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Multiparametric monitoring and data transmission

1. Electromagnetic data transmission system carried out at GOPS-test site, located near Provita de Sus landslide.

- Monitoring systems that may be used simultaneously or separate in the all areas of geodynamic interest, characterized by seismic activity and landslides, in order to emphasize the spatio-temporal distribution of the following parameters: (i) electromagnetic (paralel resistivity, perpendicular resistivity, anisotropy, skew and strike; (ii) geomagnetic (Bzn and ?n used as precursors of the seismic activity) and (iii) electric (DC resistivity, electric anisotropy) are presented;

- The technique of carrying out the geomagnetic time series in the field and their transfer to the research centre (Bucharest), the computing formulas and graphic plotting of the daily average distribution of the Bzn parameter is described, in correlation with seismic activity in Vrancea zone;


Fig. 1. Block-Draft of the multiparametric monitoring and electromagnetic data transmission systems


2. Geomorphologic indicators for landslides

- Derivation of some field parameters from the numeric altitudinal model and their analysis by cartographic methods (maps, profile, block-diagrams) and statistic (frequency histograms);

- Extraction and computing of some morphometric parameters necessary for studying the landslides, and performance of some susceptibility and hazard maps by using interferometric radar technology (SRTM model);


Fig. 2. SRTM model a) with a resolution of 90 m; b) with a resolution of 30 m; c) DTM carried out from topographic maps 1:25.000.


3. Seismic indicators: focal mechanism solutions for intermediate depth Vrancea earthquakes, compressive and tension stress , fault plane etc.)

- Mechanisms for 24 intermediate depth earthquakes of Vrancea, with M w = 4.0, produced in the development period of the project (position of the principal axes of the seismic moment tensor is relatively stable, with a geometry of the tension field characterized by extension and compression dominating on vertically and, respectively, on horizontally direction) are presented;

- The elements necessary for understanding stress notions, fault plane, focal mechanism, types of faults with the associated mechanisms, stress and principal directions of stress, Romania's stress map and its interpretation, catalogues of the focal mechanisms and their particularities are described.


Fig. 3. Focal mechanism of the vrancean intermediate depth earthquakes, with M w = 4.0, produced in the period January 2008 - September 2009


Published papers and abstracts

D. Stanica , D. A. Stanica, M. Popescu, N. Vladimirescu: S urveying the seismic hazard by using ground based analysis of Earth's electromagnetic field , EGU, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 11, April, Vienna, Austria, 2009, ISSN: 1029-7006.

D.A. Stanica, M. Stanica and C. Diacopolos : E lectromagnetic studies on geodynamics related to the landslides associated to the seismic events , EGU, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 11, April, Vienna, Austria, 2009, ISSN: 1029-7006.

M. Stanica and D. Stanica: Vrancea zone geodynamics and the explanation of the earthquakes mechanis m , Abstracts Volume at JPGU Meeting, May 2009, Chiba , Japan .

D. Stanica and M. Stanica: Electromagnetic methodology on seismic hazard assessment, Abstracts Volume at JPGU Meeting, May 2009, Chiba , Japan

Dumitru STANICA and Maria STANICA : Earthquake-induced landslides geohazard assessment (south Subcarpathians) by using electromagnetic data, Abstract Volume IAGA meeting, August 23-30, 2009 , Sopron , Hungary .

Stanica D, Stanica D.A., 2009, Constraints on correlation between the anomalous behaviour of electromagnetic normalized functions (ENF) and the intermediate depth seismic events occurred in Vrancea zone ( Romania ), Terr. Atmos. Ocean . Sci. Journal, in print

Stanica D, Stanica D.A., 2009, Carpathian electrical conductivity anomaly (CECA) acting as high sensitive path to emphasize the EM precursory parameters associated to seismic events. In: Papers Collection of the 9 th International Geo-electromagnetic Workshop (CIGEW), China , 4-7.

Stanica D.A., Stanica Maria, Diacopolos C, 2009 , Electromagnetic responses in the seismic induced landslides areas. In: Papers Collection of the 9 th International Geo-electromagnetic Workshop (CIGEW), China , 8-10.

Dumitru Stanica and Dragos Armand Stanica, 2009, Electromagnetic responses related to intermediate-depth earthquakes within Vrancea zone, Conference Abstracts, International Experts Meeting on Carpathian Geodynamic Network, 19-21 November 2009, Bucharest, 15.

Dragos Armand Stanica, Near-Real Time Analysis of the Electromagnetic Precursors for Seismic activity, AOGS, Program and Abstracts, IWG07, p343, Singapore, 2009, ISBN 978-981-08-2846-2




Institute of Geodynamics “Sabba S. Stefănescu” of the Romanian Academy stitutul de Geodinamica Sabba S. Stefanescu