TOMUL 33 1995


FLORIN MUNTEANU, CRISTIAN IOANA, CRISTIAN SUTEANU, DOREL ZUGRAVESCU, Discriminating transient dynamics and critical states in active geodynamic areas / Discrimination de la dynamique transitoire et des état critiques dans les zones géodynamiques actives
CRISTIAN SUTEANU, Inhomogeneous resolution analysis method for outcomes of fragmentation processes / Méthode d'analyse à résolution inhomogène pour les résultat des processus de fragmentation
NICOLAE MANDRESCU, Cutremurele subcrustale din anii 1986 (30 august) si 1990 (30 si 31 mai), semnificatii geologice si seismologice / The 1986 and 1990 Subcrustal Vrancea Earthquakes and their Geologic and Seismologic Significance
DAN CAPRITA, Modelarea matematica a structurilor izomerice in prospectiunea electrometrica de curent continuu. Partea a II-a / Mathematical Modelling of the Isomeric Structures in the D.C. Electrometric Prospection. Part II
AURELIAN NEGUT, CORNELIU DINU, DORU LUTAC, Faciesuri de tip "Channel-Fill identificate pe baza diagrafiei geofizice cu exemplificari pe structurile Lebada si Sinoe / "Channel-Fill" type facies identified by geophysical well logs with illustrations of Lebada and Sinoe Structures (Romanian Shelf of Black Sea)
Lucrarile festive ale Societatii Romane de Geofizica la a 70-a aniversare a prospectiunilor geofizice romanesti, 20 decembrie 1995. DOREL ZUGRAVESCU, Cuvant introductiv / Foreword
DUMITRU ENESCU, CRISAN DEMETRESCU, ANDREI SOARE, Contributii ale geofizicii generale la activitatea de prospectiune din tara noastra / Contributions of the Earth's physics to the prospecting activity in Romania
VALERIU VARODIN, Aspecte din istoricul prospectiunii seismice romanesti pentru hidrocarburi / Aspects of Romanian exploration for hydrocarbons
ION STOICA, VLAD ZORILESCU, FLORIN NEACSU, GHEORGHE STEFLEA, GHEORGHE BICHIR, VICTOR PRUNA, JAN GORIE, Aspecte privind dezvoltarea metodelor geofizice – altele decat seismice – la S.C. Prospectiuni S.A. / Aspects concerning the development of geophysical methods – other than the seismic ones at S.C. Prospectiuni S.A.
AURELIAN NEGUT, VICTOR NEGOITA, LUCA TITUS IONESCU, JEAN DRAGOMIR, GHEORGHE TEULEA, STEFAN HANUMOLO, Etapele principale de dezvoltare a geofizicii de sonda in Romania /Main development stages of borehole geophysics in Romania
PANDELE NECULAE, CORNELIU MARGARITESCU, ALEXANDRU BABSKOW, ION SAVU, Principalele rezultate ale activitatii de geofizica in unitatile R.A. Petrom / Main results of geophysical activities carried out by Petrom R.A.
JUSTIN ANDREI, DRAGOMIR ROMANESCU, Aportul cercetarii de geofizica aplicata la activitatea de prospectiune / The contribution of the applied geophysical research to the exploration activity

In memoriam: Alexandru Mircea Pompilian

ISSN 1220 - 5265

St. Cerc. GEOFIZICA, tomul 33, p. ... - ...., 1995, Bucuresti