TOMUL 27 1989


C. RADU, M. C. ONCESCU, The focal mechanism of the November 29, 1988, Banat earthquake / Mecanismul focal al cutremurului banatic din 29 noiembrie 1988
N. MANDRESCU, Data concerning seismic risk evaluation in Romania / Unele date privind evaluarea riscului seismic în Romania
REMUS FLORESCU, Optimization of the coverage scheme in land 3-D seismic prospecting / Optimizarea schemei de observatii de teren la prospectiunea seismica 3-D de uscat
V. VAJDEA, D. ZORILECU, C. NITICA, ANCA-MARINA VAJDEA, VL. GANCZ, Remote sensing contributions to forecasting areas favourable for mineral deposits / Contributii ale teledetectiei la prognozarea zonelor favorabile acumularii de substante minerale utile
ALEXANDRA SLAVOACA, D. C. SLAVOACA, Model of hydrogeological zoning based on vertical electrical soundings in the Balaci-Rosiori de Vede-Alexandria region (Teleorman county) / Model de zonare hidrogeologica cu ajutorul sondajelor electrice verticale in zona Balaci-Rosiori de Vede-Alexandria (judetul Teleorman)
CR. MIHAIL, Stabilirea potentialului acvifer portabil si geotermal al Depresiunii Panonice, prin interpretarea diagrafiilor electrice de sonda / The drinking and geothermal water potential of the Pannonian Depression, by electrical logging interpretation
TEODOR SORIN, Aspekte bezüglich der antierosionalen Arbeiten bei festen Durchfluss in manchen kleinen und mittleren in Hügelgegend befindlichen Becken / Aspecte privind influenta lucrarilor antierozionale asupra scurgerii solide in unele bazine hidrografice mici si mijlocii
The XVth Symposium of Earth's Physics and Applied Geophysics / Al XV-lea Simpozion de Fizica Pamantului si Geofizica Aplicata

LARRY J. RUFF, HIRDO KANAMORI (Eds), Subduction Zones, Part II, Reprint from Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH), Vol. 129 (1989), No. 1/2, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel – Boston – Berlin, IV – 282 p, 1989 (Liviu Constantinescu)
P.E. COMNINAKIS and B.C. PAPAZACHOS, A catalogue of Earthquakes in Greece and the Surrounding Area for the Period 1901 – 1985. University of Thessaloniki, Geophysical Laboratory, Publ. No. 1, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1986 (Liviu Constantinescu)
*** Schlumberger – Well Evaluation Conference (WEC), Italy, 1987 (Aurelian Negut)
JURIJ N. KORENKOV (Editor), Ionospheric Modelling, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1988 (Andrei Soare)
R. ALAN PLUMB, ROBERT A. VINCENT (Eds), Middle Atmosphere, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel – Boston – Berlin, 1989 (Laura Manea)
P.T. FRANGOPOL, V.V. MORARIU (Eds), First Romanian Conference on the Application of Physics Methods in Archaeology, Central Institute of Physics Press, Bucharest, 1988 (I. Bobos, V. Zoran)
ION DRAGHICI, Atmosphere Dynamics, Ed. tehnica, Bucharest, 1988 (Osvald Neacsa, Victor Ion Pescaru)


ISSN 1220 - 5265

St. Cerc. GEOFIZICA, tomul 27, p. ... - ...., 1989, Bucuresti