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Stanica D., Ivascu M., Zugravescu D., Geophysical equipment meant for complex studies in geodynamic active zones. R.J. of Physics, Vol. 55, No.4, p. 619-625, 2003.
Zugravescu D., Polonic G., Negoita V., Determination of rock elastic parameters using continuous borehole
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Berbeleac I., Zugravescu D., Nutu M-L., Some aspect of planar flow bending and fow foliation in Neogene
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Berbeleac I., Zugravescu D., Radulescu V.,
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Besutiu L., Ghioca G., Zlagnean L.,
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Besutiu, L., Zugravescu, D., Considerations on the Black Sea opening and
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Besutiu, L., Zugravescu, D., Geophysical considerations on
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Beklemishev, A.B., Budanov,
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Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L.,
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Borcia I.S., Georgescu E.S., Monitorizarea seismica a constructiilor: premise, studiu de caz si perspective, in Buletinul Informativ al Comisiei Nationale Comportarea in Situ a Constructiilor - CISC, anul IX, nr. 4 si 5, Bucuresti, 2005, ISSN: 1584-6687.
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Damian, A., Zugravescu, D., Semnificatii geodinamice ale vitezelor
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Nutu M-L., Sedimentary evolution of Lower Kliwa Sandstone Member from southern part of Eastern Carpatians (Romania) using sequence and diagenetic studies. Abstract in EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna, vol. 7.
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Polonic, G., Zugravescu, D.,
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Sprinceana, V., Besutiu, L., The airborne geomagnetic map of Romnaia: A
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Andrei, tugulea, Al., E-invariant and D-invariant Electrostatic Fields, Rev.
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Zugravescu, D., Polonic, G., Negoita,
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Bardan V., Zugravescu D., Asimopolos L.,
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Besutiu L., Alternative geodynamic model for
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Besutiu L., Cadicheanu N., Geodynamic considerations on the
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Besutiu L., Zlagnean L., Vrancea Intermediate Depth
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Cadicheanu, N., van Ruymbeke, M., Zugravescu, D.,
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Zugravescu D., Mitrofan H., Ene M. - Nota preliminara asupra unor variatii anomale ale temperaturii apei freatice, detectate in apropierea observatorului geodinamic Caldarusani, Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 44, p. 51-62; 2006.
Zugravescu D., Mitrofan H., Ene M., Nota preliminara asupra unor variatii anomale ale temperaturii apei freatice, detectate in apropierea observatorului geodinamic Caldarusani, Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 44, p. 51-62; 2006.
Bardan V., Zugravescu D., Asimopolos L., On spectral evaluation of microseismic signals, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 51, 2007
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Negoita V., Zugravescu D., Polonic G., Upper crust regime of stresses according to the borehole measurements coming from the Transylvanian Basin, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 51, 2007
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