TOMUL 26 1988


C. CALOTA, V. LAZARESCU, T. MOLDOVEANU, DOREL ZUGRAVESCU, Variatia in timp a gravitatii pe poligoane geodinamice din R.S. Romania / The gravity variations on geodynamic polygons of R.S. Romania
DOREL ZUGRAVESCU, ILEANA FATULESCU, LIVIU CONSTANTINESCU, DUMITRU ENESCU, Relatia dintre mareea gravimetrica si declansarea seismica in cazul cutremurelor vrancene / The relationship between the gravity tide and the seismic triggering in the case of Vrancea earthquakes
C. DEMETRESCU, GABRIELA POLONIC, Asupra evolutiei geologice si termice a litosferei Panonice din Romania / On the geological and thermal evolution of the Pannonian lithosphere in Romania
D. ENESCU, A. BALA, A. POMPILIAN, Quasi-continuous distributions of seismic wave velocities in terrestrial crust from Romania / Distributii cvasicontinue ale vitezelor undelor seismice in crusta terestra din Romania
N. MANDRESCU, M. ANAGHEL, V. SMALBERGHER, The Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes and the peculiarities of the seismic intensity distribution over the Romanian territory / Cutremure intermediare vrancene si particularitatile distributiei intensitatii seismice pe teritoriul Romaniei
RADU BOTEZATU , C. CALOTA, CHO MAN GIL, Concerning certain properties of the magnetic vertical gradient / Asupra unor proprietati ale gradientului vertical magnetic
V. VARODIN, F. RADULESCU, Asupra metodelor de investigare seismica a subsolului din Romania (1929 – 1968) / On the Seismic Investigation Methods of the Earth's Crust in Romania (1929 – 1986)
I. STOICA, D. IONESCU, D. STANICA, Aspects of the development of geoelectrical prospecting methods in Romania / Aspecte ale dezvoltarii metodelor de prospectiune geoelectrica in Romania

W.D. STUART, K. AKI (Eds.), Intermediate – Term Earthquake Prediction, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel-Boston-Berlin, 1988 (L. Constantinescu)
IOSIF CONST. DRAGAN, ST. AIRINEI, Geoclimate and History, 1987, Editrice Nagard, Rome (D. Zugravescu)


ISSN 1220 - 5265

St. Cerc. GEOFIZICA, tomul 26, p. ... - ...., 1988, Bucuresti