Liviu Constantinescu and D. Enescu


The present work represents a contribution to the study of the mechanism of the Carpathian earthquakes, since it is correcting several former results, drawing new solutions and additional information, sinthetizing the existing data, discussing their seismotectonical implications and integrating the seismologic results in the general geophysical complex to which they belong.
The solutions shwon in the figures 1–20 were obtained for 20 Carpathian earthquakes (15 intermediate and 5 normal ones – Table 1). The interpretation of the data which determined these solutions (Table 2) shows the drawing of the following conclusions:
1) The possible orientation of the fault plane shows, for the greater part of the Vrancea earthquakes, the trend towards parallelism of the direction of this plane with the tangent at the bend of the Carpathians are or at the northern branch of the Eastern Carpathians; the trend towards transversality against the Carpathian arc is evident only in some cases.
2) As for the character of the faulting and the type of the earthquakes, the results (Table 3) emphasize the prevalence of the dip-slip and of the reverse faulting, respectively the prevalence of the compressional stress.
3) The preferential orientation of the null vector follows directions parallel with those of the Carpathian arc and of the folding axis (Fig. 25), the transversal orientation being not precluded anyhow. It can be considered that the prevalent system of null vectors – parallel with the chief geomorphological lines-reflects the recent, more active tectonics, whilst the subordinate system – marked by transversality – is a probable expression of older, only sporadically activated tectonics.
4) The investigation of the strain pattern of the foci reveals three kinds of earthquakes: earthquakes with a compressional, nearly horizontal strain, with a NW-SE trend (Fig. 26), earthquakes also with compressional strain but having a NE-SW strike (Fig. 27), and the earthquakes with compressional, nearly vertical strain (Fig. 28). The drawing of Fig. 29 emphasizes the transversality of the compressional strains against the Carpathian arc, the under-Carpathian folds and the chief strike of the isolines of static anomalies, in most cases.
The nodal characteristic of the Vrancea Region is manifest both seismotectonically and gravimetrically, evincing two directions perpendicularly disposed against each order as far as the deformation of the earth crust and of the underground masses is concerned; the principal one being parallel to the surface features and the second one transversely disposed against the latter.
5) The study of the Carpathian earthquakes from the point of view of the theoretical source equivalent with the focus has been performed both according to the assumption of the source I and of the source II (Table 4). There has been noticed a trend towards equivalence of the focus with source I and the normal earthquakes (plane a as fault plane), and with source II at the intermediate earthquakes.
6) The graphic representation, determined by the removal of the ambiguity (Fig. 31) shows for the intermediate earthquakes a general tendency of orientation of the fault plane according to directions parallel with the corresponding tangents to the Carpathian arc, the slope of this plane being towards the outer part of the Carpathians. The removal of the ambiguity does not corroborate with the parallelism of the direction of the fault plane and of the line of the epicentrum of some earthquakes (no. 7, 8 and 13), which had led to postulating a tectonic line. The orientations established for the fault planes of normal earthquakes indicate two tectonic lines: one with a NE-SW strike in connection with east-western subsidence of the basement of the area (earthquakes no. 16, 17 and 19), and one with a NW-SE strike, the possible extension of one of the tectonic lines of Dobrudja.
On the whole, the seismo-tectonic implications of the obtained solutions are consistent with the interpretation of the gravity and magnetic anomalies: the spatial distribution of the underground masses in ruptured blocks shows a prevalent parallelism and a sporadic transversality against the surface characteristics.