First name: Mirela -Adriana
Name: Anghelache
Year of birth: 1968
Affiliation: Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, 19-21 Jean-Louis Calderon St., RO-020032, Bucharest-37, ROMANIA
Position: researcher
e-mail: mirelaadrianaa@yahoo.com
1992-1997 Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology and Environmental Protection, Bucharest University, Geology and Geophysics Department
1982-1986 High School “Gheorghe Munteanu Murgoci”, Braila
Post Graduate Studies:
2001-2002 Postgraduate School in Architectural Conservation Studies/Built Heritage Development, Istropolitana Nova Academy, Slovakia
2000-2001 Postgraduate School in Environmental Policy Curriculum, Istropolitana Nova Academy, Slovakia
1997-1998 Thoroughgoing Studies in Environmental Geology and Geophysics, Bucharest University, Geology and Geophysics Department, Romania
Scientific Workshops :
November 2-3, 2017. Basics in Seismology, Citizen seismology in education, CNCES Scientix, National Institute for Earth Physics (NIEP) and National Library.
May 11-12, 2015, Worshop in Seismology, organized by ROEDUSEIS-NET (Romanian Educational Seismic Network), Bucharest, Romania.
September 26-October 8, 2011, Advanced School on Understanding Prediction of Earthquakes and other Extreme Events in Complex Systems Workshop, held by IUGG Commission on Geophysical Risk and Sustainability and IASPEI, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
August 13-25, 2001, Dynamics of Complex Systems: Classical and Quantum Aspects, Wittenberg, Germany.
July 15-October 15, 2000, Workshop in the project area Water organized by DAAD, Suderburg, Germany.
October 7-October 14, 2000, European Workshop in Analysis of Microfabrics in Geomaterials, Technical University of Munich, Germany.
July 1998, Management of deltas; focus on the Danube Delta, organized by NEAR, Network for Environmental Asessment and Remediation, Danube Delta, Romania.
Geological hazards and risks focused on seismic hazard and seismic risk
Integration of Geophysics and Geology
Computer applications in Earth Sciences
Environmental and Cultural Heritage protection
Geological interpretation of geophysical data
Basic applications of seismological methodologies
Assessment of seismic hazard
Conversion of data files in multiple formats
Developing skills of digital graphic processing
Improving the skills of writing and editing the scientific articles
2001 – present – researcher at the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest
1998 – 2001- research-assistant at the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest
Sept.1997 – March 1998 – English substitute teacher at Elementary School no.169, Bucharest
Sept.1992 -August 1997 – English substitute teacher at Elementary School no.132, Bucharest
Sept.1991- August 1992 – English substitute teacher at Elementary School no.102, Bucharest
January – December 2004, Marie – Curie Postgraduate Fellowship in “Reduction the Seismic Risk”, ROSE School, Pavia, Italy
Certificate of specialization as a qualified researcher in Risk and Geological Survey and Management, organized by CERG-UNIGE in April 28-June 19, 2003 in Geneve, Switzerland.
December 2018, Romanian Academy, Bucharest. Stefan Hepites Award, as co-author to thescientific paper: Lateral detachment in progress within the Vrancea slab (Romania): inferences from intermediate-depth seismicity patterns. Geophys. J. Int. (2016) 205, Issue 2, 864–875, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv533.
December 2016, UEFISCDI, Romania. PRECISI 2016 for the research results -article, as co-author to the scientific paper: Lateral detachment in progress within the Vrancea slab (Romania): inferences from intermediate-depth seismicity patterns. Geophys. J. Int. (2016) 205, Issue 2, 864–875, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv533.
December 2014, UEFISCDI, Romania. PRECISI 2014 for the research results -article, as co-author to the scientific paper: Possible triggered seismicity signatures associated with the Vrancea intermediate-depth strong earthquakes (Southeast Carpathians, Romania), Seismological Research Letters, March/April 2014, v. 85, 314-323. doi:10.1785/0220130045, Print ISSN: 0895-0695, OnlineISSN: 1938-2057.
September 2010, UEFISCDI, Romania. PRECISI 2010 for the research results-article, as co-author to the scientific paper: Persistent pre-seismic signature detected by means of Na-K-Mg geothermometry records in a saline spring of Vrancea area (Romania), Nat. Hazards Earth Syst.Sci.,10, 217-225.
Complex researches on the internal geodynamic processes and seismicity, Romanian Academy prioritar program, theme 7.2/2010-2018 (co-worker).
Integrated research on the surface echoes of the deep geodynamic processes in the lithosphere of the Vrancea region: Romanian Academy main program, theme 7.2/2009 (co-worker).
Using 2-D and 3-D interpretative techniques for modeling structure and dynamics of the active seismic zone located in the bending area of East Carpathians : Romanian Academy main program, theme 7.2/2008 (co-worker).
MIGRELEMENT – Study of some elements migration within aquiferous structures from the future final site of waste repository of low and intermediate active Saligny (PN II-PC, 32-112/01.10.2008)/ 2008-2011 (co-worker).
Integrated research on the structure and dynamics of the contact between the Moesian microplate and Intra-Carpathian microplate. Consequences on the seismicity within Vrancea zone : Romanian Academy main program, theme 7.2/2007 (co-worker).
English-excellent, Italian-intermediate level, German-working knowledge
Specific softwares for research activity like: Surfer, Didger, Matlab, software for processing levelling data, Leica Geo Office.
Levelling with digital level Leica.
Participation at workshop entitled G.I.S. in Geology and Geophysics, November 22-23, 2017.
Completed the course Graphics for Beginners, intensive module, December, 4-7, 2014, S.C. BEEDS MEDIA S.R.L., Bucharest.
Completed the course Introduction to GMT, December 12-January 31, 2010-2011, Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest.
Completed the course Introduction to Numerical Methods, July 15-August 8, 2002, Pristina Summer University, Kosovo.
Editorial Secretary of Studies and Communication/DIS journal, published by CRIFST/DIS (Romanian Committee for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology / Division of History of Science)
Keeping the Risk Register of the Department
Reviewer of several scientific articles / books
Co-organizer in the framework of the 14th International Scientific Conference: eLEARNING AND SOFTWARE FOR EDUCATION (eLSE conference), University Politehnica of Bucharest Central Library in Bucharest, on April 19 – 20, 2018.
Co-organizer at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly / 2017 section: Women in Geosciences – Session in EOS-Education and Outreach Symposia, April 2017, Vienna.
Participation at the course: Risk Management Fundamentals, Training Centre: Training Edu_differentiate yourself, Bucharest, October 18-19, 2107.
Participation in the workshop: Access to scientific literature: Updating the education system and research in Romania. Research and Publication Models, 26-28 October, 2016, Bucharest.
Writing abilities – completed the course Writing great paper in international journals – An introduction for researchers, certified by Wiley, April 8, 2014, Bucharest University.
Member of CRIFST (Romanian Committee for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology) of the Romanian Academy.
Driving licence:
Published articles in Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) indexed journals :
Mitrofan H., Anghelache M.-A., Chitea F., Damian A., Cadicheanu N., Vişan M. (2016): Lateral detachment in progress within the Vrancea slab (Romania): inferences from intermediate-depth seismicity patterns. Geophysical Journal International, 205: 864-875.
Fi = 2,484
Mitrofan H., Chitea F., Anghelache M.-A., Visan M. (2014): Possible triggered seismicity
signatures associated with the Vrancea intermediate-depth strong earthquakes (Southeast
Carpathians, Romania). Seismological Research Letters, 85: 314-323.
Fi = 2,989
Mitrofan H., Chitea F., Anghelache M.-A., Marin C., Tudorache A. (2010): Subsurface temperature signatures related to particular focal mechanisms, in Romania (Vrancea) and northern Italy seismicregions. Romanian Reports in Physics, 62: 854-864.
Fi = 1,367
Mitrofan H., Marin C., Zugravescu D., Chitea F., Anghelache M.-A., Besutiu L., Tudorache A. (2010): Persistent pre-seismic signature detected by means of Na-K-Mg geothermometry records ina saline spring of Vrancea area (Romania). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 10:217-225.
Fi = 2,277
Published articles in BDI indexed journals:
Mitrofan H., Anghelache M.-A., Chitea F. (2010): Shallow seismic activity (< 55 km) triggered along the Marasesti–Galati–Braila lineament in response to the major sub-crustal earthquakes of Vrancea area. Revue Roumaine de Geologie Geophysique et Geographie – Geophysique, 54: p.39-54
Published articles in Proceedings:
Anghelache M. A., Mitrofan H., Chitea F., Damian A, Vişan M., Cadicheanu N. (2017): The space-time distribution of moderate-and large-magnitude Vrancea earthquakes fits numerically-predicted stress patterns. Proceedings of 6th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 2nd National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seimology. CONSPRESS București, ISSN 2559-3943.
M.A. Anghelache., H. Mitrofan, F.Chitea, N.Cadicheanu (2014): Assessing possible effects of earthquakes in terms of groundwater radionuclide pollution in Cernavodă area, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and 1st National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology: Bucharest, Romania, June 19-20, 2014, Editura Conspress, 2014, pg.237-243, [ISBN 978–973-100-342-9].
Published articles in specialized journals edited under the coordination of the Romanian Academy:
Anghelache M.A (2018): Parametrii surselor seismice – intensitatea seismică şi magnitudinea. In vol. XI/2018 al revistei Studii şi comunicări /DIS, editată sub auspiciile CRIFST al Academiei Române, [ISSN 1844 – 9220], 351-358.
Anghelache, M.A. (2014), Introducere în cercetarea şi predicţia evenimentelor seismice extreme(exemplificare – marele cutremur din estul Japoniei), Studii şi comunicări/DIS, vol. VII, CRIFST/DIS, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, pg. 91 – 101. [ISSN 1841–9220].
Anghelache, M. A. (2012), Un punct de vedere geologic asupra patrimoniului construit, NOEMA,vol. XI, CRIFST/DIS, Academia Română, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, p. 221 – 243, [ISSN 2501–2304].
Anghelache, M. A., (2011), Hazardul seismic pe glob şi vulnerabilitatea seismică. Consideraţii statistice, NOEMA, vol.X, CRIFST/DIS, Academia Română, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, p. 401 – 4016. [ISSN 2501–2304].
Anghelache, M. A. (2010), Cutremurele de pământ – fenomene naturale periculoase pentru omenire prin efectele lor, NOEMA, vol.9, Editura MEGA, Cluj-Napoca, volum apărut sub îngrijirea CRIFST/DIS, 278 – 302 [ISSN 2501–2304].
Anghelache, M. A., Osiceanu, M. E. (2010), Riscul seismic – componente, management, abordare psihologică, vol.3, Studii şi Comunicări, Editura MEGA, Cluj-Napoca, volum apărut sub îngrijirea CRIFST/DIS,307-322 [ISSN 1841–9220].
Anghelache, M. A., (2009), Evoluţia cercetării ştiinţifice asupra cutremurelor de pământ, revista Noema, vol.8, Editura MEGA, Cluj-Napoca, volum apărut sub îngrijirea CRIFST/DIS, pg. 412-442 [ISSN 2501–2304].
Abroad published books:
Anghelache M. A., Mitrofan H., Chitea F., Damian A., Vişan M., Cadicheanu N. (2018): The Space-Time Distribution of Moderate- and Large-Magnitude Vrancea Earthquakes Fits Numerically-Predicted Stress Patterns. In: Vacareanu R., Ionescu C. (eds) Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment. Updated Overview with Emphasis on Romania.Springer Natural Hazards. Springer, Cham. Print ISBN978-3-319-74723-1, Online ISBN978-3-319-74724-8, 39-51.
Mirela Adriana Anghelache, H. Mitrofan, F. Chitea, and N Cadichianu (2018): Water as Hazard – A Case Scenario of Groundwater Radionuclide Pollution in Cernavodă Area, Due to the Effects of Earthquakes (extended abstract). In Maria Bostenaru Dan, Alex Dill (coord.) Water as hazard and water as heritage: Report of the European Geosciences Union Topical Event in Rome, 13.-14. June 2016, DOI: 10.5445/KSP/1000076621, KIT Scientific Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-7315-0736-9, 2018, 51-54.
Ştefan Florin Balan, Dumitru Ioane, Carmen Cioflan, Ionelia Panea, Bogdan Apostol, Zina Malita, Florina Chitea, Mirela Adriana Anghelache (2014): Scenarios for Local Seismic Effects of Tulcea (Romania) Crustal Earthquakes – Preliminary Approach of the Seismic Risk Characterization for Tulcea City; in Bostenaru Dan, Maria; Armas, Iuliana; Goretti, Agostino (Eds) Earthquake Hazard Impact and Urban Planning, chapter 5 of second section, Earthquake risk assessment, pg. 85-103, Springer, Heidelberg, [ISBN 978–94-007-7980-5].
National published book:
Anghelache M. A. (2017): Notă despre rolul si responsabilităţile principalilor actori implicaţi în combaterea dezastrelor natural. Note about the role and responsibilities of the key actors involved in the fight against natural disasters). În Impactul hazardurilor naturale si antropice asupra ariilor urbane. Natural and man-made hazard impact on urban areas). Ediţie bilingvă, Editura Universitara „Ion Mincu”. ISBN 978-606-638-164-2, pg. 31-33 în ambele secţiuni.
Bostenaru Dan M., Anghelache M. A., Eds. (2017): Impactul hazardurilor naturale si antropice asupra ariilor urbane. Natural and man-made hazard impact on urban areas.. Ediție bilingvă, Editura Universitara „Ion Mincu”,126 pg. ISBN 978-606-638-164-2.