Contract no. 93/5.10.2011
Programme: "IDEI "


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Work plan

Stage I. December 2011. Literature and existing data review. Field measurements

Activity 1 . Review of geomagnetic data from the National Secular Variation network, 1970 – present

Activity 2 . New magnetotelluric and geomagnetic measurements in Romania

Activity 3 . Review of magnetotelluric data for Romania

Activity 4. Review of CME, HSS, and geomagnetic indices available

Activity 5 . Initiating a data bank for European Geomagnetic observatories

Activity 6 . Purchasing magnetotelluric and geomagnetic equipment

Activity 7 . Preparation of the annual research report

Activity 8. Dissemination of results

- Initiation of the project webpage

- Preparation of scientific papers

Stage II. December 2012. Modelling the magnetic and electric structure of the underground at European and country scales

Activity 1 . New sounding magnetotelluric and geomagnetic measurements, repeat station geomagnetic measurements

Activity 2 . Modelling the geographical distribution of magnetic and electric properties of the underground at European and country scales based on geomagnetic measurements.

Milestone : Stage II induction model

Activity 3 . Modeling the rezistivity structure of the Romanian territory, based on magnetotelluric measurements.

Milestone : Stage II model

Activity 4 . Comparative analysis of solar and heliospheric geoeffectiveness

Activity 5 . Preparation of the annual research report

Activity 6. Dissemination of results

- Updating the project webpage with the results of Stage II

- Presentation at international and national conferences

- Preparation of papers for peer reviewed journal

Stage III. December 2013. Modelling the geoelectrical field at the Earth's surface as produced by various magnetospheric and ionospheric current systems

Activity 1 . New sounding magnetotelluric and geomagnetic measurements, repeat station geomagnetic measurements

Activity 2. Implementing numerical codes to calculate the surface geoelectric field

Activity 3. Improving the rezistivity model based on new data acquired.

Milestone Stage III, induction and rezistivity models

Activity 4. Empirical modelling the HSS-and CME-driven storms using data for the solar cycle 23

Activity 5. Modeling the surface geoelectric field at Earth's surface, in case of various magnetospheric and ionospheric current systems. MilestoneStage III surface geoelectric field model

Activity 6. Preparation of the annual research report

Activity 7. Dissemination of results

- updating the project webpage with the results of Stage III

- presentations at international and national conferences

- preparation of papers for peer reviewed journals

Stage IV. September 2014. Evaluation of the geophysical hazard for technological networks, associated to variations of the geoelectric field linked to the interaction of solar/heliospheric processes with the magnetosphere and ionosphere

Activity 1 . New sounding magnetotelluric and geomagnetic measurements, repeat station, geomagnetic measurements

Activity 2 . Improving numerical codes to calculate the surface geoelectric field

Activity 3 . Improving the rezistivity model based on new data acquired

Activity 4 . Tentatively develop a predictive capability for the arrival of HSSs and CMEs at Earth based on the empirical model

Activity 5 . Modelling the surface geoelectric field at the Earth's surface. Milestone: Model of the surface geoelectric field

Activity 6. Evaluation of the geophysical hazard.

Milestone . Model of the surface geoelectric field

Activity 7 . Preparation of the annual and final reports

Activity 8 . Dissemination of results and educational activity

- updating the project webpage with the final project results

- presentations at national and international conferences

- preparation of papers to be published in peer reviewed journals




Institute of Geodynamics “Sabba S. Stefănescu” of the Romanian Academy