connections Conference, Kiel, Germany, 16-19 March, 2015
  2. Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Stefan C., Greculeasa, R., Surface electric field variations induced by intense geomagnetic storms of the solar cycle 23, a case study for the European geomagnetic observatory network, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015
  3. Dobrica, V., Pirloaga, R., Stefan, C., Demetrescu, C., On geoeffective solar variability signature in northern temperate climate zone at specific atmospheric levels, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015
  4. Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Stefan C., Greculeasa, R., Induced Currents, a space weather hazard. Case study – Europe under intense geomagnetic storms of the solar cycle 23, The Seventh Workshop “Solar influences on the magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere”, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 1-5 June 2015
  5. Stefan, C., Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., On the traveling speeds of the ~80-year variation field features at the top of the core, The 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June-02 July 2015.
  6. Stefan, C., Dobrica, V., Demtrescu, C., Short-term variability of the magnetopause standoff distance, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly, Prague, the Czech Republic, 22 June – 02 July 2015
  7. Demetrescu, C., Dobrica V., Stefan, C., Long-term evolution of the ring current as infered from geomagnetic data, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Assembly, Singapore, 02 – 07 August 2015
  8. Dobrica, V., Stefan, C., Demetrescu, C., On external signals in long time-span geomagnetic models, MagNetE, Budapest, Hungary, 16-18 September 2015.
  9. Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Stefan C., Greculeasa, R., Besliu-Ionescu, D., The InducedSurface Electric Response in Europe to 2015 St. Patrick’s Day Geomagnetic Storm. Comparison to Strongest Storms in Cycle 23, First VarSITI (Variability of the Sun andIts Terrestrial Impacts) General Symposium, Albena, Bulgaria, 6 – 10 June 2016
  10. Dobrica V., Demetrescu, C., Stefan, C., Pirloaga, R., Long-term solar signals in the north temperate climate from reanalysed data, First VarSITI (Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impacts) General Symposium, Albena, Bulgaria, 6 – 10 June 2016
  11. Stefan, C., Dobrica, V., Demetrescu, C., Investigating the core surface magnetic flux patches at sub-centennial time scale. Insights regarding the travelling speeds, The 15th Symposium of SEDI, Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior, Nantes, France, 24-29 July 2016.
  12. Dobrica, V., Stefan, C., Demetrescu, C., On the fine structure of geomagnetic secular variation foci, The 15th Symposium of SEDI, Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior, Nantes, France, 24-29 July 2016.
  13. Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., Stefan, C., The geomagnetic field evolution from the perspective of sub-centennial variations. Consequences, The 15th Symposium of SEDI, Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior, Nantes, France, 24-29 July 2016.
  14. Dobrica V., Demetrescu C., Stefan C., Space climate in the heliosphere-magnetosphere environment. Consequences in solar cycle 24, Second VarSITI General Symposium, Irkutsk, Rusia, 10-15 July
  15. Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Stefan C., Geomagnetic field and length-of-day fluctuations at decadal and subdecadal time scales. A plea for looking beyond the atmosphere for partners in Earth’s rotation, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, SUA, December 11-15, 2017

Funded projects:

Programme PN II – „IDEI” 2011 „The geomagnetic field under the heliospheric forcing. Inferring Earth internal structure and evaluating geophysical hazard of solar-eruptive phenomena” – Co-worker;

Programme PN II – „HUMAN RESOURCES” 2011 „Solar and geomagnetic activity and their influences on the terrestrial environment. Case study – climate” – Co-worker;

Maris Georgeta – e-mail:


Name:  MUNTEAN (MARIŞ) Georgeta

Date and place of birth:  4 Octobre 1943; Simeria, Jud. Hunedoara
Citizenship:  romanian

1961 – Diploma of High-school graduation

1966 – Diploma in Mathematics, Bucharest Univestity, Mathematics Faculty, Astronomy

Scientific title: CS II

Work Experience

1966, Sep – 1977, Apr – Astronomical Observatory of the Romanian Academy, Apprentice Scientific Researcher, Scientific Researcher since 1969  (executive position)

1977, Apr – 1990, Mar -Astronomical and Space Sciences Centre, Scientific Researcher (executive position, leader of the Solar Department since 1986)

1990, Apr – 2006, Dec – Astronomical Observatory of the Romanian Academy, Scientific Researcher III (1990, mar); Scientific Researcher II (1990, Nov) (leader of the Solar Department – 1990-2005)

2007, Jan – present – Institute of Geodynamics „Sabba S. Stefănescu” of the Romanian Academy, Scientific Researcher III (2007 Jan – Apr), Scientific Researcher (2007, may – ), Scientific Researcher III ( – present) (executive position)

Selected publications:

G. MARIS, Oncica A.: 2006, Solar Cycle 24 Forecasts, SUN AND GEOSPHERE, vol. 1, 8-13.

J.U. Kozyra, G. Crowley, B. A. Emery, X. Fang, G. MARIS, M. G. Mlynczak, R. J. Niciejewski, S. E. Palo, L. J. Paxton, C. E. Randall, P.-P. Rong, J. M. Russell III, W. Skinner, S. C. Solomon, E. R. Talaat, Q. Wu, J.-H.Yee: 2006, Response of the Upper/Middle Atmosphere to Coronal Holes and Powerful High-Speed Solar Wind Streams in 2003, Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 167, B. Tsurutani, R. McPherron, W. Gonzalez, G. Lu, Jose, H. A. Sobral, N. Gopalswamy, Eds.340 pages, 2006, ISBN: 0-87590-432-7, ISBN 13: 978-0-87590-432-0, AGU Code GM1674327.

V. Dobrica, C. Demetrescu, C. Boroneant, G. Maris: Influences of the Solar and Geomagnetic Activity on the Climatic Variations in Romania; 2nd International Symposium on Space Climate: Long-term Change in the Sun, and its Effects in the Heliosphere and Planet Earth, Sinaia, Romania, 13 -16 September 2006.

O. Maris, G. Maris, Geomagnetic Imprint of High-speed Plasma Streams, 2nd International Symposium on Space Climate: Long-term Change in the Sun, and its Effects in the Heliosphere and Planet Earth, Sinaia, Romania, 13 -16 September 2006.


Member of the following associations:

    • CNRA (Com. Naţional Român de Astronomie – Astronomy Romanian National Comity) – since 1990;
    • IAU (International Astronomical Union), Committee 10 (Solar Activity) – since 1990;
    • EAS (European Astronomical Society) – founding member, since 1990;
    • CNR-IGBP (Romanian National Committee for Geosphere-Biosphere International Programe – member, during 1991-1999;
    • European Committee of JOSO (Joint Organization for Solar Observations) – national representative, 1992-2005;
    • COSPAR (Committee on Space Research), member of D and E committee– since 1994;
    • International Association “Eclipsa’99” – co-founder and vicepresident, 1996-1999;
    • ASTRONOMIA 21 Association – member since 2000;
    • CREA (Romanian Committee for Education through Astronomy) – since 1999.
    • Romanian National Committee for IHY (International Heliospheric Year) – member, since 2006


Foreign Languages: English, French, Russian.
Computer Knowledge – Windows (Word, Excel, Scientific Word, Power Point); Mathcad, Fortran.

Research Interests:

  • Solar Physics:

    • Solar patrol of the photosphere (white light) and chromosphere (H line) and special observational campaigns followed by the data processing and interpretations;

    • Statistical and morphological studies of the solar activity phenomena and comparative analysis of the solar active centers;

    • Solar periodicities analysis and their modelling by empirical methods (solar cycle forecasts);

    • Analysis of the asymmetrical distributions of the solar phenomena (active longitudes and North – South asymmetry);

    • Solar flares studies: spectral radio emissions; soft X-ray radiations; energetic particles;

    • Analysis of the total solar irradiance during solar 11-year cycle;

    • Solar eclipses observation and data processing.

  • Solar-Terrestrial Physics:

    • Solar wind analysis : contribution of the solar eruptive phenomena (solar flares, coronal mass ejections) and coronal holes to the energetic balance of the solar wind ;

    • Studies of the high speed streams in the solar wind during solar cycles and their imprints in heliosphere and near-terrestrial environment;

    • Setting up the catalog of the high speed streams in solar wind and the complex catalog of high speed streams and geomagnetic storms during solar cycle 23 (1996 – 2008);

  • Geophysics:

    • Analysis of the terrestrial magnetosphere structure and dynamics;
    • Studies of the magnetospheric disturbances induced by the heliospheric and solar factors;
    • Analysis of the periodicities in geomagnetic indices variability.


Experience in national/international projects:

During 1987-2006 I initiated and coordinated the solar research projects in the national academic plan. The research, in a many-disciplinary field as the solar terrestrial physics is, needs a large collaboration with high-level specialists in different branch. In this end I initiated and developed collaborations with Romanian researcher in space sciences, geophysics, and meteorology. Such collaborations led to common papers and common national projects .

My activity in international programs/projects could be summarized as follows:

  • Contributor in (1967-1998) and coordinator (1987-2000) of the Romanian collaboration to the World Data Centres (A – Boulder Colorado; B – Moscow and, C – Paris) as well as to the Centres of Freiburg (Germany) and Pulkovo (Russia) by the monthly bulletins of the solar phenomena observed from Bucharest Solar Station;

  • Researcher involved in International Programs: INTERCOSMOS, KAPG, and, Rapid Variations of the Solar Magnetic Field in Active Regions (19661989) common scientific reasearch finalized by published papers;

  • Coordinator of the solar research projects in bilateral cooperation, in the frame of the inter-academic protocols, with: Russia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Jugoslavia, France (1986–2005);

  • Visiting researcher in the Main Astronomical Observatory in Pulkovo, Russia (1971) and Ondrejov Astronomical Observatory, Czech Republic (1973) common scientific reasearch finalized by published paper;

  • Visiting researcher in: Astrophysical Institute in Freiburg, Germany (1992); Geophysical Department of Phillips Laboratory, Hanscom Air Force Base, USA, (EOARD grant, 1994); Astronomical Department of the Bulgarian Academy (2004); Astronomical DASOP Meudon, Paris (1995, 1996, 2006); Astronomical Observatory in Belgrade, Jugoslavia (1995) common scientific reasearch finalized by published papers, meetings organizing, preparatory experiments for observations of the ’99 total solar eclipse;

  • During 20042007 I was member in WG1 of the COST Action 724 Developing the Scientific Basis for Monitoring, Modelling and Predicting Space Weather (FP6). Soft X-ray emission during solar flares and forecasting methods of solar activity were our main fields of analysis. Romanian results were included in the WG1 reports (2005Atena; 2006Antalia), or presented at international meetings (2004 – Sankt Petersburg, Russia; 2006 Lund, Sweden; 2006 & 2007 ESWW Meetings, Bruxelles, Belgium) and, published in scientific journals or proceedings.

  • Since 2005, I am national representative in the regional cooperation: Balkan, Black Sea and Caspian Sea Regional Network on Space Weather Studies (;

  • During 2007-2009, I was national coordinators of the International Heliophysical Year ( In the IHY frame, I belong to the Romanian team that developed Coordinated Investigation Program #69 entitled:  „Rapid Solar Wind and its Impact on the Geomagnetic Variability” (;

  • Since 2008 I am member in Menagement Committee and WG1 of the COST Action ES0803 – Developing Space Weather Products and Services in Europe;

  • I took part in organizing the following scientific meeting in Romania:

    • NATO Workshop “Theoretical and Observational Problems Related to Solar Eclipses”, Sinaia,  Romania, 1-5 June 1996, SOC and LOC member;

    • Regional Meeting on Solar Physics “Solar Researches in the South-Eastern European Countries: Present and Perspectives”, Bucharest, Romania, 24-28 April 2001, chair of SOC and LOC member;

    • The Second International Symposium on Space Climate: “Long-term Changes in the Sun and their Effects in the Heliosphere and Planet Earth”, Sinaia,  Romania, 13-16 Septembre 2006, SOC co-chair and LOC chair;

    • The 3rd Workshop on European Geomagnetic Repeat Station Survey “MagNetE, Bucharest, 14 – 16 May 2007, LOC member.


Educational Activity

    • participation in many formation and information educational programs;
    • 1973-1975 mathematics seminars (linear algebra and analytical geometry) at Politechical University;
    • coordinating student’s astronomy practice activity as well as elaborating astronomy related licence thesis (Mathematics, Physics, Geography Faculties, Academy of Economy Sciences);
    • organising the educational Program “Romanian Astral Hour” (1999) for schools situated on the solar eclipse totality band (but also  for other schools);
    • organising manifestations in Romania for the Sun-Earth Day (2003-2006), educational program initiated by NASA and ESA;
    • participating in national programs for the Transit of Venus 2004 and the Solar Eclipse from March 29, 2006;
    • I have been a part of the teachers and researchers group that trained the students (gymnasium and high school) of the International Astronomy Olympiads (2004, 2005).


          Participarea la programele mai sus mentionate a constat din: lectii teoretice si aplicatii practice; intocmirea de materiale promotionale (fise, postere) pentru elevi si public; conferinte in scoli, muzee şi organizatii de astronomi amatori; activitate de informare a profesorilor din invatamantul preuniversitar; participarea la emisiuni de stiinta la diferite posturi de radio si televiziune; publicarea in ziare a unor note informative privind diverse fenomene astronomice; publicarea pe pagina de web a IAAR ( si a colaborarii regionale ( a unor articole de informare pentru public.

Marilena Mierla – e-mail:


Marilena Mierla

Institute of Geodynamics, Romanian Academy
Jean-Louis Calderon 19-21, Bucharest-37, Romania, RO-020032
tel: +4021 317.21.26
fax: +4021 317.21.20


Date of birth : 26 March 1977

Nationality : Romanian


  To advance knowledge about the Sun and the heliosphere; to explore and to understand the origin and evolution of the solar phenomena like slow solar wind, coronal mass ejections by analyzing the data from space missions as well as the observations taken with ground-based instruments; to develop programs in order to increase the signal to noise ratio and to see fine structures in the solar corona; to predict space weather.

To share my scientific knowledge and experience with students in astrophysics; to teach astrophysics lessons at all levels; to encourage and enable highly qualified young scientists.


More than five years of experience with reducing and analyzing the solar coronal data from space missions (SOHO: LASCO, EIT, UVCS; GOES; STEREO). Experience in image processing methods (LCT, wavelets).


April 2009 – present: Researcher at Institute of Geodynamics, Romanian Academy (IGAR), Bucharest, Romania.

•  Study of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and their impact on the Earth magnetic field – collaboration with I. Chifu from Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy (AIRA)

•  Visits at Royal Observatory of Belgium – work on 3D reconstruction of CMEs with L. Rodriguez and the solar group at ROB

•  Participation at EGU, Vienna, with a poster on CMEs reconstruction and at STEREO meeting, England with an invited talk on 3D reconstruction of CMEs.

•  Work with the students from Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, on white-light jets observed by SECCHI-COR1 instrument (paper submitted to Solar Physics)

•  Coordination of master thesis of I. Chifu on halo CMEs and their impact on the Earth magnetic field, and of diploma thesis of S. Sandu on the influence of CMEs on the human technologies (both of them students at Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest)

•  Guest editor for a special issue of JASTP on ”Three dimensional aspects of CMEs, their source regions and interplanetary manifestations”

February 2009 – March 2009: Researcher at the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy (AIRA), Bucharest, Romania

February 2008 – January 2009: postdoctoral fellowship at Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB), Brussels, Belgium. Work together with D. Berghmans, C. Marque, A. Zhukov, L. Rodriguez, S. Gissot from ROB, B. Inhester from MPS, Germany, N. Srivastava from USO, India, J. Davila from GSFC, USA.

•  3D reconstruction of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using data from STEREO

•  participation at STEREO meeting, Paris with an oral presentation about 3D reconstruction of CMEs

•  participation at Space Weather Week, Brussels, with a poster on CMEs reconstruction

•  participation at the El Leoncito summer school, Argentina where I gave a lecture about the slow solar wind

July – August 2007: summer fellowship at Goddard Space Flight Center. Work on CMEs reconstruction with J. Davila, M. Kramar, C. StCyr, G. Stenborg

November 2005 – January 2008: Researcher at Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

Collaborators: Rainer Schwenn (MPS), Luca Teriaca (MPS), Guillermo Stenborg (NASA)

•  analyzing LASCO-C1 spectral data in order to ”find” the source of the slow solar wind and determine the dynamic properties of the low corona (1.1 to 3 solar radii)

•  analyzing H alpha and X-ray solar flares for the solar cycle 24 (in collaboration with Mrs. Georgeta Maris, CP II researcher at Astronomical Institute, in present researcher at Geodynamics Institute, Bucharest, Romania)

•  participating at the preparation of the national Olympic lot for astrophysics and teaching lessons about Sun

•  participating at informative and educative activities which took place at Astronomical Institute (Sun-Earth Day, Solar Eclipse of March 29, 2006, Institute Open Doors’ Day)

•  helping in the organization of the Second International Symposium on Space Climate ”Long Term Changes in the Sun and their Effects in the Heliosphere and Planet Earth”, September 13-16, 2006, in Sinaia, Romania, as LOC secretary

May 2005 – November 2005: postdoc fellowship at Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Researh, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany

April 2005: study of X-ray flares at Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

February 2002 – March 2005: PhD Studies at Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Reasearch, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany. I have done the work under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Rainer Schwenn, Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research, K.-Lindau, Germany and Prof. Dr. Franz Kneer from Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany

•  analyzing the spectral data from LASCO-C1/SOHO

•  studying the dynamics of the solar corona from 1.1 to 3 Rs, during the minimum phase (1996) and on the ascending phase of the solar cycle (1998)

•  slow solar wind origin

•  participating at different seminars and astrophysic lessons (solar physics, planets, cosmology, numerical simulation of space plasma, data analysis, project management etc.)

April 2001 – January 2002: Assistent-Researcher at Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

•  reducing and analyzing H alpha and X-Ray solar flares from 1976 to 2001 under the supervision of Mrs. Georgeta Maris. The data used are GOES data. In order to process the data C programs were developed.

•  Observing filaments and prominences with our instrument: a Solar Refractor (8/120 cm) having a H-alpha filter of Halle-Lyot-Ohman type.

•  Participating at informative and educative activities which took place at Astronomical Institute (Open Doors’ Day)

•  Participating at the astrophysics lessons by Prof. Mircea Rusu, Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University, Magurele, Romania

•  helping in organizing the Regional Meeting on Solar Physics ”Solar Researches in the South-Eastern European Countries: Present and Perspectives”, April 24-28, 2001, Bucharest, Romania, as LOC member

October 1999 – February 2001 , Master Student at Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University, Atom, Molecule and Astrophysics department

•  October 1999 – July 2000: taking astrophysics classes at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Turin, Italy as part of the Erasmus program 1999 – 2000.

•  processing UVCS data using SOLAR SOFT programs and programs developed by myself in IDL (Interactive Data Language) concerning the coronal mass ejections.

•  Completion of a MSs thesis with the title A General Description of 27 June 1999 Coronal Mass Ejection under the supervision of Prof. Ester Antonucci. I defended the thesis in February 2001, at Bucharest University

•  attending ”The XLIV National Congress SAIT 2000”organized by Astronomical Observatory of Rome in collaboration with Italian Astronomical Society, 10 April-11 April 2000

October 1995 – June 1999: Student at Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University, Magurele, Romania

•  completion of BSs thesis with the title ” Sunspot Model ” under the supervision of Prof. Mircea Rusu

•  participation at the astronomy classes of Prof. Harald Alexandrescu, Faculty of Mathematics, Bucharest University

•  participation at ”The 24 th Edition of International School for Young Astronoms , Magurele, Romania, organized by IAU with the occasion of Solar total eclipse of 11 th August 1999, 26 July-14 August 1999


February 2002 – March 2005: Doctor of Philosophy, Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany, Solar Physics

Thsesis: ” On the Dynamics of the Solar Corona ”, supervisor Rainer Schwenn

October 1999 – January 2001: Master Degree at Atom, Molecule and Astrophysics Department, Physics Faculty, University of Bucharest

Thesis: ” A General Description of 27 June 1999 Coronal Mass Ejection ”, supervisor: Ester Antonucci

October 1995 – June 1999: Batchelor at Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University

Thsesis: ” Sunspot Model ”, supervisor Mircea Rusu

September 1991 – June 1995: High School of Informatics ”Ecaterina Teodoroiu”, Tg. Jiu, Gorj, Romania


Romanian National Committee of Astronomy (CNRA – Comitetul National Roman de Astronomie),

International Astronomical Union (IAU)


Programming Languages: IDL, C

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, UNIX


Native Romanian, Fluency in English and Italian, some French and German


•  postdoctoral fellowship allocated by BELSPO at Royal Observatory of Belgium (February 2008 – January 2009)

•  fellowship allocated by Catholic University of America at Goddard Space Flight Center, USA (July-August 2007)

•  International Max-Planck Research School Fellowship, Germany (February 2002 – November 2005)

•  Erasmus Scholarship, Turin Observatory, Italy (October 1999 – August 2000)

Journal Refereeing

•  Referee for Solar Physics and Annals of Geophysicae

Publications: see attached list

Diana Ionescu – e-mail:




Name: Diana Ionescu

Publishing name: Diana Besliu-Ionescu

Affiliation: Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, 19-21 Jean-Luis Calderon St., RO-020032, Bucharest-37, Romania

Position: Senior Researcher III, Natural Fields Department

Phone: +40-21-3172127, Fax: +40-21-3172120



1995 – Diploma of High School graduation

2001 – Diploma in Physics, Bucharest University, Faculty of Physics, Spectroscopy, Plasma, Lasers and Optics

2010 – PhD Seismic Emissions from Solar Flares, CSPA, School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University


2001 – 2005: physics teacher in Gr. Sc. Ind. “Sf. Pantelimon”

– 2003 – 2009: research assistant at the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy

May – June 2005, research stage at Clique , CSPA , Monash University , Clayton, Australia

2005, May – 2010, June PhD student at Clique , CSPA , Monash University

– 2009, May – present research assistant at the Institute of Geodynamics “Sabba S. Stefanescu” of theRomanian Academy


•  Solar physics: discovery, description and understanding sun quakes; study of solar flares physics.

•  Solar flare simulations: using RADYN code to ignite sun quakes .

•  Space Weather:  correlating solar flares, CME’s and geomagnetic storm parameters.


Linux, Windows

IDL, C, bash scripting

FOREIGN LANGUAGES: English, French, native Romanian


Martínez-Oliveros, J. C.; Moradi, H.; Beșliu-Ionescu, D.; Donea, A.-C.; Cally, P. S.; Lindsey, C., Solar Physics, 245, 121, 2007.

Moradi, H.; Donea, A.-C.; Lindsey, C.; Beșliu-Ionescu, D.; Cally, P. S., MNRAS, 374, 1155, 2007.

Beșliu-Ionescu , D.; Donea, A. C.; Cally, P.; Lindsey, C., RoAJ, 17S, 83, 2007.

Beșliu-Ionescu , D.; Donea, A.-C.; Lindsey, C.; Cally, P.; Maris, G., AdSpR, 40, 1921, 2007.

Donea, A.-C.; Beșliu-Ionescu , D.; Cally, P. S.; Lindsey, C.; Zharkova, V. V., Solar Physics, 239, 113, 2006.

Valentin Constantin Furnica – email: /


Valentin Constantin Furnicǎ
Curriculum Vitae


18 ianuarie 1955 – născut în oraşul Zimnicea, Judeţul Teleorman, România.

1971 – 1974 – Liceul teoretic Matei Basarab din Bucureşti – diploma de bacalaureat  pentru secţia REAL, iunie 1974;

1976 – 1981 – Universitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Geologie şi Geografie, Secţia Inginerie Geologică şi Geofizică – examen de diplomă în specialitatea GEOFIZICĂ cu lucrarea „Studiul geotermic al regiunii din sud-estul Dobrogei de Sud, cu privire specială la sursele de ape   termominerale de la Mangalia”- iunie 1981;

1981 – 1987 – inginer geofizician la Intreprinderea de Prospecţiuni Geologice şi Geofizice, Bucureşti, specialitatea gravimetrie, prospecţiuni gravimetrice de mare detaliu în Dobrogea de Nord, Depresiunea Ciucului, Masivul Leaota, Munţii Metaliferi, Munţii Oaş şi Munţii Gutâi. Rezultatele au fost concretizate în rapoarte de producţie, care au condus la o cunoaştere mai bună a structurilor geologice de adâncime din zonele de interes economic, menţionate.

1987 – 1993 – cercetător ştiinţific la Institutul de Geologie şi Geofizică din Bucureşti, Secţia de Noi Metode Geofizice. Studii şi cercetări de inducţie electromagnetică în câmpuri naturale, în zonele Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Dărăbani, Iaşi şi Cluj (prin metoda curenţilor telurici), sau pe profile magnetotelurice în Depresiunea Ciceu, Depresiunea  Panonică, Masivul Godeanu, Carpaţii Orientali (profilul Adjud-Miercurea Ciuc). Rezultatele aplicării metodei magnetotelurice pe profile şi a metodei telurice (scara 1:200 000) sunt cuprinse într-un număr de patru şi respectiv trei rapoarte ştiinţifice, importante pentru cunoaşterea structurii geologice de adâncime.

1993 – prezent – cercetător ştiinţific la  Institutul de Geodinamică al Academiei Române, Bucureşti.

1994-1998 – cercetări privind comportarea câmpului teluric, geomagnetic, sau   geoelectromagnetic în scopul identificării semnalelor  cu caracter precursor cutremurelor vrâncene;
– studiul oportunităţilor de amplasare  în cadrul Observatorului Astrogeodinamic Căldăruşani, a unei radiosonde pentru evidenţierea manifestărilor anomale ale ionosferei, care preced un cutremur de pământ;
– în cadrul colaborării dintre Institutul de Geodinamică şi Universitatea din Edinburgh, am realizat măsurătorile de perioada lungă asupra câmpului magnetoteluric, în zona Vrancea, utilizând trei sisteme sincronizate, de achiziţie a datelor. Rezultatele obţinute prin prelucrarea acestora, au fost prezentate în cinci rapoarte ştiinţifice, care descriu un profil de şase  amplasamente cu măsuratori relativ scurte (30 zile), transversal pe curbura Carpaţilor Orientali, precum şi înregistrări pe termen lung (1,5 ani), efectuate în punctele de observaţie Greşu, Odobeşti, Vintileasca şi Căldăruşani din zona seismogenă Vrancea, permiţând îmbunătăţirea imaginii structurale de adâncime precum şi identificarea unor efecte anomale electrice, magnetice, sau electromagnetice, corelabile perioadelor de intensificare a activităţii seismice din zona Vrancea.

1993 – 1996 – pregătirea tezei de doctorat „Identificarea semnalelor seismoelectrice în domeniul frecvenţelor ultra-joase, prin studiul   componentei electrice a câmpului geoelectromagnetic”   în cadrul Institutului de Geodinamica – Academia Română, prin susţinerea a trei examene şi două referate, având titlurile: 1.Valoarea geonomică a informaţiei ce poate fi obţinută prin studiul câmpului geoelectromagnetic; 2. Fenomene electrice, magnetice şi electromagnetice pre-, co- şi post-seismice; valoare geonomică – valoare predictivă; 3. Geodinamica zonei Vrancea: condiţii ce impun/favorizează o anumită strategie în culegerea informaţiei geonomice cu valoare predictivă; 4. Zona seismogenă Vrancea, informaţii care principial pot fi obţinute   prin studiul unor efecte electrice, magnetice şi electromagnetice, posibil asociate proceselor tectonice. Analiza critică a metodelor utilizate în prezent; 5. Traductori folosiţi în măsurătorile câmpului electric şi electromagnetic, în domenul frecvenţelor ultra-joase, în scopul identificării semnalelor seismoelectrice/seismoelectromagnetice.

1998 – 2005 – cercetări în jurul momentului 2001 în care a devenit posibilă identificarea şi definirea „efectului de electrod al activităţii tectonice globale”. S-au concretizat prin subtitluri (rapoarte de cercetare ştiinţifică) în tematica fundamentală a Institutului de Geodinamică, sau prin proiecte propuse cu ocazia diferitelor competiţii de acordare de granturi:
– 2000: Studiul evoluţiei câmpurilor potenţiale (magnetic, gravific, electric,  electromagnetic) în relaţie cu structura şi dinamica litosferei. Subtema: Cercetări magnetotelurice. Traductor pentru detectarea semnalelor seismoelectrice;
          – 2001: Studiul evoluţiei spaţio-temporale a câmpurilor geofizice (geotermic, gravific, geomagnetic, teluric, electromagnetic); implicaţii în geodinamică. Partea a-IV-a : Cercetări privind câmpul electromagnetic de ultra-joasă frecvenţă (< 20 Hz);
            – 2002: Studiul evoluţiei spaţio-temporale a deplasărilor relative dintre blocurile tectonice ce vin în contact în zona geodinamic activă Vrancea, cu privire specială asupra profilului Tulnici – Greşu. Subtema: Efecte de electrod ale stresului tectonic, la nivelul solului;
– 2004-2005: Cercetări geofizice complexe în zone geodinamic active, cu privire specială asupra zonei seismogene Vrancea. Subtema: Valoarea predictivă a anomaliei electrice dipolare, de perioadă lungă, prezentă în semnalul obţinut prin studiul efectului de electrod al  tectonicii globale.
– 1999: Metodă de selectare a semnalelor seismoelectrice (SES) cu caracter precursor, de perioadă lungă, medie si scurtă, prin utilizarea semnalului magnetoteluric înregistrat simultan în staţiile reţelei de monitorizare a zonei seismogene Vrancea şi adiacente. Către   Agenţia Naţională pentru Ştiinţă, Tehnologie şi Inovare – respins;
– 2000; 2001: Cutremurele de pamânt. Metode de cercetare utilizate în studiul   câmpurilor electric, magnetic şi electromagnetic, în scopul identificării anomaliilor cu caracter precursor. Către Consiliul Pentru Granturile Academiei Române – respins;
– 2003: Efectul de electrod al tectonicii globale, în contextul cunoaşterii ştiinţifice actuale, privind identificarea precursorilor electrici şi electromagnetici ai cutremurelor de pământ. Către Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării, Programul CERES – respins;
– 2004: Potenţialul electric al tectonicii globale. Perspective în evidenţierea factorilor antropici perturbatori. Către Consiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice din Învăţământul Superior – respins;
– 2005: Unele semnificaţii geofizice ale semnalelor electrice obţinute prin studiul efectului de electrod al tectonicii globale. Către Consiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice din Învăţământul Superior – respins.
– 2006 – 2011. Realizarea unei baze de date privind fenomenele geofizice la scară regională şi globală, utilizând facilităţile internetului în urmărirea înregistrărilor disponibile la diverse observatoare de pe Pământ (magnetism, geodinamică, meteorologie, parametri ai activităţii solare, activitatea seismică globală, regională şi locală ş.a). Etapa s-a finalizat prin susţinerea în anul de cercetare-învăţământ 2011-2012, în cadrul Institutului de Geodinamică al Academiei Române, a comunicării “Fenomene geofizice corelabile diferenţelor de potenţial de electrod înregistrate în condiţii de laborator”.
– 2013. Prelucrarea fotogramelor satelitare IR-full disk, disponibile pe internet pentru zonele Africa-Europa-Oceanul Atlantic-Oceanul Indian-vestul Asiei (METEOSAT-EUMETSAT), America de Nord-America de Sud-Oceanul Pacific (GOES -NOAA) şi estul Asiei-Pacificul de Vest-Australia (MTSAT-JMA). Au fost identificate structuri majore, cu aspectul principal de vortex,  asociate suprafeţelor mari acoperite de apa şi continentale, precum si structuri cu dezvoltare aproximativ liniară şi extindere comparabilă cu diametrul discului planetar, pe directiile NV-SE, NE-SV, N-S şi E-V. Au fost urmărite în funcţionarea lor pe fondul activităţii seismice globale, al variaţiilor sezoniere, precum şi al activităţii solare în perioada de vârf a ciclului nr.24, care a început în anul 2009. S-au observat unele particularităţi ale zonei seismogene Vrancea în cadrul sistemelor de structuri geofizice cu extindere globală   identificate.

Lista lucrărilor ştiinţifice publicate sau prezentate cu ocazia unor manifestări ştiinţifice de specialitate

Furnica C.,V. si Furnica C., 1988. Contributii gravimetrice la cunoasterea structurilor eruptive din zona Turt – Camarzana, Muntii Oas. St.tehn.econ.,D,15,49-59. Inst.Geol.Geofiz.Bucuresti.
Furnica V., 1991. Contributii gravimetrice la descifrarea structurii eruptivului neogen in zona Tarna Mare – Turt, perimetrul Ghezuri – Penigher. Lucrarile Seminarului Geologic “Gr. Cobalcescu” Vol.III, 141-150, Universitatea Al.I.Cuza, Iasi.
Furnica C., V. si Furnica C., 1992. Modelul structural al Masivului Godeanu, dedus pe baza valorilor    componentei magnetice a campului electromagnetic natural. St. Cerc. Geofizica, tom 30, p.41-51, Bucuresti.
Furnica C., V. si Furnica C., 1992. On a new biophysical method for predicting imminent earthquakes. St. Cerc. Biotehnologie, nr.24, Institutul Politehnic Bucuresti, Academia Romana, Institutul de  Geologie si Geofizica Bucuresti.
Furnica C.,V. si Furnica C., 1993. Metoda biofizica pentru urmarirea unor fenomene legate de producerea cutremurelor de pamant. Studii si Cercetari de Biotehnologie nr.25 p.162-163,   Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti; Academia Romana-Comisia de Bioinginerie si Biotehnologie.
Furnica C.,V., 1994. Posibilitati deschise de prezenta anomaliei de conductivitate electrica a Carpatilor, pentru identificarea semnalelor cu caracter precursor. Prezentata la al XVII-lea Simpozion de   Fizica Pamantului si Geofizica Aplicata, Bucuresti.
Furnica C.,V. si Furnica C., 1996. Unele semnificatii fizice ale elipsei de polarizare a campului teluric. Rev.Roum.Geophysique,Bucarest, 37,p.69-79.
Furnica C., V., 1997. Harta anomaliilor biofizice deduse din masuratori pe teren in zona seismogena Vrancea si ariile adiacente, in perioada 1993-1996. Prezentata la al XX-lea Simpozion de Geofizica Aplicata Bucuresti.
Furnica C.,V., 1998. Possibilities and limits of polarizable and nonpolarizable electrodes for detecting seismoelectric signals. Proceedings to the 14th Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Sinaia, România.
Furnica C.,V., 2001. Variation in time of apparent resistivity in the hypocentral zone of  the Vrancea earthquakes. In publicare, Rev. Roum, St. cerc. Geofizica , din anul 2002.
Furnica C.V., 2001. Variation in space of apparent resistivity on profiles in the Vrancea seismic region. In publicare, Rev. Roum, St. cerc. Geofizica, din anul 2002.
Furnica C.,V., 2002a. Long period seismoelectric signal. Prezentată in Sesiunea anuală de comunicări    ştiinţifice a Societăţii Geologice a României, – Bucureşti, mai 2002.
Furnica C.,V., 2002b. Electrode efects of the global tectonic activity. Prezentată la Conferinţa   internaţională “25 years of research in Earth Physics”, septembrie 2002, Bucureşti. In publicare: Rev. roum de Geophysique, 46/2002, Suppl.no1, Editura Academiei
Furnica C.,V., 2002c. Variaţii cu caracter sezonier ale potenţialului de electrod şi ale câmpului   curenţilor telurici, în zona seismogenă Vrancea. Susţinută la Prima sesiune de comunicări   ştiinţifice a Fundaţiei “Ion Atanasiu”, noiembrie, 2002. In publicare: rev. Geotop no.1, Edit Credis, Bucureşti.
Furnica C.,V. and Cosconea, M., 2006.  Electric activity of global tectonics, a determining factor for the precipitation pattern. A special look upon the active geodynamics Vrancea zone (Romania). Paper presented at the National Meteorological Administration, Annual session of scientific  papers, Bucharest, 2006.
Furnica C.,V., 2007. The electrode effect of the global tectonic activity made evident in laboratory conditions using Aluminium. Presented at the International symposium on strong Vrancea earthquakes and rysc mitigation, oct 2007, Bucharest, Romania.
Furnica C.,V., 2008. A bipolar electric anomaly, with precursory features for the great earthquakes, obtained in laboratory conditions by the electrode potential study. Presented at the EMSEV-  DEMETER joint workshop, sept. 2008, Sinaia, Romania.
Furnica C.,V., 2014. Some cosmic phenomena possibly responsible for seasonal variations of electrode potential differences measured in laboratory conditions. Paper presented at The annual scientific session of the Institute of Geodynamics – Bucharest, January 9-10, 2014.
Furnica, C.,V., 2015. A possible connection between the Aegean vortex structure and the seismogenic Vramcea zone. Paper presented at the National Symposium of Geology and Geophysics, GEO 2015, Bucharest, 20 November 2015.
Furnica C.,V., 2016. The tectonic vortex. Paper presented at The annual scientific session of the Institute of Geodynamics – Bucharest, April 5-7, 2016.
Furnica C.,V., 2016. Electrode effect of the global tectonic activity in the conditions generated by the solar and lunar eclipses, in a sunspot cycle. Prezentata in cadrul Simpozionului Geoscience 2016, Universitatea Bucuresti, 25 noiembrie 2016.
Furnica C.,V., 2017. Cateva caracteristici de precursori ai cutremurelor puternice, specific inceputului brusc de furtuna geomagnetica (SSC). Prezentata in cadrul Simpozionului Geoscience 2017, Universitatea Bucuresti, 24 noiembrie 2017.
Furnica C.,V., 2018. Unele caracteristici ale precursorilor magnetici asociati cutremurelor (M>7) produse pe Pamant in intervalul ianuarie-februarie 2018. The annual scientific session of the Institute og Geodynamics, Bucharest March 27-28, 2018.
Furnica C.,V., 2018. Linkage between the global warming and Earth’s seismicity (M ≥ 7.0), reveled by the electrode effect of the global tectonic activity. Prezentata in cadrul Simpozionului Geoscience 2018, Universitatea Bucuresti, 16 noiembrie 2018.
Furnica C., V., 2019. Electrodes aged under the influence of electromagnetic fields emitted by tectonic stress. Prezentata in cadrul Simpozionului Geoscience 2019, Universitatea Bucuresti, 22 noiembrie 2019.
Furnica C., V., 2020. Wuhan linear cloud. The International Symposium Geoscience 2020, Bucharest, November 20-21, 2020.

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