TOMUL 30 1992


D. ENESCU, DORINA DANCHIV, A. BALA, Lithosphere structure in Romania. II. Thickness of earth's crust. Depth-dependent propagation velocity curves for the P and S waves / Structura litosferei in Romania. II. Grosimi ale crustei terestre; Curbe de variatie a vitezelor de propagare a undelor P si S cu adancimea
N. MANDRESCU, Un date cu privire la microzonarea seismica a orasului Bucuresti / Some data concerning seismic microzoning of Bucharest
VICTOR RAILEANU, DAN STIOPOL, MONICA BARSAN, DORU MATEICIUC, Profilare seismica de reflexie crustala pe un aliniament scurt din sectorul NE al Depresiunii Pannonice / Crustal reflection seismic profiling on a short line from NE area of Pannonian Depression
VALENTIN FURNICA, CORNELIA FURNICA, Modelul structural al Masivului Godeanu dedus pe baza valorilor componentei magnetice a campului electromagnetic natural / Structural model for the Godeanu Massif deduced from the magnetic component of the natural electromagnetic field
R. G. DIMITRIU, C. S. SAVA, C. MARAN, Contributii metodologice la cartarea gravimetrica a zonelor lacustre si marine cu ape putin adanci / Methodological contribution to the gravimetric mapping of the shallow water marine and lacustrine zones
C. DEMETRESCU, R. G. DIMITRIU, C. S. SAVA, MARIA ANDREESCU, Un camp geomagnetic normal pentru sectorul romanesc al platoului continental al Marii Negre / A normal field for the Romanian sector of the Black Sea
FLORIN SCURTU, A computer program of regression to reconstruct the diurnal variation in aeromagnetics / Un program FORTRAN de regresie pentru determinarea corectiei de variatie diurna in masuratorile aeromagnetice.
P. GEORGESCU, I. GAVRILA, D. ION, Influenta adancimii electrozilor de emisie asupra anomaliilor de rezistivitate aparenta / The influence of the emission electrodes depth on the apparent resistivity anomalies
ALEXANDRU GHEORGHE, AURELIAN NEGUT, DANIEL SCRADEANU, Potentialul informativ al metodei rezistivitatii aparente a apelor de strat in evaluarea formatiunilor de interes pentru hidrocarburi cu aplicatii pe selful romanesc al Marii Negre / The informative potential of water apparent resistivity method in assessing hydrocarbon intrest formations with applications on the Romanian shelf of the Black Sea
MARIUS VISARION, Prospectiuni geofizice efectuate de companii straine pe teritoriul Romaniei / Geophysical Surveys Carried on by Foreign Companies on Romania's Territory

ISSN 1220 - 5265

St. Cerc. GEOFIZICA, tomul 30, p. ... - ...., 1992, Bucuresti