TOMUL 29 1991


MARIUS VISARION, MIRCEA SANDULESCU, Elemente rupturale majore in Muntii Fagaras si Transilvania de Sud / Major ruptural elements in the Fagaras Mountains and Southern Transylvania
JUSTIN ANDREI, RADU CRAHMALIUC, ANCA CRAHMALIUC, Elaborarea hartii gravimetrice Bouguer cu densitati variabile din Bazinul Babadag / Elaboration of the Bouguer gravity map with variable densities of the Babadag basin
A. POMPILIAN, F. RADULESCU, M. BITER, Cercetari seismice in Dobrogea Centrala si Sudica / Seismic researches in Central and Southern Dobrudja
STEFAN PATRASCU, CRISTIAN PANAIOTU, CRISTINA E. PANAIOTU, Paleomagnetic reserch in the banatites of the Southern Carpathians (Banat area – Romania) / Studiul paleomagnetic al banatitelor din Carpatii Meridionali (Banat – Romania)
ALEXANDRA IONESCU, GABARIELA CUCU, RAMONA PLAVITA, Prelucrarea digitala si redactarea computerizata a datelor Observatorului Geofizic Surlari / Digital processing and computer editing of data of the Surlari Geophysical Observatory
ELENA CORDONEANU, DOINA BANCIU, O situatie de "anticiclogeneza" intracarpatica / An "intra-Carpathian anticyclogenesis" situation
CONSTANTIN MARES, Producerea de evenimente meteorologice rare din zona sud-est europeana in contextul climatic actual / Occurrence of rare meteorological events in the South-Eastern Europe as against the present climatic background
C. CALOTA, D. IOANE, D. ION, Model geofizic de simulare a structurii vulcanice Sumuleu (Muntii Gurghiu) construit pe baza interpretarii cantitative a datelor gravimetrice si aeromagnetice / Geophysical model simulating the Sumuleu volcanic structure (Gurghiu Mountains) based on the quantitative interpretation of gravity and aeromagnetic data
VLAD ROSCA, TITUS NESTIANU, ANCA GEORGESCU, Particularitati petro-magnetice ale amfibolitelor din formatiunea de Mioarele (M. Fagaras) / A petromagnetic study concerned with amphibolites of the Mioarele formation
CRISTIAN MIHAIL, Perspectiva in ape potabile a Campiei Romane (Regiunea Olt – Teleorman) prin interpretarea diagrafiilor electrice de sonda / The prospects of drinking watrs of the Romanian Plain (Olt – Teleorman region), by electrical logging interpretation
The XVIth Symposium of Earth Physics and Applied Geophysics

MISAC N. NABIGHIAN (Ed.) (1991), Electromagnetic Methods and Applied Geophysics, vol. 2 – Application, Parts A and B (Series: Investigations of Geophysics, vol. 3) – Society of Exploration Geophysics, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, 972 p. (Ion I. Stoica)
KLAUS STROBACH (1991), Unser Planet Erde. Ursprung und Dynamik, Gebrüder Borntraeger – Berlin – Stuttgart, 254 p., 79 fig., 2 tables (Constantin Cranganu)


ISSN 1220 - 5265

St. Cerc. GEOFIZICA, tomul 29, p. ... - ...., 1991, Bucuresti