Anexa A2.2.

Comunicari stiintifice prezentate la conferinte internationale


Nr. crt.







Process of hydrocarbon maturation from the perspective of the complex thermal model for the basin evolution

IUGG Assembly, Sapporo, Japonia, iulie 2003

Andreescu M., Demetrescu C., Damian A.,

Negut A., Niculescu B.


Geodynamic analysis of the Romanian territory by a set of geotematic maps

IUGG Assembly, Sapporo, Japonia, iulie 2003

Atanasiu L.


Analysis of the regional magnetic field and its secular variation over the Romanian territory

IUGG Assembly, Sapporo, Japonia, iulie 2003

Atanasiu L., Zugravescu D., Mandea M.


Plate tectonics on the Romanian territory as inferred from geophysical data

EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nisa, Franta, aprilie 2003

Besutiu L., Zugravescu, D.


Comparative analysis on the space-time dynamics of the Vrancea (Romania) intermediate-depth seismicity and seismicity within Bucaramanga (Bolivia) and Hindu Kush (Afghanistan)

The 4th Stephan Muller Conference - Geodynamic and Tectonic Evolution of the Carpathian Arc and its Foreland, Cheile Butii-Mtii Retezat, Romania, 31 mai-5 iunie 2003

Besutiu, L., Cadicheanu, N.


Geophysical setting of the deep well 6042 Deleni in central Transylvania-Romania

2nd Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference, Miskolc-Ungaria, 6-7 martie 2003

Besutiu, L.,

Gorie, J.,

Dordea, D.


Some considerations on the Black Sea opening. Tectonic and geodynamic consequences

The 4th Stephan Muller Conference - Geodynamic and Tectonic Evolution of the Carpathian Arc and its Foreland, Cheile Butii-Mtii Retezat, Romania, 31 mai-5 iunie 2003

Besutiu, L., Zugravescu, D.


Paleoclimate and sedimentation - competing thermal signatures in zoung sedimentary basins. Case study - Transylvanian and Focsani Depressions, Romania

IUGG Assembly, Sapporo, Japonia, iulie 2003

Demetrescu C., Andreescu M., serban D.Z., Wilhelm H.


The effect of sedimentation on the temperature field of the crust: case studies - The Transylvanian and Focsani Depressions, Romania

EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nisa, Franta, aprilie 2003

Demetrescu C., Andreescu M., Wilhelm H., Nielsen S.B., Dobrica V.


Paleoclimate and sedimentation, competing processes in young sedimentary basins

IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japonia, iulie 2003

Demetrescu C., Andreescu M., Wilhelm H., Nielsen S.B., Dobrica V.


Recent Mineral Deposition in the Crater of Ciomadul Quaternary Volcano - Harghita Mountains (Romania)

Al 6-lea Simpozion International de Mineralogie, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 18 -19 septembrie 2003

Hercot O.

Seghedi I.

Naud J.,

Caracas R.


Late Cretaceous and Tertiary geodynamics and ore deposit evolution of the Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaride orogen

Final Workshop GEODE-ABCD- Geodynamics and Ore deposit evolution of the Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaride-Province, Seggauberg, Austria, martie 2003

Neubauer F., Tomek C., Lips A., Cassard D., Panaiotu C., Seghedi I., Ilic A., Nakov R., Pamic J., Quadt, Tompljenovic B., Maurich H., Heinrich C.A


Active tectonic structures in the Carpathians

6th COST Action 625 Meeting, Sofia-Kadjali, Bulgaria, 18-20 septembrie 2003

Piccardi L.,

Moratti G.,

Cello G.,

Tondi E.,

Polonic G.,

Szakacs A., Seghedi I., Mitrofan H.,

Pantea A.


Active tectonic structures and fluid discharges in the Carpathian bend (Romania)

Geoitalia 2003, 4 Forum FIST, Bellaria, Italia, 16-18 September 2003

Piccardi L.,

Polonic G.,

Moratti G.,

Szakacs A., Seghedi I., Mitrofan H., Vaselli O., Minissale A.,

Tassi F., Montegrossi G.


Investigating Active Tectonic Structures in the Carpathian Bend (Romania): Preliminary results

The 4th Stephan Muller Conference of the European Geosciences Union, Geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian arc and its foreland: environmental tectonics and continental topography, Retezat Mountains, Southern Carpathians, 31 mai - 5 iunie 2003

Piccardi L.,

Polonic G.,

Moratti G.,

Szakacs A., Seghedi I., Mitrofan H.


Neogene Magmatism and Geodynamics in the Carpatho-Pannonian Region: case examples

EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, Franta, aprilie 2003

Seghedi, I., Downes, H., Szakács, A., Mason, P RD, Thirlwall, M. F.,  Rosu, E.,

Pécskay, Z.,  Márton, E., Panaiotu, C.


Crustal Implication In Magma Generation In Carpathian-Panonian Region During Neogene, Geodynamic Aspects

The 4th Stephan Muller Conference of the European Geosciences Union, Geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian arc and its foreland: environmental tectonics and continental topography, Abstract book, 59, Retezat Mountains, Southern Carpathians, 31 mai - 5 iunie 2003

Seghedi, I.


Neogene Magmatism and Geodynamics in the Carpatho-Pannonian Region

Workshop on Cretaceous and Tertiary Geodynamics of ABCD Region, Salzburg, Austria, 20 ianuarie 2003

Seghedi, I., Downes, H., Szakács, A., Mason, PRD., Thirlwall, M. F., Rosu, E., 

Pécskay, Z.,  Márton, E., Panaiotu, C.


Mutual Interaction Between Magmatism And Geodynamics In The Carpathian-Pannonian Region, Eastern Europe

XXIII-IUGG General Meeting ISS6, Sapporo, Japonia, iulie 2003

Seghedi, I., Downes, H., Szakács, A., Pécskay, Z.


Post-Collisional Tertiary-Quaternary Alkali-Mafic Magmatism in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region: a review

EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nisa, Franta, aprilie 2003

Seghedi, I., Downes, H., Vaselli, O.,

Balogh, K., Pécskay, Z., Szakács, A.


Correlation between the Vrancea Slab and the main crustal faults in the Carpathian arc bend zone

1st   TASK Group “Maps of Active Faults “ and WG1+WG2 Meeting, Florenta, Italia, 11-14 decembrie 2003

Stanica D.


Methodology and equipment used for emphasizing the short-term electromagnetic (EM) precursory parameters of the Vrancea’s earthquakes

The XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sapporo, Japonia, 30 iunie-11 iulie 2003

Stanica D.,

Stanica M.


Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) and its geodynamic interrelation with the Vrancea seismogenic slab, Romania

The XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sapporo, Japonia, 30 iunie -11 iulie 2003

Stanica D.,

Stanica M.


Short-term electromagnetic (EM) precursory parameter interrelated with the intermediate-depth earthquakes occurred in the Vrancea region, Romania

EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nisa, Franta, aprilie 2003

Stanica D.,

Stanica M., Zugravescu D.


The electromagnetic precursory phenomena associated with the eartquakes occured in the Vrancea seismoactive zone

Actiunea COST 625, Italia, septembrie 2003

Stanica D.,

Stanica M., Zugravescu D.


Mobile geophysical laboratory for complex studies in geodynamic active zones

Actiunea COST 625, Italia, septembrie 2003

Stanica D., Zugravescu D.


Physical characteristics of coal deposits determined from borehole logs. Application in the Subcarpathian zone of Muntenia

2nd Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference, Miskolc-Ungaria, 6-7 martie 2003

Zugravescu D., Polonic G.,

Negoita V.



The thermal structure of lithosphere in the bending zone of Eastern Carpathians (Romania) and adjacent areas, with implications on tectonic and geochemical processes

EGS-AGU-EUG Assembly, Nice, Franta, 20-24 aprilie 2004

Andreescu M., Demetrescu C., Dobrica V.,

Ene M.,

Damian A.


The Study of the Crust and Superior Mantle in the Curvature of Eastern Carpathians through Magnetotelluric Soundings

EGU General Assembly, Nisa, Franta, 25-30 aprilie 2004

Anghelache, M. A., Asimopolos, L, Popescu, M.


Volcanic Structures in Western Carpathians Revealed by  Magnetotelluric Soundings

32nd IGC Conference, Florenta, Italia, 20-28 august 2004

Asimopolos, L., Anghelache, M.A., Deloreanu C.E., Popescu M.


Tectonic elements and volcanic structures in Bucium area - western Carpathians - revealed by magnetotelluric soundings

EGU General Assembly, Nisa, Franta, 25-30 april 2004

Asimopolos, L., Berbeleac, I., Anghelache, M.A.


Some aspect of planar flow bending and flow foliation in Neogene andesite from Voia Area, Muntii Metaliferi

First International    Mineralogy Days, Monaco, 15-17 septembrie 2004

Berbeleac I., Zugravescu D., Nutu L-M.


The structure of Voia Neogene subvolcanic body and related alteration - mineralization in the light of drilling exploration and MTS data, Romania

First   International   Mineralogy Days, Monaco, 15-17 septembrie 2004

Berbeleac I., Zugravescu D., Radulescu V., Stanica D.,

Nutu M-L


Relationships between geodynamic conditions and gold metallogeny in Romania

First International Mineralogy Days, Monaco, 15-17 septembrie 2004

Berbeleac I., Zugravescu D.


Some recent advances in geodynamic studies within Vrancea zone

CERGOP-2 Working Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 30 septembrie-1 octombrie 2004

Besutiu L.


Lithosphere compartments and their dynamics on the Romanian territory. Seismotectonic consequences

Joint General Assembly AGU, CGU, SEG and EEGS, Montreal, Canada, 17-21 mai 2004

Besutiu, L., Zugravescu, D.


On the electric properties of rocks under the network of European geomagnetic observatories as derived from series of annual means of geomagnetic elements

EGS-AGU-EUG Assembly, Nisa, Franta, 20-24 aprilie 2004

Demetrescu C., Dobrica V.,

Ene M.,

Andreescu M.


New insights on the recent secular variation of the geomagnetic field from long series of observatory and repeat station data

Workshop-ul “Provocari pentru Geomagnetism, Aeronomie si Seismologie în secolul XXI, Ebro, Spania, 28 septembrie-1 octombrie 2004

Demetrescu C., Dobrica V.


Recent secular variationof the geomagnetic field. New insights from long series of observatory and repeat station data

Al 32-lea Congres Geologic International, Florenta, Italia, 20-28 august 2004

Demetrescu C., Dobrica V.


On the geothermal regime of the foreland of the Eastern Carpathians bend

Workshop-ul “Aplicatii noi si clasice de flux termic”, Aachen, Germania, 4-7 octombrie 2004

Demetrescu C., Wilhelm H.,

Ene M.,

Andreescu M., Polonic G., Baumann C., Dobrica V.,

Serban D. Z.


Magnetic and electric properties of rocks as derived from long-term recordings of the geomagnetic field. Case studies: the network of European observatories and the Hokkaido array, Japan

Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japonia, 9-13 mai 2004

Dobrica V., Demetrescu C., Mogi T.


Map Of Neogene To Quaternary Volcanic Formations In The Carpathian-Pannonian Region

Al 32-lea Congres Geologic International, Florenta, Italia, 20-28 august 2004

Lexa J., Ebner F., Konecny V., Kovacs M.,

Mackiv B.,

Pécskay Z., Seghedi I.,

Szakács A.,

Rosu E.,

Zelenka T.


Images of the Romanian territory by a Set of Geotematic Maps and Satellite Data

The 1st International Mineralogy Days of Monaco, Monaco, 14 - 19 septembrie 2004

Mandea M., Zugravescu D., Atanasiu Ligia, Berbeleac I.


An evaluation of the effects of deforestation on subsurface temperatures

AGU General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, mai 2004

Nitoiu D.,

Beltrami H.


Anthropogenic influences on the subsurface temperatures: Land-use changes

Workshop-ul “Aplicatii noi si clasice de flux termic”, Aachen, Germania, 4-7 octombrie 2004

Nitoiu D.,

Beltrami H.


Hydrogen Isotope Variation In the Neogene Subvolcanic Magmatites (East Carpathians): Petrogenetic Implications

Al 32-lea Congres Geologic International, Florenta, Italia, 20-28 august 2004

Papp D. C.,

Nitoi E.,

Ureche I.,

Seghedi I., Feurdean V.


Geochronology of Neogene-Quaternary Magmatism In The Carpathian-Pannonian Region: A Review

Al 32-lea Congres Geologic International, Florenta, Italia, 20-28 august 2004

Pécskay Z., Lexa J., Szakács A., Seghedi I., Balogh K., Konecny V., Zelenka T., Kovacs M., Poka T., Fulop A.


Relationships between seismicity, active tectonics and fluid discharges In the Carpathian Bend (Romania)

Al 32-lea Congres Geologic International, Florenta, Italia, 20-28 august 2004

Piccardi L., Polonic G., Moratti G., Szakács A., Seghedi I., Vaselli O., Minissale A., Tassi F., Montegrossi G., Mitrofan H.


Relationships between magmatism and geodynamics in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region during Neogene-Quaternary

Al 32-lea Congres Geologic International, Florenta, Italia , 20-28 august 2004

Seghedi I., Downes H., Szakács A., Pécskay Z., Vaselli O.


Alkali-mafic magmatism in the Carpathian-Pannonian region: a review

The 5th international symposium, Baia Mare branch of the Geological Society of Romania, iunie 2004

Seghedi I., Downes H., Vaselli O., Szakács A., Kad. Balogh, Pécskay Z.


Mineralogical aspects of extension- related adakite-like magmatism in Apuseni Mountains, Romania

The First international mineralogy days of Monaco, 15-17 septembrie 2004

Seghedi I., Mason P., Mirea V.


Miocene Ultrapotassic Volcanoes In South-Eastern Spain - an association of phreatomagmatic and magmatic products. In Occasional Papers of the Geological Institute of Hungary

Second international Maar Conference, Budapesta, Ungaria, octombrie 2004

Seghedi I., Szakács A., Pacheco A. H., Brändle J.-L.


3-D magnetotelluric (MT) tomographic images explaining the earthquakes’ mechanism in the Vrancea zone, Romania

32nd IGC, Florenta, Italia, 20-30 august, 2004

Stanica D.,

Stanica M.


A specific approach of short term precursory phenomena associated to seismic events by using electromagnetic data, IV International Workshop on magnetic, electric and electromagnetic methods in seismology and volcanology

(MEEMSEV- 2004), La Londe les Maures, Franta, 5-9 septembrie 2004

Stanica D.,

Stanica M.


Deep active faults on the Romanian territory and their geodynamic implication

International symposium and COST ACTION 625 meeting, Gent, Belgia, 8-12 decembrie 2004

Stanica D.,

Stanica M.


Geophysical methodologies used for real-time monitoring of the active tectonic structures

8th MC Meeting, 8th WGAT and 9th WGMI Meetings, Bucuresti, Romania,22-26 septembrie 2004

Stanica D.,

Stanica M.


Assessment of geodynamic active zones (seimic-active, landslides, land collapse, etc.) by means of integrated geophysical studies

the WG and symposium of the   COST Action 625, Granada, Spania, 12-16 mai 2004

Stanica D., Stanica M., Tatu M.


Possible interrelation between the seismogenic relic slab and the main lithospheric faults in the Vrancea seismic active zone

EUG, Nisa, Franta, aprilie 2004

Stanica D., Stanica M., Zugravescu D., Piccardi L.


Mobile geophysical laboratory used for real-time monitoring of landslides in active tectonic zones

Mid-Term Assessment Meeting and Technical Meetings, Corvara - Alta Badia, Italia, 7-10 iulie 2004

Stanica D., Tatu M.


Real-time monitoring of some landslides in Provita and Doftana area

Mid-Term Assessment Meeting and Technical Meetings, Corvara - Alta Badia, Italia, 7-10 iulie 2004

Stanica D., Tatu M., Zugravescu D., Diacopolos C., Popescu M., Asimopolos L.


Neogene-Quaternary time - space distribution patterns of the monogenetic mafic alkaline volcanism in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region. Implications for mantle processes

Second international Maar Conference, Budapesta, Ungaria, octombrie 2004

Szakács A., Balogh K., Pécskay Z., Seghedi I.


Systematically Changing Eruption Rates along a Carpathian Volcanic Arc Segment: The Neogene/Quaternary Calimani-Gurghiu-Harghita Volcanic Chain, Romania

Al 32-lea Congres Geologic International, Florenta, Italia, 20-28 august 2004

Szakács A., Seghedi I., Pécskay Z., Ioane D.


Ciomadul: The Most Recent Volcano In The Carpathian-Pannonian Region

Al 32-lea Congres Geologic International, Florenta, Italia, 20-28 august 2004

Szakács A., Seghedi I., Pécskay Z., Vinkler A. P.


Physical processes in landslide area

Mid-Term Assessment Meeting and Technical Meetings of Integrated Optimization of Landslide Alert Systems (OASYS) - FP5 Project, Corvara in Badia, Italia, 6 - 12 iulie 2004

Tatu M., Stanica D.


Monitoring of landslides related to active tectonic zones using mobile laboratory of geodynamics in correlation with geological and sar interferometry methods

1st Annual Meeting / Workshop of Integrated Optimization Of Landslide Alert Systems (OASYS) - FP5 Project, Budapesta, Ungaria,   24 - 26 martie 2004

Tatu M., Stanica D., Zugravescu D., Radulescu V., Vladimirescu N.


Geomagnetic precursory parameter associated with the earthquakes occurred in the seismic active Vrancea zone

EUG, Nisa, Franta, aprilie, 2004

Vladimirescu N., Stanica D., Stanica M.


Temperature and pressure effects on smectite-illite diagenesis revealed by well log measurements

The 2nd European Conference in the Clay Minerals Domain, Miskolc, Ungaria, 20-24 septembrie 2004

Zugravescu D., Polonic G., Negoita V.


Outcomes of borehole measurements to ascertain regional stress distribution within the terrestrial upper crust of the Transylvanian Basin

The 4th National Symposion of Geochemistry, Alba Iulia, Romania, 3-5 septembrie 2004

Zugravescu D., Polonic G., Negoita V.



Neogene deep volcanic structure of Voia Area, Metaliferi Mountains, Romania

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, aprilie 2005

Berbeleac I., Radulescu V., Chitea F.,

Nutu M-L


Precambrian-Paleozoic gold and gold bearing mineralizations in Romania

Conference of young scientists, Sankt Petesburg, Rusia, 8-12 ianuarie 2005

Berbeleac I., Zugravescu D., Maruntiu M., Nutu M.L., Chitea F., Craciun A.


Pre-Alpine gold and gold bearing sulfide mineralizations in Romania

Topical Problems of Mineral Resource Development, august 2005

Berbeleac I., Zugravescu D., Nutu L-M.,Chitea Fl.,   Maruntiu M, Craciun A.


Preliminary considerations on DEEP project. Consistent geomagnetic images cross-over the state borders between Romania and Ukraine

10th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, Franta, 18-29 iulie 2005

Besutiu, L., Orlyuk, M., Demetrescu, C., Pashkevich, I., Atanasiu, L., Maksimchuk, V., Zlagnean, L.


Vrancea intermediate depth seismicity within the framework of the SE Carpathians foreland

14th Meeting of the Association of the European Geological Societies (MAEGS-14), Turin, Italia, 19 - 23 septembrie 2005

Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L., Horomnea, M.


Lithosphere dynamics within Vrancea zone (Romania) as inferred from space geodesy and gravity data

EGU General Assembly Viena, Austria , 24-29 aprilie 2005

Besutiu, L., Ghitau, D., Zugravescu, D.


The Vrancea intermediate-depth seismicity

Las Vegas Conference on Hazards, Las Vegas, SUA, 1-3 mai 2005

Craciun A., Zugravescu D., Berbeleac I., Nutu M-L., Chitea Fl.


Solar variability effects in long series of air temperature and precipitation data in Romania

Conferinta Europeana de Meteorologie Aplicata (ECAM2005), Utrecht, Olanda, 12-16 septembrie 2005

Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Boroneant C., Maris G.


Geomagnetic field evolution in Europe in the last 25 years based on observatory and repeat station data

International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, Franta, 17-30 iulie 2005

Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Ene M.


New perspective on geomagnetic field sources and recent secular variation. Insights from long series of observatory data

International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, Franta, 17-30 iulie 2005

Demetrescu C., Dobrica V.


Data from Romanian repeat station network in the time interval 1980-2004

2nd Workshop on European Geomagnetic Repeat Station Survey, mai 2005

Demetrescu C., Ene M., Dobrica V.


Data from the Romanian repeat station network in the time interval 1980-2004

European Geophysical Union, Viena, Austria, 24-29 Aprilie 2005

Demetrescu C., Ene M., Dobrica V.


Results of the 2003-2004 survey of the Romanian network of repeat stations

2nd Workshop on European Geomagnetic Repeat Station Survey, mai 2005

Demetrescu C., Ene M., Soare A., Dobrica V., Cucu G., Tumanian M.


On the removing of external signals in data from the Hokkaido magnetometer array (Japan). Insights from the diurnal variation

International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, Franta, 17-30 iulie 2005

Dobrica V., Mogi T., Demetrescu C.


Subsurface thermal signature of the ground surface temperature variations in the last 200 years in Romania as inferred from borehole data

European Geophysical Union, Viena, Austria, 24-29 Aprilie 2005

Dobrica V., Boroneant C., Tumanian M.


Magma genesis and Cu-Au ore formation (Apuseni Mountains, Romania) in light of Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic and chemical trends

Goldschmidt Conference, Idaho, SUA, 20 - 25 mai 2005

Harris, C.R. Pettke , T., Rosu, E., Seghedi , I., Heinrich C.A.


Sedimentary evolution of Lower Kliwa Sandstone Member from southern part of Eastern Carpathians (Romania) using sequence and diagenetic studies

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 24-29 aprilie 2005

Nutu M-L.


Does the South Apuseni Mts. Ophiolitic Nappe extend Eastward   up to the East Carpathians? New data on volcanics from the Transylvanian Depression

FIST GEOITALIA 2005, Quinto Forum di Scienze della Terra, Spoleto, Italia, 21-23 septembrie 2005

Saccani E., Nicolae I.


Early Triassic basalts from the North Dobrogea Orogen (Romania): Evidence of MORB-type Magmatism in the Cimmerides

FIST GEOITALIA 2005, Quinto Forum di Scienze della Terra, Spoleto, Italia, 21-23 septembrie 2005

Saccani E., Seghedi A., Nicolae I.


On the seismic input for the analysis of irregular structures

4th European Workshop on Irregular and Complex Structures, Salonic, Grecia, august 2005

Sandi H.


On the seismic input for the analysis of spatial structures

Annual Symp, IASS 2005 (International Association for Shells and Spatial Structures), Bucuresti, Romania, septembrie 2005

Sandi H.


Geochemical response of magmas to Neogene-Quaternary continental collision in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region: a review

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 24-29 aprilie 2005

Seghedi I., Downes H., Harangi Sz., Mason P. R. D., Pécskay Z.


New approaches to the electromagnetic precursors

8th Workshop on non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, Trieste, Italia, septembrie 2005

Stanica D.


EM Imaging of the Deep Active Faults and Their Geodynamic Implication in the Seismic Active Vrancea Zone - Romania

IAGA, Toulouse, Franta, 19-29 iulie 2005

Stanica D., Stanica M.


Extreme Events (Earthquakes and Landslides) Reflected by the Electromagnetic Parameters

EMSEV2005, Puerto Vallarta, Mexic, iulie 2005

Stanica D., Stanica M.


Geophysical methodology focused on natural hazard assessment due to extreme events (earthquakes and landslides) occurred on the Romanian territory

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 24-29 aprilie 2005

Stanica D., Stanica M., Radulescu V.


Real-time electromagnetic monitoring of the active tectonic structure in the Southern Carpathians-Romania

COST ACTION 625, Bratislava, Republica Slovaka, mai 2005

Stanica D., Stanica M.


Real-time monitoring systems of the geodynamic active structures in Romania

COST ACTION 625, Wroclaw, Polonia, octombrie 2005

Stanica D., Stanica M.


Geophysical measurement system (GMS) used for real-time monitoring of landslides in active tectonic zones (Provita and Doftana valleys) - Romania

OASYS Project, Modena, Italia, 3-4 februarie 2005

Stanica D., Stanica M., Tatu M., Diacopolos C.


Landslide hazard mapping in Romanian sub-Carpathians; risk area estimation

Technical Meetings of Integrated Optimization Of Landslide Alert Systems (OASYS) - FP5 Project, Modena, Italia, 3-4 februarie 2005

Tatu M., Stanica D., Popescu M., Mirea V.



Non-tidal gravity change and lithosphere dynamics on the Romanian territory

Invited paper, University of Karlsruhe - Collaborative Research Center on strong earthquakes, Karlsruhe-Germania, 4-8 februarie 2006

Besutiu, L.


On the geodynamic setting of the Black Sea opening and seismotectonic consequences

Invited paper, University of Strasbourg - Institute du Physique du Globe du Strasbourg, Strasbourg, Franta, 11-18 decembrie 2006

Besutiu, L.


Non-tidal gravity change over the Vrancea active seismic zone, Romania

1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service - Gravity Field of the Earth (IGFS-2006), Istanbul, Turcia, 27 august-1 septembrie 2006

Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L.


Plate boundaries and lithosphere dynamics in the non-tidal gravity change on the Romanian territory

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L.


Long-term variations in the geomagnetic field. Any connection to the solar activity?

The Second International Symposium on Space Climate, Sinaia, Romania, 13-16 septembrie 2006

Demetrescu C., Dobrica V.


Frequency-dependent subsurface effects of surface temperature variations. A discussion based on air, soil, and borehole temperature measurements in Romania

6th International Meeting - Heat Flow and the Structure of the Litosphere, Praga, Cehia, iunie 2006

Demetrescu C., Nitoiu D., Tumanian M., Dobrica V., Boroneant C., Marica A., Lucaschi B.


Pre-observational surface temperature changes as constrained by borehole temperature measurements in Romania

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 3-7 aprilie 2006

Demetrescu C., Tumanian M., Dobrica V., Boroneant C.


Influences of the solar and geomagnetic activity on the climatic variations in Romania

The Second International Symposium on Space Climate, Sinaia, Romania, 13-16 septembrie 2006

Dobrica V., Demetrescu C., Boroneant C., Maris G.


On the relationship between geomagnetic activity and climatic parameters for Romania in the last 150 years

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Dobrica V., Demetrescu C., Boroneant C.


The effect of land-use changes on subsurface temperatures

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Ferguson G., Nitoiu D., Beltrami H.


Geoelectrical investigations by means of resistivity methods in karst areas in Romania

The 4th International Conference “Climate Change: the Karst Record, Baile Herculane, Romania, 26-29 mai 2006

Mafteiu M., Mitrofan H., Povara I.


The effects of de-reforestation on geothermal data: correction model calibration

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Nitoiu D., Beltrami H., Gonzalez Rouco J. F.


Heat transfer regime of the upper meter of soil: An analysis based on long-term meteorological data from Romania

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Nitoiu D., Demetrescu C., Marica A., Boroneant C.


Shelf sedimentation - an example from the Miocene mixed siliciclastic and evaporite succession from Putna area (southeastern part of East Carpathian)

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Nutu M-L.


K-Ar ages of the Neogene Calc-alkaline intrusive magmatism in the Eastern Carpathians, Romania

XVIII-th CBGA Congress, Belgrad, Serbia, 3-6 septembrie 2006

Pécskay Z., Seghedi I., Kovács M., Szakács A. and Fulöp A.


Study of causal relation between electromagnetic data and geodynamic activity monitorized in geodynamic observatories from Romania

18th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, El Vendrell, Spania, 2006

Pestina, A. M., Asimopolos, L., Anghelache, M.A.


Deep crustal structure of the Granada Basin from MT soundings

18-th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, El Vendrell, Spania, septembrie 2006

Ruiz-Constan A., Galindo-Zaldivar J., Pedrera A., Marin-Lechado C., Stanica D., Stanica M.


Current geodynamic investigations in Romania in the frame of CERGOP-2

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Rus, T., Besutiu, L., Buse, I., Stoian, I., Nacu, V.


Aspects of geodetic and geodynamic investigations in Romania: CERGOP-2/Environment Project

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Rus, T., Ghitau, D., Buse, I., Besutiu, L., Stoian, I., Nacu, V., Stanescu, G .


Gataia lamproite, south-west Romania

XIIIth Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, Złotniki Lubańskie, Polonia, 19 - 22 octombrie 2006

Seghedi I., Ntaflos Th.


Pleistocene lamproite occurrence at the southeastern edge of Pannonian basin (Romania): evidence for an enriched lithospheric mantle source

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Seghedi I., Ntaflos T., Pécskay Z.


Geophysical measurement system (GSM) used for real-time monitoring of the landslides zones (Provita de Sus - test site)

OASYS Project, Viena, Austria , 25-26 ianuarie 2006

Stanica D., Stanica M., Popescu M., Diacopolos C.


Anomalous behaviour of the electromagnetic parameters related to the intermediate depth earthquakes occurred in the Vrancea zone (Romania)

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Stanica D., Stanica M., Visan M.


Electromagnetic precursory parameters related to the intermediate depth earthquakes (Romania)

18-th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, El Vendrell, Spania, septembrie 2006

Stanica D., Stanica M., Visan M.


Long term continuous monitoring of the landslides associated with seismic events

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Stanica M., Stanica D., Diacopolos C.


Ground-base monitoring system on the active faults associated with seismic events

18-th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, El Vendrell, Spania, septembrie 2006

Stanica M., Stanica D., Diacopolos C., Popescu M.


Progress in landslide hazard mapping in Romanian sub-Carpathians; risk area estimation

Final Technical Progress Meeting of Integrated Optimization Of Landslide Alert Systems (OASYS) - FP5 Project, Viena, Austria, 25-26 ianuarie 2006

Tatu M., Popescu M., Mirea V.


Understanding mechanisms of the landslides related to the active faults in sub-Carpathian area (Romania)

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2006

Tatu, M.



Attenuation properties of the seismic waves in lithosphere for the seismic hazard assessment in Romania

International Conference Energy-Enviroment (CIEM 2007), Bucuresti, Romania, 22-23 noiembrie 2007

Ardeleanu L., Tumanian M.


Geomagnetic reference field models on the Romanian territory and their space-time dynamics as inferred from ground and satellite data

IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italia, 2 - 13 iulie 2007

Atanasiu, L., Besutiu, L., Cucu, G., Soare, A.


Regional structures related to Neogene mineral deposits in NE part of Metaliferi Mountains (Bucium-Rosia Montana-Rosia Poieni area), Romania

International Symposium of Geology and Geophysics, GEO 2007, Bucuresti, Romania,   25 mai 2007

Berbeleac I., Nutu M-L.


Near surface large scale geomagnetic mapping. Building up consistent geomagnetic models cross over the state borders

3rd MagNetE Workshop On European Geomagnetic Repeat Station Survey 2005 - 2006, Bucuresti, Romania, 14-16 mai 2007

Besutiu L., Orlyuk M., Paskievich I., Neaga V., Atanasiu L., Maksymchiuk V., Zlagnean L., Ilies I.


Considerations on the major lithosphere contacts on the Romanian territory and related dynamics as inferred from geophysical data

10th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, Brazilia, 19 - 22 noiembrie 2007

Besutiu L.


Crust to Upper Mantle Echoes of the Black Sea Opening and Seismotectonic Consequences on the NW Inland

AGU Joint General Assembly, Acapulco, Mexic, 20-25 mai 2007

Besutiu, L.


Joining airborne geomagnetic maps of Romania and Republic of Moldova. Consistent geomagnetic models crossover the state borders

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 15-20 aprilie 2007

Besutiu, L., Neaga, V., Atanasiu, L., Zlagnean, L., Ilies, I.


On the geodynamic evolution of the SE Carpathians and their foreland (Romania), and related seismicity

CEI - The Third International Conference Science and Technology for Safe Development of Life Line Systems : Progress on seismic and geotectonic modeling across CEI territory and implications on preventing and mitigating seismic risk, Bucuresti, Romania, 24 - 26 octombrie 2007

Besutiu L.


Geodynamical implications of a possible characteristic time pattern of the tidal triggering effect on the intermediate-depth seismic activity in the Vrancea zone

International Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation, Bucuresti, Romania, 4-6 octombrie 2007

Cadicheanu N.


Research of tidal periodicities in the seismic hazards of the Vrancea zone (Romania)

European Geosciences Union (EGU), Viena, Austria, 15-21 aprilie 2007

Cadicheanu N., van Ruymbeke M.


The influence of earth tides on the intermediate depth seismic activity in the Vrancea zone, reflected through the periodicity of earthquake parameters: implications to seismic hazard estimation

International Union of Geologists and Geophysicists (IUGG), Perugia, Italia, 2-13 iulie 2007

Cadicheanu N., van Ruymbeke M.


Spatial and temporal variations of the correlation coefficient between some earth tides components and earthquakes triggering for the intermediate-depth seismic activity zones

The Third International Conference, Science And Technology For Safe Development Of Life Line Systems, Bucuresti, Romania, 24-26 octombrie 2007

Cadicheanu N.


Long-term space climate variations as evidenced by geomagnetic field variations

7th EMS Annual Meeting, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spania, 1-5 octombrie 2007

Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Maris G.


Zonal westward movement of short-term variations of the observed geomagnetic field. Consequences for core surface fluid flow morphology

XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italia, 2-14 iulie 2007

Demetrescu C., Dobrica V.


Surface temperature variations and their frequency-dependent subsurface effects on the Romanian territory

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2007

Demetrescu C., Nitoiu D., Tumanian M., Dobrica V., Boroneant C., Marica A., Lucaschi B.


Time-dependent thermal state in the Carpatho-Pannonian area. A review based on heat flow data and modeling

XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italia, 2-14 iulie 2007

Demetrescu C., Tumanian M., Dobrica V.


Long-term temperature and precipitation variations in Romania. Correlation with the Atlantic Ocean variability

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2007

Dobrica V., Demetrescu C., Boroneant C.


Solar and geomagnetic forcing of climate changes during the instrumental period in Romania

7th EMS Annual Meeting, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spania, 1-5 octombrie 2007

Dobrica V., Demetrescu C., Maris G., Boroneant C.


On the 22-year variation seen in the observatory annual means of the geomagnetic field

XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italia, 2-14 iulie 2007

Dobrica V., Demetrescu C.


Heat and groundwater flow modeling in the litosphere of the Eastern Carpathians bend

XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italia, 2-14 iulie 2007

Dobrica V., Wilhelm H.


Magnetic detection of buried oil and gas metallic pipes

13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Istanbul, Turcia, 2007

Ioane D., Chitea F., Mezincescu M.


Rapid Solar Wind Streams during Solar Cycle 23 and Their Geomagnetic Imprint

7th EMS Annual Meeting, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spania, 1-5 octombrie 2007

Maris G., Maris O., Dobrica V., Demetrescu C.


Asymmetry of the Soft X-ray Solar Flares

The 4th European Space Weather Week, Bruxelles, Belgia, 5-9 noiembrie 2007

Maris G., Mierla M.


Analysis of the High Speed Streams in Solar Wind during Four Solar Cycles (nos. 20 - 23)

The 4th European Space Weather Week, Bruxelles, Belgia, 5-9 noiembrie 2007

Maris G., Petrescu C.


Rapid Solar Wind Streams during 1996 - 2002 Interval

Management Committee Meeting and Scientific Event - COST Action 724, Sofia, Bulgaria, 21-25 mai 2007

Maris O., Maris G.


Rapid Solar Wind Streams During Solar Cycle 23

The 4th European Space Weather Week, Bruxelles, Belgia, 5-9 noiembrie 2007

Maris O., Maris G.


Solar Sources of the Rapid Solar Wind during the Descendant and Minimum Phases of Solar Cycles

Solar Extreme Events of 2007: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects International Symposium,   Atena, Grecia, 24-27 septembrie 2007

Maris O., Maris G.


Petrological Features of Mantle Xenoliths From Eastern Transylvanian Basin: A Very Fertile Mantle or re-Fertilisation Processes?

European Mantle workshop: Petrological Evolution of the European Lithospheric mantle from Archean to present days, Ferrara, Italy, as part of the 6 FIST Congress GEOITALIA2007

Massimo C. , Bonadiman C., Faccini B., Harangi Sz., Ntaflos Th., Seghedi I.


The geochemical behavior of Phosphorus and Zirconium in lamproitic magmas: case study the Gataia lamproite, SW Romania

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2007

Ntaflos, Th. and Seghedi, I.


The significance of the phosphoran olivine on the petrogenesis of the Gataia lamproite, SW Romania

European Mantle workshop: Petrological Evolution of the European Lithospheric mantle from Archean to present days, Ferrara, Italy, as part of the 6 FIST Congress GEOITALIA2007

Ntaflos, Th., Seghedi, I.


Seismic monitoring aimed at intermediate-term prediction of strong earthquakes in the Vrancea region

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2007

Popa M., Cadichianu N., Romashkova L.L., Radulian M., Stanica D. Kossobokov V.G.


Crustal detachement and seismicity distribution: new constraints from MT data in Central Betic Cordilleras

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2007

Ruiz-Constan A., Galindo-Zaldivar J., Pedrera A., Marin-Lechado C., Stanica D., Stanica M.


A Sr-O-H isotopic study of the Apuseni Mountains Neogene magmatic province, Romania

European Society for Isotope Research ESIR IX, Geologia, 2007

Seghedi I., Bojar A.-V., Downes H., Rosu E., Tonarini S., Mason P.


Earthquakes and landslides in the Carpathian area-Romania

E2C2-GIACS Advanced School on “Extreme Events: Nonlinear Dynamics and   Time Series Analysis, Comorova, Romania, 3-11 septembrie 2007

Stanica D.


Associated natural hazards: Earthquakes and landslides, reflected in the electromagnetic data

Third International Conference CEI, 24-26 octombrie 2007, Bucuresti, Romania

Stanica D.


Electromagnetic monitoring system for the natural hazard assessment due to seismic and landslide activities

National Symposium of Geology and Geophysics, GEO 2007, Universitatea Bucuresti, Bucuresti, Romania,   25 mai 2007

Stanica D.


Early-warning system for risk mitigation due to the landslides triggered by seismic activity

XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italia, 2-14 iulie 2007

Stanica D., Stanica M., Diacopolos C.


Real time Ground-base monitoring system for earthquakes and associated natural hazards assessment and risk mitigation

The 9th Workshop on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquakes Predictions The Abdus-Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 1-13 octombrie 2007

Stanica D., Stanica M., Diacopolos C.


Modeling of Block and Fault Systems of the Active Vrancea Zone (Eastern Carpathians-Romania); Evidence of the Geodynamic Torsion Process

The 9th Workshop on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquakes Predictions The Abdus-Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 1-13 octombrie 2007

Stanica D., Stanica M.


Specific electromagnetic approaches related to the short - term precursory parameters associated to intermediate depth earthquakes (Vrancea zone, Romania)

The 9th Workshop on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquakes Predictions The Abdus-Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 1-13 octombrie 2007

Stanica D., Stanica M.


The main structural features of the Carpathian arc bend zone in connection with the torsion process of the seismogenic relic slab (Vrancea region

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2007

Stanica D., Stanica M.


Changes of electromagnetic (EM) pattern generated by seismic activity

EGU General Assembly, Viena, Austria, 2-7 aprilie 2007

Stanica D., Stanica M., Vladimirescu N.


Changes of the electromagnetic parameters used as possible seismic premonitory signals

XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italia, 2-14 iulie 2007

Stanica D., Stanica M., Vladimirescu N.


Density, Shear and Compressional Velocity Models of the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone

AGU Joint General Assembly, Acapulco, Mexico, 20-25 mai 2007

Tondi, R., Achauer, U., Besutiu, L.


Temperature estimates of the lithosphere on the Romanian territory constrained by seismic velocity data

XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italia, 2-14 iulie 2007

Tumanian M.


Comparative study concerning intermediate seismicity   dynamics within some “seismic nests” of the world

XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italia, 2-14 iulie 2007

Zlagnean, L., Besutiu, L.