Al Zecelea Simpozion International de Geologie Economica 8-12 Septembrie 2016, Alba Iulia, Romania. E. Luisa Iatan, Essaid Bilal. New compositional data concerning Au-Ag alloys from the northern part of Roşia Montană deposit, Metaliferi Mountains, Romania. Rom. J. Mineral Deposits, vol. 89 (2016), nr. 1-2, p. 55-58
6th International Maar Conference – Changchun, China, July 30 – August 3, 2016. Seghedi, I., Szakács, A., Popa R-G. Maar structures in Persani Volcanic Field, SE Transylvania, Romania: A Revised Volcanological Study
7thGeochemistry Sympossium, 16–18 May 2016/Antalya, Turkey. The role of extensıonal tectonıcs and caldera formatıon durıng the bor mıneralızatıon processes ın early Mıocene Kırka-Phrıgıan Caldera, Western Anatolıa. Cahit Helvacı and Ioan Seghedi
EGU General Assembly, 17 aprilie – 22 aprilie 2016, Vienna, Austria. Besutiu, L., Seghedi, I., Zlagnean, L., Atanasiu, L., Popa, R.G., Pomeran, M., Visan, M. – Geomagnetic imprint of the Perşani volcanism: POSTER presentation.
35th Intenational Geological Congress, 27 august – 04 septembrie 2016, Cape Town, Republica Sud-Africană. Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L., Atanasiu, L. and Pomeran, M. – Integrated gravity and magnetics as a tool for investigating volcanic areas. The Neogene- Quaternary volcanism of East Carpathians: ORAL presentation
World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium-WMESS, 5-9 septembrie 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. Pomeran, M., Besutiu, L. and Zlagnean, L. – Contributions to load efficiency in a computer cluster environment for an oblique subduction tentative modeling: POSTER presentation
IAVCEI Commission on Volcano Geology 3rd International Workshop Etna-Aeolian Islands, July 3-10 2016. Mapping volcaniclastic deposits in the Călimani-Gurghiu-Harghita Neogene volcanic range, Romania. A brief history and current challenges. Alexandru Szakács, Ioan Seghedi – poster
69th Geological Congress of Turkey, At Ankara, Turkey. Early miocene Kirka-Phrigian caldera: a recent discovery in Western Anatolia. I. Seghedi, C. Helvacı.
EGU General Assembly 2016. The Pliocene-Quaternary South Harghita (Romania) volcanic chain-ending segment – a review. I. Seghedi, and A. Szakács
26th IUGG General Assembly, Abstract IUGG-4803. Anatomy of the late Pleistocene Ciomadul volcano (E-Carpathians, eastern-central Europe), a volcano with Potentially Active Magma Storage – S. Harangi, B. Kiss, R. Lukács, A.K. Schmitt, Seghedi, I., Novák, A., Molnár, K., Kis, B.M., Palcsu, L., Ntaflos, T., Vaselli, O., Szarka, L.
JA01p-155. Geophysical insights on the deep structure of Ciomadul volcano through interpretation of potential field data – Zlagnean, L., Besutiu, L., Seghedi, I., Atanasiu, L., Pomeran, M. (Abstract: JA01p-155)
IUGG-0632. Geomagnetic patterns along the Neogene to Quaternary volcanism of East Carpathians – Besutiu, L., Seghedi, I., Zlagnean, L., Atanasiu, L., Pomeran, M., Visan, M. (Abstract)
IUGG-1685. Integrating the volcanic facies concept with the lithostratigraphic approach to mapping ancient volcanic areas. Examples from the East Carpathians, Romania. Szakács, A. Seghedi, I., . Popa, R.G (Abstract)
What olivine and clinopyroxene mineral chemistry and melt inclusion study can tell us about magmatic processes in a post-collisional setting. Examples from the Miocene-Quaternary East Carpathian volcanic chain, Romania. Ioan Seghedi and Paul R. D. Mason (poster) (abstract)
Petrological characterization of the upper Miocene Rodna-Bargu sub-volcanic district. Laiena F., Fedele L., Seghedi I., Morra V. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Suppl. n. 1 al Vol. 31
The XX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Association, 24-26 September, Tirana, Albania– Time-space evolution and volcanological features of the Late Miocene-Quaternary Calimani-Gurghiu-Harghita volcanic range, East Carpathians, Romania. A review. Szakács, A., Seghedi, I., Pécskay, Z., Mirea, V. and Popa, RG. (abstract)
The XX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Association, 24-26 September, Tirana, Albania. Investigation of explosive volcanic structures by combined geological and geophysical surveys of Na-alkalic basaltic field in the Persani Mts., Romania. Seghedi, I., Besutiu, L., Popa, R-G., Szakács, A., Atanasiu, L. and Visan, M. – (abstract)
The XX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Association, 24-26 September, Tirana, Albania. Seismic and thermal properties of the upper mantle in the SE-Carpathian-Pannonian Region (CPR). Brandmayr, E., Seghedi, I., Tumanian, M. and Panza, GF. – (abstract)
The XX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Association, 24-26 September, Tirana, Albania. Paleomagnetic constraints for the timing of volcanism from the Gurghiu, Harghita and Perşani Mountains (East Carpathians). Panaiotu, C., Visan, M., Seghedi, I., – (abstract)
14th Castle Meeting – 31st of August to 6th of September 2014. Paleosecular variation in the last 6 Ma recorded by lava flows from the East Carpathians (Romania). – Panaiotu, C. G., Visan, M., Necula. C. (