TOMUL 34 1996


CRISTIAN SUTEANU – Structuring by fragmentation revealed by 3-dimensional evaluation / La structure par fragmentation revelée par une évaluation en 3-dimensions
VASILE CHISCAN, AURICA DAMIAN – Observatii privind evolutia geologica a selfului romanesc al Marii Negre si consecinte / Some remarks on the Black Sea Romanian shelf geological evolution and results
GABRIELA POLONIC – Extensia – un proces dinamic important in formarea Depresiunii Transilvaniei / Extension – an essential dynamic process in the formation of the Transylvanian Depression
ALEXANDRU BABSKOW, VALERIU PLATON – Aspecte ale prelucrarii si interpretarii "optime" a diagrafiei geofizice de sonda / "Optime" methods – new approach of well log processing and interpretation
ION MALUREANU – Posibilitati de modelare a variaiei rezistivitatii in colectoare de fluide in zona de invazie. Implicatii in evaluarea formatiunilor pe baza diagrafiei geofizice / Possibilities for modelling the variation of the resistivity in the invaded zone of the rezervoir. Implications in the evaluation of the formations with geophysic diagraphy
FLORIN RADULESCU, VICTOR MOCANU – Asupra studiului deformarilor suprafetei crustei terestre in Romania / Study of the Earth's crust surface deformations in Romania

In memoriam: Alexandru Babskow
In memoriam: Ion Cornea

ISSN 1220 - 5265

St. Cerc. GEOFIZICA, tomul 34, p. ... - ...., 1996, Bucuresti