Ioan Seghedi, Alexandru Szakács, Zoltán Pécskay, Viorel Mirea and Péter Luffi. The debris avalanche deposits (dads) in the Călimani-Gurghiu-Harghita range, their origin and emplacement history and how to recognize them in the field. Natural Heritage Geodiversity Geoconservation. National conference, bucharest, 7th of december, 2018. Click to View
Dr. Ing. Mihai Tatu, Institutul de Geodinamica al Academiei Romane, Institutul Geologice al Romaniei. Granitoidele – despre inceputuri . Conferintele GG – 14 Geologie si Geofizica (sesiunea 2019).
M. Grădinaru, L. Petrescu, I. Lazăr and M.N. Ducea (2019) – Evidence of microbial and chemical signatures in Middle Jurassic ferruginous stromatolites from the Southern Carpathians, Romania. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2019; Goldschmidt2019 Conference, Barcelona 18 – 23 august 2019.
Luffi, P. – Paleo-Mohometry: Assessing the Crust Thickness of Ancient Arcs Using Integrated Geochemical Data. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019, 2075. Goldschmidt2019 Conference, 18-23 aug. 2019, Barcelona. Click to View
Tatu M., Iatan E-L. 2019. New approaches on crystallization pressure of some Late Cretaceous granitoids from Romania. In Geoecomarina Extended Abstracts volume „Geosciences in the 21st Century, 217-222, ISBN 978-606-94742-7-3. Click to View
loan Seghedi, Yalçin E, Ersoy, 7-11 October 2019. Debate on the presence of transitional rock association in post-collisional setting – examples from Carpathian – Pannonian Region and Anatolia. 7 International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region. Click to View
Ioan Seghedi, 15-19 Octomber 2019. A review of the geodynamic setting of the volcanic provinces in the Carpathian-Pannonian region. 14th Workshop of the International Lithosphere Program Task Force Sedimentary Basins. Click to View
Iatan Elena-Luisa 2019. Environmental problems associated with the mining activities in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania. Extended Abstracts, volume „Geosciences in the 21st Century”, p.82-87, GeoEcoMar, Bucharest, ISBN 978-606-94742-7-3. Click to View
Viorel Mirea and Ioan Seghedi. Volcanoes morphology of the North Harghita (Romania) Volcanic chain segment : similarities and differences. EGU2020-7584. Click to View
Mihai Tatu and Elena Luisa Iatan. New approaches regarding the geodynamic constraints of Late Cretaceous magmatism in Carpathian area. EGU2020-2904 Click to View
Mihai Tatu, Elena Luisa Iatan (2021). Late Cretaceous short-lived magmatism andrelated metallogenesis in the Carpathian area (Romania): connections with Balkans. EGU General Assembly 2021, 19–30 April, Vienna, Austria. Abstract EGU21-6452
Elena-Luisa Iatan (2021). The occurrence of gold in Voia deposit, South Apuseni Mountains, Romania. EGU General Assembly 2021, 19–30 April, Vienna, Austria. Abstract EGU21-4813
Viorel Mirea, Alexandru Szakacs, Ioan Seghedi (2021) An investigation approach of the volcanic geomorphology in the Călimani – Gurghiu – Harghita volcanic chain, Romania. EGU21-10745. Abstract EGU21-10745
G.C. Stefan, V.Mirea, I. Seghedi (2021) The Bontău Volcano, Apuseni Mts. (Romania), source for numerous debris avalanche deposits. EGU21-10855, Abstract egu21-10855
Ducea M., Luffi P., 2022. Chemical mohometry: assessing crustal thickness of ancient orogens using geochemical and isotopic data. XXII International Congress of the CBGA, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7–11 September 2022, Abstracts, 32. Click to View
Schmidtke, E., Gibson, D. H., Thorkelson, D., Luffi. P., 2022. Preliminary crustal thickness estimates from chemical mohometry across the Challis-Kamloops Magmatic Belt in Southeastern British Columbia and Northeastern Washington State. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 50, no. 5,
Ioan Pintea, Sorin Silviu Udubaşa, Elena Luisa Iatan, Ion Berbeleac, Marian Munteanu și Valentina Maria Cetean, 2022. Hydrosaline melt inclusion provinces in Romania. Goldschmidt conference, Hawaii, 2022, session 7fP3 abstract Click to View
Vornicu, V., Seghedi I., Csiki-Sava Z., Ducea M.N., 2022. New U-Pb zircon ages of the Upper Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary deposits from the Haţeg Basin (Southern Carpathians) and temporal intrabasinal correlation. XXII International Congress of the CBGA, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7–11 September 2022, Abstracts, 109. Click to View
Seghedi, I., Lukács, R., Soós, I., Guilong, M., Bachmann, O., Cserép, B., Harangi, Sz., 2022. Sharp changes in magma evolution during the Quaternary volcanism of South Harghita, eastern-central Europe: constraints from bulk rock and zircon geochemistry and U-Pb dating. XXII International Congress of the CBGA, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7–11 September 2022, Abstracts, 106. Click to View
Szemerédi, M., Varga,A., Lukács, R. Dunkl, I., Seghedi, I., Tatu, M., Kovács, Z., Szepesi, J., Józsa, S., Raucsik, B., Harangi, Sz., Jákri, B., Máthé, Á., Pál-Molnár E., 2022. Late Paleozoic igneous episodes in the Pannonian Basin and the Apuseni Mts.: petrology, zircon U–Pb dating, and regional correlations. XXII International Congress of the CBGA, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7–11 September 2022, Abstracts, 99. Click to View
Mirea V. M., Seghedi I., 2022. Miocene Bontău volcanic complex (Apuseni Mts., Romania); volume calculations and edifice reconstruction. EGU22-12303, EGU General Assembly 2022 Click to View
Seghedi I., Mirea V. M., 2022. Volcanism and basin developments during Miocene in the Zărand basin, Apuseni Mts., Romania. 16th ILP and 7th Geoscience meeting, 6-7 October, Bucharest, Abstract volume, ISBN e-book.pdf – 978-606-537-578-9. Click to View
Elena Luisa Iatan, 2022. Encouraging girls to study geosciences and engineering” – Improving gender balance in geoscience. Sesiunea IGSSAR, 16-17 Noiembrie, 2022. Click to View
Tatu M., Iatan E.L., Mirea V. M., 2022. Late Cretaceous extensional magmatism and related metallogeny in the Carpathian and Balkan area. Sesiunea IGSSAR, 16-17 Noiembrie, 2022.
Ioan Seghedi, Viorel Mirea and Péter Luffi. Newly identified debris avalanche deposits (DADs) in the NorthHarghita Mts. (Romania): emplacement history and tectonic significance. IAVCEI – 5th International Volcano Geology Workshop Palmerston North, New Zealand, 2019. Click to View
Cosponsors: GSA Geochronology Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division.
Leaders: Alan D. Chapman, Macalester College; Nancy Riggs; Mihai N. Ducea.
Triantafyllou Antoine, Hodel Florent, Berger Julien, Macouin Melina, Baele Jean-Marc, Mattielli Nadine, Monnier Christophe, Ducea Mihai N., Poujol Marc, Langlade Jessica and Trindade Ricardo I.F. THE BOU AZZER AND SIRWA OPHIOLITES (ANTI-ATLAS, MOROCCO): INSIGHT INTO POLYPHASED SUBDUCTION-ACCRETION DYNAMICS DURING NEOPROTEROZOIC TIMES. Click to View
Ryan Eden, Kurt Sundell, Barbara Carrapa, Mihai Ducea, Joel Saylor. ZIRCON U-PB–LU-HF PETROCHRONOLOGY OF THE LATE CENOZOIC CENTRAL ANDES OF SOUTHERN PERU. Click to View
Chapman Alan D., Rautela Ojashvi, Shields Jessie E., Ducea Mihai N. and Saleeby Jason B. FATE OF THE LOWER LITHOSPHERE DURING SHALLOW-ANGLE SUBDUCTION: THE LARAMIDE EXAMPLE. Click to View