Série de Géophysique

Tome 22, 1978


I. CORNEA, V. VARODIN, V. CHISCAN, M. COSTESCU, F. RADULESCU, I. RAILEANU, Deep crustal reflections in Romania
D. ENESCU, R. PLAVITA, A method for determining the ground acceleration and oscilation velocity spectra produced by earthquakes
JOHN C. DRAKOPOULOS, Statistical significance test of the difference between the b-values for groups of shocks occurred on and around Euboea Island (Greece)
M. VISARION, S. VELICIU, P. CONSTANTINESCU, M. STEFANESCU, Crustal temperature-depth profile across Romania derived from heat flow and other geophysical data
G. CORRADO, G. PASCALE, E. PINA, A. RAPOLLA, D. ROMANESCU, A. SOARE, D. STANICA, V. VAJDEA, Magnetotelluric soundings across the Southern Carpathians
CHR. OELSNER, Wärmestrom und Temperatur an der Moho in Mitteleuropa
JACEK MAJOROSAWICZ, On the regional variations of the terrestrial heat flow, mantle heat flow and geotherms in the areas adjoining from the northern Carpathians
E. HURTIG, V. CERMÁK, Mapping of the heat flow pattern in Europe
D. STROMEYER, The influence of lateral inhomogeneous heat sources on the distribution of temperature in the crust and upper mantle
D. ALMUKHANBETOV, The study of the Earth's crust and upper mantle in Kazakhstan by method of electromagnetic soundings
L. A. AHVERDIAN, O elektroprovodnosti zemnoi korî i verhnei mantii Armenii po metodu magnito-telluricheskovo zondirovaniia
L. S. SOKOLOVA, Raschet temperaturî zemnoi korî na primere oblastei iura Sibiri
A. SOARE, D. STANICA, R. PLAVITA, G. CUCU, Some techniques of magnetotelluric data processing
ST. AIRINEI, G. DEMONTIS, A PRICAJAN, D. O. SIMUT, Rhythmicity of the carbon dioxide content in the carbogaseous mineral waters of Buzias Spa (TIMIS DISTRICT – ROMANIA)
ERIKA LAZAR und CLAUDIUS LAZAR, Die Beiträge der elektrometrischen Methoden zur Bestimmung neogener eruptiver Strukturen aus den Westkar paten die arme Mineralisationen vom Typ "Porphyry Copper" enthalten

ISSN 1220 - 5303

Rev. Roum. GÉOPHYSIQUE, tomul 22, p. ... - ...., 1978, Bucuresti